******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******


I just get loads of squirming and random body parts (bottom, knees or elbows) pushing out of me either out of my side or out/up near my belly button, it's so odd lol!

The other week I was laid in bed watching the bump wriggle and suddenly there was a triangular shaped bulge by my belly button lol

This evening s/he's changed position and keeps sticking either legs or arms out of my left side. It's like when someone jabs you in the side but the other way haha.
Mine's head down too. Has been ever since they could tell (around 28 weeks?)

I have a student midwife sitting in on all my antenatal appointments and she keeps thinking the baby is head up but its just got a bony bum I think lol. My actual MW has confirmed it's still definitely head down lol.

Oh and I'm measuring behind too.

I was 27cm at 28 weeks, 30cm at 31 weeks, and 31cm at 34 weeks! But was half way between 31 & 32cm.

MW has said it's still following the curve it's only a worry if I drop centiles (currently about half way between the 10th and 50th, just don't want to drop on or below the 10th).
My next appointment is on Tuesday but my MW is on holiday so will be a different one.

I'm not worried though as baby is so active. Will have to see what I'm measuring next week.
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Thanks Phoenix!

I know about the weird shapes on belly and I am not as far as you are so I am not sure what to expect in a couple of weeks! :) I am not too worried either since she is super active but still.. At 30 weeks I measured 28 weeks and at 33 weeks I measured between 30-31 weeks.. But the midwife first got 30 but kept trying until she got a larger measurement which makes me think she kind of made the larger measurement up! I posted a picture below of my belly 33+3. I think I look huge?!! Not sure how big they expect me to be but think it sticks out more on me since I am not very tall :) xx

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Hi Ladies,

Haven't been very active on this thread but wanted to join you if ok? Its all starting to feel real now!

Purple, you will have time to get it all in place.. I feel really disorganized as well and when I read all posts about how prepared everyone are I freak out a bit :)

Feeling ok but very tired and a little short of breath. think because I am quite short and slim I can feel the baby push so much! Not so many kicks these days but a pushing feeling all the time! Is anyone the same?

Had a mw checkup Tuesday and baby still measuring 2 weeks behind but she has done the whole time so mw is not concerned and she is growing. She is just a small little thing but make up for it in how active she seems! :) They also said the is head down now and in perfect position for birth so hope she stays that way!! x

i am just 2 days behind you MariaIsabella, my MW check is in 2 weeks! i cant wait! i love hearing baby's heartbeat and i cant wait to find out which position he is in now! i hope it's head down!

yes, i am not so worried about not having baby stuff yet, i could have got it ages ago but it would just sit there; luckily i am very well and able to move around etc. so will be find buying it next week; i think i will get most things online though and collect in store :-). v v excited!!!

yes my son also jabs me ALOT! especially in the morning to wake me up! i know him soo well.. he hates things resting on him, he will kick it off my belly lol! so cute! cant wait to meet him!
Hi Ladies,

Haven't been very active on this thread but wanted to join you if ok? Its all starting to feel real now!

Purple, you will have time to get it all in place.. I feel really disorganized as well and when I read all posts about how prepared everyone are I freak out a bit :)

Feeling ok but very tired and a little short of breath. think because I am quite short and slim I can feel the baby push so much! Not so many kicks these days but a pushing feeling all the time! Is anyone the same?

Had a mw checkup Tuesday and baby still measuring 2 weeks behind but she has done the whole time so mw is not concerned and she is growing. She is just a small little thing but make up for it in how active she seems! :) They also said the is head down now and in perfect position for birth so hope she stays that way!! x

i am just 2 days behind you MariaIsabella, my MW check is in 2 weeks! i cant wait! i love hearing baby's heartbeat and i cant wait to find out which position he is in now! i hope it's head down!

yes, i am not so worried about not having baby stuff yet, i could have got it ages ago but it would just sit there; luckily i am very well and able to move around etc. so will be find buying it next week; i think i will get most things online though and collect in store :-). v v excited!!!

yes my son also jabs me ALOT! especially in the morning to wake me up! i know him soo well.. he hates things resting on him, he will kick it off my belly lol! so cute! cant wait to meet him!

only 2 days apart! Lets see who comes first :yay:. Since its my first pregnancy I have a feeling she might want to wait a little longer!

Sounds exciting you will start buying stuff soon! On Monday we get a cot bed, changing table and wardrobe for baby so very excited since I can get more organized and start storing baby clothes etc.

I am also feeling good except from the normal tiredness, breathlessness and occasional very painful kicks in the groin but cant complain :) xx
Another one with limbs sticking out here there and everywhere!!

I have been having scans as baby has dropped down the centipede chart, next one is next Thursday, baby hardly fits on the screen now!!

Just had a random encounter, was walking round tesco looking at toasters and middle aged man came up to me and said that's a good toaster, oh and it's a boy. I said that's what I think too, he said no it is, you are due in July and you like traditional names like Harry, jack and George.
He then said you will get your girl though, I said I had 2 boys already and that they were named Harry and Noah and he said see traditional names.
He then turned to Noah ( Harry wasn't with us) and said is he about 19 months old, I said no he is 2 next week, he said well when he gets to 7 he will shoot up tall and he is super intelligent by the way and with that he walked off ����

Does anyone believe in things like that, it was so odd yet a few things were Bob on??
My baby girl is super active, too. I can sometimes feel one of her feet (I assume it's a foot!) inside my right rib cage. Crazy, wonderful, and ever so slightly painful! She's head down and measuring bang on dates so far.

