******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

I'm really breathless too Maria it's not nice. I finish work Friday as I'm supposed to be going in at 37 weeks so wanted 2 weeks off before baby comes. Pregnancy is HARD work in this heat eh!!! X
Ps anyone else got morning sickness back? Mine is definitely not as bad as it was in tri 1 but I have been v nauseous every day last couple of weeks, especially in the mornings. X
Gulp I'm gum to be a June mummy being induced at 37 weeks so two weeks to go xx

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I've had the bad taste in my mouth again like in Tri 1! I've been brushing my teeth 3 & 4 times a day some days. It's so annoying. Thankfully not quite as bad as in Tri 1 but close.

Not been too bad the last two days though.

Ooh, good luck with the induction.

I was induced at 37 weeks exact with both of my older 2, and had them the same day. That was due to OC though which so far this time I seem to be escaping (yay!!).

But I am really hoping I have the baby before week 38 or 39 at the latest lol. I'm just so impatient now.

Just waiting on a couple more things to come which should be here by the weekend or next Monday, all the bedding is washed, baby clothes are all clean & mostly put away (did a load today I just need to fold and put in the drawers and getting some tiny coat hangers tomorrow to hang up the outfits in the wardrobe), going to wash the stretchy sling in the morning and the car seat inserts and pads tomorrow or Wednesday, and then I'm good to go lol.
Any time between the 14th & 28th will do me, although ideally I think the 19th/20th might be best lol. That way I'm definitely ready, and also I want to go to a thing in Leeds on the 18th and knowing my luck I'll go into labour the night before and miss it lol.
I don't have morning sickness as bad as 1st Trimester but definitely feel dodgy some days!

Good luck on Friday Elfs Mummy! I hope its quick and straight forward! xx
I'm really breathless too Maria it's not nice. I finish work Friday as I'm supposed to be going in at 37 weeks so wanted 2 weeks off before baby comes. Pregnancy is HARD work in this heat eh!!! X

I would love not to have to wait until mid July ( or later ) for baby to come! I will have to work from home more and more now.. My commute is hard work and I feel less mobile every day! xx
I posted this on a separate thread but thought I post here as well since no reply on the other yet :)

Have started the perineral massage but not sure I do it right.. So hard! I bought the weleda oil from boots and since I apply the oil on fingers the oil will inevitable also go inside.. Is that bad? Should the oil only stay on the outside bits or is it ok if it goes inside? Sorry for the not so lovely conversation :) xx
What is the oil? Does it have something special to help? If not and it's just for the 'lube' effect, I'd use coconut oil or something.

I'm confused about how my arm will stretch round lol
What is the oil? Does it have something special to help? If not and it's just for the 'lube' effect, I'd use coconut oil or something.

I'm confused about how my arm will stretch round lol

It says its designed for perineal massage.. But even with coconut oil, can the oil go inside? Thanks xx
Yeah coconut oil can. I've used it before for thrush, you can eat it as well so don't panic too much. It's supposed to be a good lube alternative and can be used safely with condoms apparently... I mean this in general, i assume it wouldn't trigger labour etc ill look into that more before i Use it but i doubt it xxx
Hello ladies how are we all ? I'm officially going to be a June mummy with induction on the 24th so 12 days to go before the process is started :) xx

Morning - not long to go elfs mummy. I'm 37+2 and starting to struggle with sleep - it's so warm and I can't get comfortable as I'm so big. Got 3 days left at work aswell :-( then I will be relaxing! Hope everyone else is good x
Hi All, I haven't been on for a while as I've been so busy. Everything is OK though, we have a scan tomorrow morning and as long as baby is still growing OK (which I'm pretty sure he is by the size of me!) we'll be signed off from consultant care :-) I'm absolutely exhausted and struggling with the heat, can't wait to finish work in 3 weeks!
Very excited for all the babies to start arriving now xx
Ok delighted you have a date elfs mummy xx
Goodluck for tmw unicorn I have my 35 week scan tmw too!! Getting sooo close now. I'm supposed to be being induced at 37 weeks but who knows what will happen. Baby has been breech last few times so hopefully he's turned. Hope everyone good not long til our wee July babies are here!!! Xx
Hey sorry haven't been around for a while things have been hectic. Finally feel we are getting sorted apart from the spare room we have made a start on the nursery and the list of things to get is getting a bit smaller. The crib is now being painted so should be ready in a week to go in our bedroom. They thought little one was going to come early the other night but false alarm was all a bit confusing and the doc then wanted to do an internal and I refused as it was mainly to go for there admin. Also the scbu is closed at the hospital due to an infection so baby needs to stay put for one more week! And hope we don't need the unit as we would have to go to another hosp which is ages away and has very bad reputation! Eeeek!

Mil came last weekend and it was stressful. She has only been to visit us twice and we have been here two years nearly and she hasn't bothered much with the pregnancy bit of course now little one is nearly here she is all of a sudden it's my grandchild etc. She was planning a christening and wants to come right away and I said no! Ahhhhhhh the stress I want to plan the christening she caused so many problems at our wedding I will not let the same happen and I am not in any way having anyone stay at the house for the first two weeks! I don't care she can come say hey at the hosp and yes she is coming along way but for £9 she can stay at my hubbys place of work for the night and go home. Even he midwife said I don't have to have anyone over and she says its best not to and she said if I don't want people holding the baby I also do t have to let them as she says is stresses them out to much. Ugh he stress! Mil wants to know when we are in labour and I said no to my hubby I am going to try my hypnobirthing and I don't want the thought of his mother driving up on my mind!
Sorry about the rant needed to get that off my chest.

Hope everyone else is ok x
I got my induction date 😊 3rd July. Getting real now!! I'll be almost 38 weeks. Can't wait xx
ahh great Roisin! 3weeks to go and you kind of know your baby's birthday :-) .. good luck with it all!

i had my 34/35? week midwife check up today, it went so well; baby's head is down but still not engaged. Apparently it's the last time i will see her until after birth.. antenatal classes start tomorrow :-) bought everything for baby last friday :-); now i just need to wash clothes, iron and pack hospital bag; bought the chicco travel system today :-).. costs £469 but i got it for £259 #BARGAIN ... check out this site if you are still shopping for pram/carseat etc. www.pramworld.co.uk

Apparently i have to take my notes everywhere with me now, v annoying! hopefully i dont lose them!! ..
That's great you managed to get everything for baby Purple! I still feel like so much to get!!

Exciting Roisin and Elfs Mummym not long to go now! wish my due date was closer! Starting to get a little uncomfortable..

Had a nose bleed yesterday and freaked out since I never have them until I read it was normal in pregnancy. Also feeling very tired and short of breath but luckily I sleep well still! Also starting to get swollen ankles in the evening! IHaha, I love being pregnant ;)

Going to the hospital where I will give birth this Wednesday so excited about that. I hope she is still growing as normal since she has been a little small all the way though pregnancy.


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