* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Weddings, weddings, weddings! How exciting! I love weddings. I can imagine how excited you are! Can’t wait to see pictures!

Louj80, that’s not good news about the ceiling. Sorry to hear that! Is that something you will have to deal with or will it be the new owners? How cute is that hat!! Not to mention that little rear end lol.

Cherrybelly, I had a worry about mine too as I only got it a couple of weeks ago, I was starting to panic. Hope you managed to get all that washing done and had a nice lazy day.

Jazzy.fizzle, when in the house Corey normally falls asleep about 9am for about 45 minutes (wherever he is at the time) then he will feed 11/11:30 and after that feed he goes in his cot and he will then sleep until about 1:30/2. After that he will again just take short naps wherever he is at the time (45-60 minutes). Then bed at 7pm.

If we are out of the house most of the day it all goes to pot and he sleeps in the car or in his pram as there is no way I can stop him falling asleep in the car lol it’s like a sleeping drug for Corey! I’ve seen him sleep up to 4 hours in the car!

I bought a little toy basket today for all his toys/teddys that are just hanging about the living room. I couldn’t resist putting him in it and taking a few snaps lol. He has become really attached to a soft toy recently. It has a trunk that he loves to chew and sook so that it probably helping his little gums.

I've attached some pictures OBVIOUSLY lol

Speak soon yummy mummy's xox


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Well I am loosely sleep training Zachary, so far not too bad! He has been self settling at night, and his first nap of the day, lunch time nap needs a second put down - however afternoons are pants! Lol.
Wonder week/growth spurt etc causing havoc with his night time sleep, now wakes at 1 & 4 then 7! Used to sleep through! Boo hoo! Hopefully it's just a phase!

Grand old age of three months on Sunday, weighed on Monday at 14.7lbs (dropped from 91st to 75th centile), 64.5cms long (still 98th centile).

Here is a pic of Zachary today, sitting up! The crazy little boy is soooooo strong!


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I can't work out how to attach more than one pic to a post!

This is Zachary's bottom teeth coming through! My boobs are not looking forward to those popping up! Eeeeek :shock:



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Well I am loosely sleep training Zachary, so far not too bad! He has been self settling at night, and his first nap of the day, lunch time nap needs a second put down - however afternoons are pants! Lol.
Wonder week/growth spurt etc causing havoc with his night time sleep, now wakes at 1 & 4 then 7! Used to sleep through! Boo hoo! Hopefully it's just a phase!

Grand old age of three months on Sunday, weighed on Monday at 14.7lbs (dropped from 91st to 75th centile), 64.5cms long (still 98th centile).

Here is a pic of Zachary today, sitting up! The crazy little boy is soooooo strong!

I might sound stupid here but what is sleep training? Sounds like Zachary is doing well anyway :) I know it may be a bit early but have you heard of the 4 month sleep regression? Either that its maybe just hit little teeth coming through! I see the pic and it looks sore :(..... check that clever (very cute) boy out sitting up on his own! You never know what's going to happen next, they amaze us every day don't they?

I posted this in another section but might as well post here too and get you ladies opinions..... any feedback is great "
So I'm a bit clueless and just wanted to get some feedback from anyone that has been in my situation or know anything about what I'm trying to get at....

So my son was due May 11th, I started my maternity leave on April 17th and planned to go back in January (8 months) the last 13 weeks are unpaid so I wanted to be back before that.

I now plan to go back in November so my question is.... Am I entitled to maternity pay until January plus the wage I make or does maternity pay stop when I return to work even if I go back early?"

I have a slight obsession with the Disney store - Corey finally fits in his Donald Duck onesie. we had perfect weather (rain) to put him in it the other day :) xox


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Official sleep training is quite harsh I think, where they are taught now is time to sleep therefore you are going to sleep.
Where I'm just putting him down before he falls asleep, so hopefully learning a bit of self settling. He would only nap if being held, bounced and swayed at the same time before.
Yeah I wonders about the regression as I've seen it called the 3/4 month regression - I guess I'll only really know the reasons for it when it's over with, he seems to be gradually spacing his feeds out again thankfully! Last night down at 7, fed at 2:29 & 6, up at 7:30.
Luckily so far those teeth don't seem to be bothering him too much - he has since yesterday got a rash on his cheek looks like exzema, a friend said it could be teething rash...it's about time they popped through, they've been sitting ducks for a few weeks.

