******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Hey Purple my hips are bad again especially in the night and if I have done to much in the day! Going to the baby show tomorrow but hubby has borrowed a travel wheel chair to push me round in as I just won't make it round.

A wheelchair is such a great idea redbootz! i have never experienced hip probs before and funny enough, my hips havent hurt in a while :-o ; i will be doing loads of ironing tonight so will c; i too would panic if baby measured less than expected and would start over eating,but as lou says, dont worry, baby is most prob the right size, i am not too sure i trust the tape measure 100% tbh.

i cant wait until the antenatal classes! i am looking forward to making a new friend or 2 as i dont know what i would be doing with myself staying at home for 6 months! would be nice to have play dates with someone.
Hi everyone

Everything seems to have settled down now thank god. I'm having a lot of braxton hicks and a lot of pelvic pain and pressure but no more contractions thank god. Morning sickness have reared its ugly head again, it's awful I hate being so nauseous.

That's a good idea redbootz I am surprised Iv not been told to use on now, the pains are getting so bad x

Hope everyone else is ok xx
That's great news Charliiebump3 hopefully little one will stay put. Hope the morning sickness passes. I went in last nignt for reduced movement and still today things don't feel right but last night was such a horrible experience. A diff midwife came to help on the triage ward and hooked me up to the monitor but then baby got hiccups which kept making the monitor record the wrong things and it wasn't detecting the hb properly. She came to sort out the straps and she kept telling me to press the recording device to record the hiccups!? I said they are hiccups and the last time I went in the baby also had hiccups on the monitor and I was told not to record them! She said yes they are hiccups but it's kicking I said no you are feeling the hiccups and she said yes but you must record any movement so I refused to record them also as the machine wasn't recording the hb so it didn't make any sense I got so upset I was so mad at her. She then only left us on the machine for ten mins and then said all was fine and to go home. I came away feeling worse and def worried to call again. It is the first bad experience I have had and if she is on call when I go into labour she can go do one as I'm not having her near me! She was so rude and kept saying to me can't I feel that and where was my placenta and o kept saying and she agreed they are freaking hiccups! She didn't understand when I told her baby is very active most of the time and that I had been in for excessive movements. She was awful and now this morning I am still in a state as baby quiet I know the movements have changed but they def are not as much. I don't know what to do. I have anxiety so this one experience has literally made me lose confidence in the midwifes.
@Redbootz, my baby's movements have decreased a lil too, he used to kick and move ALL the time nonstop -_- ; now he kicks and moves about 20% less, i am guessing that it's due to lack of space?.. anyway, when he does kick they are just as powerful as before so i am not worried about his health; as the Mum, you are the best judge of these things, if you are still so worried you should definitely go back in today! these babies are relying on us to keep them alive and my midwife keeps on telling me to go in if i have less movement. perhaps you should count at home how many movements you get in an hour, allegedly there should be minimum 10. Good luck, stay positive x
What position is everyone's baby at? my son is still in the breach position, well he was in that position 3 weeks ago and i think i still feel his head in the same place! i dont remember when my previous 2 turned; i am hoping he turns in time for my next M/W check up in 4 weeks' time! dont want him to be manually turned!
Sneaking in from June mums (bored at work!)
If it helps to reassure anybody, when I hit about 32, 33 wks, the movements sort of changed. Babe had been really active with kicks and jabs, but I can only guess that it had a growth spurt and ran out of room. I then just got some rolling and pushing, and what I imagine were little chunky knees poking out and sometimes I think it turned more to the back as I felt very little at all! Now I'm getting more squirming and occasionally feet as it's dropped right down and I think turned quite a lot to the back.
It is horrible not knowing for sure when things seem to be different, but I hope this can be of some reassurance to anybody! Of course, if you're ever worried at all, it's better to call in than sit and stress! Hope you're doing well July mums ;-)
when I hit about 32, 33 wks, the movements sort of changed. Babe had been really active with kicks and jabs, but I can only guess that it had a growth spurt and ran out of room. I then just got some rolling and pushing, and what I imagine were little chunky knees poking out and sometimes I think it turned more to the back as I felt very little at all! Now I'm getting more squirming and occasionally feet as it's dropped right down and I think turned quite a lot to the back.