I'm planning to work up to week 38 if I can still manage the half hour walk into work. I keep promising myself I'll slow down soon, but there always seems to be so much to do! Baby's room is still not sorted - ho hum. She'll sleep in our room in her snuzpod the first 6 months anyhow.
Another one with limbs sticking out here there and everywhere!!

I have been having scans as baby has dropped down the centipede chart, next one is next Thursday, baby hardly fits on the screen now!!

Just had a random encounter, was walking round tesco looking at toasters and middle aged man came up to me and said that's a good toaster, oh and it's a boy. I said that's what I think too, he said no it is, you are due in July and you like traditional names like Harry, jack and George.
He then said you will get your girl though, I said I had 2 boys already and that they were named Harry and Noah and he said see traditional names.
He then turned to Noah ( Harry wasn't with us) and said is he about 19 months old, I said no he is 2 next week, he said well when he gets to 7 he will shoot up tall and he is super intelligent by the way and with that he walked off ����

Does anyone believe in things like that, it was so odd yet a few things were Bob on??

thats strange!! Not sure if fascinating or scary in a stalker kind of way though!!
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hmm @ firstbabywhite - interesting; yes i believe in it :-)...
i wish he told you when your baby will be born too! the exact date. :-)
I felt like he was being honest with me when he spoke and not stalkerish but I don't know.

Don't want it to spoil the 9 month surprise at the end!!

I wish he had told me that too, I wake up daily thinking is today the day and I'm not even at term yet x
Sounds a bit freaky firstbabywhite - think I'd be taken a back if someone came upto me and said that. I suppose there's a 50% chance he'll be right x
Maria, I look huge too lol

I took this this morning at 35+3

I just think my tummy muscles are rubbish and don't hold it in haha.

I hope the MW I get on Tuesday measures me as 33cm+ lol. I'm sure baby is fine. I'd rather have a slightly small baby than a huge one anyway haha :lol:


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Hi girls I can't believe how close we are to having our babies. Even tho this is my 4th I get so nervous sometimes about how we will cope when he's here! I remember being super nervous with my 2nd too, not so much with 1st and 3rd...dunno why!! I've been so busy I have barely had time to think about the pregnancy - combination of working ft, running after the other kids, and the fact that my husband has been unwell for the past 6 weeks with a really bad attack of sciatica he was completely immobile for the first 4 weeks but on mend now thankfully as we've no other family to help out so I was panicking a bit!!
I am so excited to meet this little man now. He's breech at minute and transverse so we'll see how that goes!! Got the chicco next to me cot and trying to get everything else organised now that Paul is on the mend. Finish for maternity leave on Friday as I'm supposed to be being induced at 37 weeks (end of june) that's IF he's not still breech.
My baby so active too it's lovely but painful at times now that he's so big!!!!
Anyway lovely to read everyone's updates and hope you are all enjoying the weekend xxx
Why are you being induced?

Hope he turns... 4th baby, still plenty of time I think :)

I sorted through the baby clothes today and have washed all the light coloured clothes (mostly vests and babygrows) in newborn & 0-3m and pegged them out.
I was going to do all the bright clothes and outfits tomorrow but I'm going out now so will have to do them on Monday (I'll get my bedding washed and pegged out before I leave tomorrow though).
At least now if the baby came I actually have enough clothes washed and ready to get by for a day or two lol.
Why are you being induced?

Hope he turns... 4th baby, still plenty of time I think :)

I sorted through the baby clothes today and have washed all the light coloured clothes (mostly vests and babygrows) in newborn & 0-3m and pegged them out.
I was going to do all the bright clothes and outfits tomorrow but I'm going out now so will have to do them on Monday (I'll get my bedding washed and pegged out before I leave tomorrow though).
At least now if the baby came I actually have enough clothes washed and ready to get by for a day or two lol.

They're bringing me in early cos my 3rd baby was big - 10lb4 and had shoulder dystocia and I had a really bad haemorrhage after he was born so they don't want this baby to get as big. I haven't felt him turn yet and he seems to like the position he is in as he's been lying the same way for last 3 appointments! Fingers crossed he will turn tho.
Currently sitting in a&e with my 7 year old he had a bad fall off his bike and has to get arm x rayed oh the joys!!
The weather is fab I love getting all the baby stuff washed and hung outside. It makes it all so real though! Xx
Is anyone doing the "Epi-no" training thing? Or has anyone done it before? A friend has recommended it, but I wonder if any of you have found it useful. Seems expensive and time consuming, but if it saves me a tear, I'd certainly go for it.
I feel really exhausted and breathless at the moment.. Just had a massive pasta lunch which makes me feel sick! I always overeat!!

Is it just me or how does everyone feeling? I cant wait to go on maternity leave but still 4 weeks to go :(

I am lucky though since I haven't gained a lot of weight and still mobile and walk a lot so shouldn't complain :) xx

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