These babies are full of surprises, nothing happens in order or logical order anyway, he has shown no interest in rolling over when doing tummy time!

Corey looks like he is enjoying that Donald Duck onesie!
I would have thought that maternity pay would stop when you return to work, but there's stuff like working tax credit that you might be eligible for to help with childcare costs instead. Xxx
Ashleigh, I get 18 weeks full pay and then go down to stat. I'm entitled to take ten KIT (keeping in touch) days which are paid and won't affect my statutory pay but after that if I worked my stat pay would stop or I wouldn't get paid for being at work! I'm therefore going back one day a week from 29th sept to top up the stat pay for ten weeks and starting back properly on 9th Dec (boo hoo).. Hope that makes sense?? X
Hi ladies!

Just catching up on all these posts! I'm missing some of you on Facebook - TT I'll add you! It's so great seeing pics of the little ones on Facebook that I forget to come on here!

Emily's doing ok. She's found her feet! Literally! Some of you will have seen this on Facebook - so funny! She's been obsessed with them for days now. Makes trying to change her nappy fun! Speaking of nappies - we've had plenty of poo and wee disasters recently - you're right jazzy - they just don't do things in order/to the right times do they?

Emily's struggling with day time sleep still, I can get her to have a morning nap of about 30 mins but rocked in her bouncer still - shoot me now! The Moses basket is rather redundant as she sleeps in crib at night. It doesn't take much rocking but she's fighting it so badly beforehand, to the point where she won't sleep, then will cry inconsolably until her eyes shut. She sleeps in the car seat and pushchair out and about so that's good. My parents were back from Spain for 4 weeks so I'd been taking her to their house or put and about in the afternoon so sleep hasn't been a problem! She is wide awake from 5-9om unless we go out them, she goes down in crib about 10pm and sometimes settles herself. She's missing out the 2/3/4am feed now and my lovely hubby wakes her at 6am ish to feed her so she can go back down - settles herself, and I can get up and ready for the day at 7am ish. Emily will sleep til 9ish bit sometimes it's just 8. Don't know if this is ok, it's all a bit later than I'd like but I don't want the first thing I do when I get up being to look after her as it doesn't help dizziness. That sounds awful I know.

So loving the smiles I get when I pop my head over the crib when she wakes on a morning! It's like yay! Mummy's come to see me! Too cute!

She's back on the Apatamil comfort after having 3/4 weeks of the anti reflux - taking milk great but straining and in pain with nappies. We've got the reflux back a bit and soaking vests with sick of what seems to be just water is an issue, but she's much happier! Had second injections Wed so she's still a bit fussy I think. She's 11lb 11 at just over 12 weeks so just putting on a few ounces each week now. Maybe that's just what she's going to be like. She has 180ml 5 times a day, usually every three or four hours during the day. She went 13 hours without food overnight the other night! Crazy child!

Other than that she's sucking and biting her fingers, drooling loads too! She loves her Lamaze bat and owl and has a new play mat with cushion for tummy time. Loved rolling from back to front a month ago, now she's not bothered at all!

All your babies are soooo cute! Xxx
Cherry - pleased AF started for you. I know the feeling with the leaks in the past - but it didn't happen on my last period! Got mine at 8wks pp so due another next week argh! What fun for us! Xxx
Nappy changes are becoming a battle at nearly 13 weeks!
Zachary has discovered he can lift his bum off the changing mat, he digs his heels in and slides up the mat, as soon as you get the nappy under him he shoots up and you have to start again! Little monkey!
We are starting swimming lessons next week, and have just ordered a jumperoo. He seems to be much more interested in noisy toys rather than rattles and baby toys!

Those pesky teeth feel like they might pop through soon - feeling a bit sharper under those gums! And I have began preparing purée foods, got a little veg cube stash in the freezer for when he starts on that.

Hope you had a lovely wedding TT!

Vic it sounds like Emily has developed her own routine! And it's nice for her to sleep in, gives you a chance to sort yourself out. I've been encouraging Zachary to go down for a nap after an hour awake after waking up about 7:30ish. I can shower/get dressed etc then.

Can't believe that I am a married lady!!!

Ellie is so much bigger and growing way to fast!!!! She will be 15 weeks on Tuesday. I mean theoretically she can try some food in 2 and a half weeks!!!!