This has been my experience too.

Last Wednesday evening baby was really active all night which may have been due to me using a hot water bottle (for pain in my side).
Since then the movements have changed a lot and now I'm having what you describe, more squirmy and like elbows or knees prodding me etc lol.

I got an email from one of these baby sites last week that said that around this time the amniotic fluid starts to decrease a bit to compensate for the baby taking up more room, and that movements can change due to that.
Had a growth scan today and babies growth is static he's dropped from the 75th to 21st in two weeks so I had to have a ctg today which they'll repeat on Friday followed by another scan on Monday. From there I guess they'll make a plan of action but if this continues it looks likely I'll have a planned section at some point. Babies movements have slowed dramatically hopefully I can keep him in for another four weeks so I can get to 36 weeks x

Movements picked up and had a crazy day of non stop movements it literally went from one end of the scale to the other and now today active but not as active as yesterday and not as quiet at the day before lol!! Ahhh there is no routine!

Thanks yorkslass yeah I always call when worried which is a lot of the time but I guess better to be like that than sat at home stressing. The midwife knows I've been struggling and is coming to spend an hour with me to go through my concerns which I think is lovely of her as its her time after her shift.

Hope all is ok Elfs Mummy, keep us updated and hope your ctg was ok. These babies do keep us on our toes that is for sure!

I get the rest of my nappy order this week I can't wait!! Is anyone else super excited by nappies?? Hubby thinks I'm crazy as we know we will be using the elimination communication with our baby as my mother did with me and my brother and sister and my sister did with my nephew And we were all out of nappies super early but I am in love with so many of them just he doesn't want me spending too much.

I have got my first sling a caboo and I'm wondering if anyone else has one of these and what they think I really like it, but I only have the one so any advice on if I need more than one sling and is t best to get same design or a different style??

Hubby is away this weekend on a lads holiday so I have a friend coming up which will be nice the dog is going into kennels as I can't walk her far with my SPD the kennels are luxury and she loves going with loads of exercise but means I get a weekend of relaxing and stress free. The dog training has been going well with the equipment and I have a doll I use I know it will be the smell of the newborn that will excite her but at least she can visually see it like a baby. Need to get my labour bag finished this weekend just the odd bits to go in now and then I will feel better. Still feel we need a lot of things but I'm sure all will be ok.
What's eliminations communication, Redbootz?? Sounds intruiging! Can't say I'm excited by the prospect of nappies again! Was so nice when my daughter was potty trained! What age were you all toilet trained? My mum always goes on about how we were all early and dry at 18 months. Maybe because nappies back in the 80s were big cloth nappies that weren't as absorbent, children were more eager to learn!
I would say stick with one sling and wait and see what babba is like. Maybe they won't like to be carried!! I borrowed a wrap from a neighbour and tried out a carrier from my midwife last time. My LO hated the carrier, so am glad I didn't waste my money beforehand.
I'm off to Berlin tomorrow to meet a friend. I'm flying (from Nuremberg, so less than an hour flight). Am armed with a letter from the doctor saying I'm good to fly. Hope everything goes ok!
Monday is my last day at work and then I'm going to start packing my hospital bag, getting into hypnobirthing, start thinking about this poor 2nd baby who I've not really thought about yet and who still doesn't have a name!!
Anyone else struglling with names?!
I suggested Clio and Talia to my OH yesterday and he said we're not naming our child after a car or a German book shop!
Hey Sophie_jane it's the name they give it these days but when we were little my mum would just hold us over the potty or loo when she thought we needed the loo she did this from birth and after every feed and nappy change. We were all out before the age of 2. my sister did the same with my nephew and again he was out of nappies at 2. My sister used disposables with my nephew. It can be time consuming she used to take his potty out everywhere with her. But I think it's worth the extra effort having a baby out of nappies that early really makes things easier.

Good advice about the sling. We shall wait and see what little one likes.

