Nice to hear from you, Unicorn. Glad all is going well, hope it's good news at the next scan
I don't really get kicks anymore, just squirming and the odd knee or elbow trying to bust out of my stomach lol.
And baby gets hiccups a few times a day.
Yesterday s/he was really active but today they've been quieter, but I went out this afternoon and I think that I notice it less when I'm busy/preoccupied. Plus I think the baby sleeps more after I've been active.
I'm getting stressed out with all this rain now. It's raining all the time and I haven't been able to get anything dried outside for a while. I washed 3 babygrows and 6 vests last week and that's it (but 3 of them are tiny baby so might not fit but I just
needed to have something ready just in case)
I want to get my bedding washed and pegged out and wash all the baby clothes so I can get them put away properly but it's just not happening. Didn't want to dry them inside. And I want to wash my duvet but that really needs drying on the line.
Where has summer gone?! LOL
My aunie got 3 foster children a few weeks ago, the youngest is just 15 weeks old now. She's now been told they are staying with her for 9 months! Love seeing the baby, but it makes me even more impatient to have mine lol.
Still can't believe there's only 6 and a bit weeks til my due date!