I've got some pots and some porridge and rice but want to make our own veggies and bits.

I almost want to rewind some time. I think I'm going to end up having loads of babies haha!!!

Here's a few pics to see xx

Congratulations TT - you look stunning and wee Ellie looks adorable in her dress! :)
Hey ladies! Glad to see this thread back to the top of the page! Was feeling a bit lonely talking to myself lol.

Vic sounds like you're getting on well :) I loved the pic of Emily finding her feet on fb! Iris usually goes down at around 9ish and then gets up between 6-7am. She's been quite unsettled and grizzly lately and I'm pretty sure it's her gums hurting her and she's dribbling loads and chewing on everything! This morning she woke screaming at 2am which was quite a shock as she hasn't done that for so long!!

Jazzy it sounds funny about Zachary lifting his bum!! Iris loves being on her changing mat - I think it's cos she's higher so gets good eye contact. I tickle her tummy when getting her changed and she giggles which is the loveliest sound ever ♥️️♥️️ Iris was wait a couple of weeks ago and is 13lbs 6oz (lil chunk) and on the 75th percentile. We have her second lot of jabs booked for Wednesday which I'm not looking forward to. I've just started putting her in 3-6 month clothes as her toes had reached the end of her 0-3 month sleep suits. I hate that she's growing up so fast :(

We've had a busy week as had my oh's six year old dd Friday-Friday. I've decided babies are easier than six year olds as babies don't take over your tv or demand everything in shops lol. To be fair to her though she coped well with the baby. She's def jealous when oh cuddles her but what lil girl who only sees her daddy every other weekend wouldn't be. She seems to prefer Iris now she smiles and can play. She plays with her on the playmat and Iris is fascinated by her and always gives big smiles. Took her back to her mum last night and was looking forward to couple time or a hand with Iris today but oh had a bad migraine which made him throw up and is still in bed. I just hope it was down to the migrane and me and the baby aren't going to get a sickness bug!!

TT gorgeous wedding pics!! Hope you had a fab day xxxx

Zachary has first swimming lesson tomorrow! Looking forward to it! Hopefully he won't hate it! X
TT the wedding photos are amazing!! You look stunning!!

Good luck with the swimming lesson Jazzy! Make sure you let us know how it goes! I'm sure it'll be fine! :) x x
Well swimming lesson went wonderfully! It was just a trial session today.

He was smiling most of the time, and making happy squeaks by the end of it!
I had to dunk him, which he didn't mind at all!

So I signed him up for the 10 sessions! He is now completely zonked out in his cot!

(P.s TT - you look fantastic! Ellie looks gorgeous too!)
Who did you go swimming with jazzy? I looked at water babies but it's sooooo expensive!! X
I think it's similar, we have aqua splash tots which I decided to go with. I think they are generally about £100 for 10 lessons. I think it's good for water confidence for both him and me, even after first lesson there are so many different ways to hold him in the water, it really surprised me he remained happy for the 30 minutes & didn't cry getting changed either! X
We took Ellie swimming for the first time yesterday and she loved it!!!! Was so well behaved throughout I was amazed! I want to do lessons too!

Thanks for the nice compliments ladies it was an amazing day!!!

Ellie's jumperoo arrived got a bargain at 69 pounds. She really liked it she went crazy but had to put something under her feet as she couldn't reach.

Here's the photos x


Oh and Ellie finally gave me a full giggle session after trying for weeks to get her to it she randomly had a good old cat when the cat done big meows lol little monkey!!! Was so happy though xx
Oh jazzy that's not too bad, water babies wanted £195!! Not so bad if you can pay in blocks but I didn't have it all in one go! They keep sending me emails with diff offers so I may be swayed yet haha. There are lessons at a nearby gym for £5 a time so might try that first to see if we like it. I'm not quite confident enough for a cossie yet - my poor tummy is ruined :(

Ah I really what to get Iris a jumparoo but my friend said she'd lend us hers once her lg is bored of it. She's nine months and I'm still waiting lol... X
I got Zachary's jumperoo for £69 too! Cherry they are on sale in mothercare for £79, download the mothercare app and you get £10 off! He has about 5/10 minutes in it and he's pooped, he loves the blue gecko in the spinny thing!
Whoa! That's ridiculous for swimming lessons! There a a few companies that do them in the local hydro pool, and the prices vary, I just googled it. X

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