Have a great time in Berlin hope the flight is ok and they let you on :) we are the same with names well for a girl we have sort of decided but if a boy we have no name ideas yet. I think more of wait and see what they look like. We have six weeks to register a name lol.
Yeah I've bought Hana stretchy but if baby likes it, ill likely invest in another one :)

I also need to start hypnobirthing and packing my bag! So much to do lol I'm just so tired recently, struggling to stay motivated!

Yeah Clio reminds me of the car too sorry lol. We are really struggling, we have an idea but can't agree on anything concrete.. Hoping when we meet him, we'll just know! When we got our dogs (bad comparison lol), we were set on their names in advance & when we met them, the names just didn't fit so hoping
It'll be the same with baby! Have fun in Berlin! Xxx
I want to do EC too, it's something I looked into even before I got pg, but I've gone a bit mad buying nappies lol.

Still, can always sell some if I have too many, or once I don't need them anymore :)

I still plan to try it, not to train early or anything, just because I think it must be better for the baby not to be in a wet or dirty nappy.
Hello everyone,

Not been on for a while as I'm so busy, ready for maternity leave now!! Haven't read back through so hope you are all ok?

How's everyone getting on? X
Hi All, I haven't been on for a while either, with consultant and midwife appointments, pregnancy yoga, swimming, pregnancy massage, NCT classes and working full time I dont seem to have anytime and when I do I'm absolutely exhausted! I'm so glad we got everything ready early, I can't imagine having to do it now!
All going well though, had my cervix checked last Monday and it's still doing fine, baby is completely out of room though and I'm pretty uncomfortable! I've got my next scan in 3 weeks, when we'll be nearly 35 weeks and as long as baby is still growing they will sign me off from consultant care :-)
We've got a stretchy sling, a non-stretchy one and a more structured carrier but that's all I'm going to get for now until checking out the sling library and baby arrives. We've got premature and newborn organic, disposable nappies but have also ordered a pack of newborn reusables from the nappy library from the 1st August xx
I'm in and out at the moment as I'm in and out of hospital. I hope you're getting a chance to relax unicorn ! I've been getting significant reduced movements. So far today I've had 5 kicks and 2 lots of hiccups since 5am. Before this week he didn't stop moving. I had monitoring on Thursday they wanted me back today and from today's I've got to go back tomorrow so I'm not sure how much longer they'll keep baby in I'm hoping to get to 37 weeks xx

Nice to hear from you, Unicorn. Glad all is going well, hope it's good news at the next scan :)

I don't really get kicks anymore, just squirming and the odd knee or elbow trying to bust out of my stomach lol.

And baby gets hiccups a few times a day.

Yesterday s/he was really active but today they've been quieter, but I went out this afternoon and I think that I notice it less when I'm busy/preoccupied. Plus I think the baby sleeps more after I've been active.

I'm getting stressed out with all this rain now. It's raining all the time and I haven't been able to get anything dried outside for a while. I washed 3 babygrows and 6 vests last week and that's it (but 3 of them are tiny baby so might not fit but I just needed to have something ready just in case)

I want to get my bedding washed and pegged out and wash all the baby clothes so I can get them put away properly but it's just not happening. Didn't want to dry them inside. And I want to wash my duvet but that really needs drying on the line.
Where has summer gone?! LOL

My aunie got 3 foster children a few weeks ago, the youngest is just 15 weeks old now. She's now been told they are staying with her for 9 months! Love seeing the baby, but it makes me even more impatient to have mine lol.

Still can't believe there's only 6 and a bit weeks til my due date!
Hi ladies

Hope your all doing well.

I haven't experienced hiccups this time! I asked my midwife and she said not every baby hiccups!

I know this is yucky but is anyone else having an alarming amount of water discharged! It seems to be oozing out every time I move. I went to the hospital and was told it was thrush despite no symptoms. I have used the treatment and it seems worse! I worry I may need more.
Oh dear. Hope everything is okay elf's mummy. Let us know. Why have you been admitted again? Xx take care xxx

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