******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Oh dear elfs mummy hope everything is ok. I would say I've never really had full on kicks, just squirming that's become more intense recently. The baby is more active in the evening and if I eat something. Never had hiccups either. Strange how everyone is different. I'm back to work tomorrow after having this week off - working up to 38 weeks so 4 to go...and I feel knackered so we will see if I make it xx
I've been admitted as the trace this morning showed a dip in his hb and because of the reduced movements they want to keep me in to be careful. X

Hope things are ok lovely?
Can't imagine how you must be feeling.

As for me sorry I've not been around much.
Been diagnosed with sciatica and I'm in horrendous pain. I can literally hardly walk.
I'm not sleeping either as can't turn over easily.

Midwife is referring me to a physio and hoping I get a call today as been told no waiting lists in my area.

I've called in sick today as can't face work when I'm in so much pain. Plus my left ankle is so swollen.

Only 4 more weeks left at work xx
Poor you Mel, sciatica is awful I had it in my first pregnancy. My husband has been off work with it for 6 weeks now - he literally didn't leave the living room for the first 3 weeks and could barely move it's so debilitating. I'm sure it's so hard for you esp not being able to take much for it hope things improve for you soon xx
How is everyone doing? I'm doing fine but had a few cramps period like pains in /off the past few days! Hope it goes away x
Me too ttc, they're so bad they wake me up in the night, not good! Xx
I've been ok, just the usual heartburn & tiredness!
Those pains don't sound good :(
I wish I was!! 3 weeks on Thurs I finish. How about u? It is very quiet in here!! X
I finished my weekend stuff at 29 weeks after the issues I had I got sacked at 19 weeks so haven't worked since then not for want of trying though x

My work are letting me take 3 weeks annual leave at the end of my maternity next year so that's why I'm working so late - id rather more time with baby at the end xx
I thought I was leaving late I will be between 36-37 weeks when I leave! Seems late as left now with my 1st xx
My last day of work is 15th July and due date is 27th so 6 weeks on Friday left to work... Getting tired now though and was told I had high blood pressure at midwife appt yesterday so got to go back next Tuesday. Thinks that's down to the fact that I have an exam tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing ok x
Fingers crossed all your time left at work flies by, I finish a week today at 36+1 then I can start preparing for babies arrival.

Is everyone ready for baby's arrival x
I think I'm doing okay in terms of prepping for baby. My parents treated me to a snuzpod today so excited to get that sorted. Only thing I need now is changing mat!! X
Yeh we've got everything I think and my bag is packed - just to get some snacks for it at the weekend. I got a lot of gifts at my baby shower on Sunday ! It's so exciting isn't it?!!
i start maternity leave on 15 July, that's 5 days before due day :-) AND i havent started shopping for baby yet :-) (outrageous right?).. we will buy everything on 10 June so next Friday, i am feeling to start ordering some big things on line today and only buy the small things in store but i think i will just wait. by mid June my bags should be packed, end of July we will put crib up (we usually put it up when baby gets home) ... anyway, all is going well so far and i cant believe that i am 33 weeks! this pregnancy went so quickly!!! under 7 weeks to go and i cant wait :-)
Hi Ladies,

Haven't been very active on this thread but wanted to join you if ok? Its all starting to feel real now!

Purple, you will have time to get it all in place.. I feel really disorganized as well and when I read all posts about how prepared everyone are I freak out a bit :)

Feeling ok but very tired and a little short of breath. think because I am quite short and slim I can feel the baby push so much! Not so many kicks these days but a pushing feeling all the time! Is anyone the same?

Had a mw checkup Tuesday and baby still measuring 2 weeks behind but she has done the whole time so mw is not concerned and she is growing. She is just a small little thing but make up for it in how active she seems! :) They also said the is head down now and in perfect position for birth so hope she stays that way!! x

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