******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Massive congratulations ttc and I love the name Rory :-)
Quick question (sorry!) did they give you a numbing injection before the episiotomy?

Good luck purple!!!

This is such an exciting thread with all of these babies making appearances xx
Yes the put in lidocaine (local anaesthetic). Tbh though at that point of pushing I was so sore I think they could have done anything and I would t have been any wiser. I didn't feel the episiotomy at all due to pushing pressure/pain. I wish his head had come sooner as I was pushing for 2 hours but hay ho!!
They numbed me before stitching me too:-) I feel downstairs is very swollen but I'm assuming this is normal after most first deliveries
Yes the put in lidocaine (local anaesthetic). Tbh though at that point of pushing I was so sore I think they could have done anything and I would t have been any wiser. I didn't feel the episiotomy at all due to pushing pressure/pain. I wish his head had come sooner as I was pushing for 2 hours but hay ho!!
They numbed me before stitching me too:-) I feel downstairs is very swollen but I'm assuming this is normal after most first deliveries

Congratulations :)
I had to have stitches too and I'm also pretty sore.

The main thing is our beautiful babies are here.

Enjoy those newborn cuddles ... I certainly am xx
Had sweep this morning apparently cervix is 2-3 cm already and waters are bulging. So hope things will get moving. Had a bit of a show already. She said if not had baby by Tuesday to have the sweep with the consultant and hopefully baby should come before induction date. So here's hoping.
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I hope you're enjoying your baby cuddles ttc and Mel ... You did it and should both be proud! Now enjoy precious time with your little ones :)

Keep us posted Redbootz sounds exciting x
Did anyone else have a sweep? Since this morning ive had a fair amount of spotting still light coloured and then passed some what I can only describe as clots you would get on a period so rather dark in colour but with no mucous in it. So I rang the triage and she didn't seemed concerend she just said monitor it and call back but didn't give me a time frame and that it could just be from aggravating the cervix etc but now I am panicking about the placenta etc?? I feel I made the wrong decison to have the sweep and if something goes wrong it will be my fault! I had the sweep at 6.30am so I don't know how long I should spot for I'm not filling a pad it's just a small amount on the pad and the clots came out with wiping and when I went for a wee sorry TMI there so they haven't come onto the pad. And it's only been a few. Just not sure if she was fobbing me off. She was the lady who told me that my one movement I had in an hour was fine and the doctor came and disagreed with her so I'm not sure I trust her so much. Baby has moved maybe a bit quieter the last hour or so. Maybe I should give it till this eve and then no change to call back and by then a diff lady will be on duty? She just kept asking why I had a sweep so early so then had to explain under consultant etc but it's all on my notes. Ahhhh
I had a sweep redbootz. Contractions came hard and fast after it (I had started to contract before the sweep less intensely). I had a show straight away that got heavier as the hours progressed. He was born 18 hours after my sweep xx
TTC did you continue to have like red/pink blood throughout the day, I've not had any more clots but the blood is still pinky red rather than brown. The midwife this morning said it should go brown but it hasn't. I don't think any mucous has come out either just spotting onto pad with blood still and coming out when I go to the loo.
I had red mucous all day from 2pm until about 1am when a big plug came away. It did look red and I was scared it was fresh blood and called the midwifes but they weren't concerned. I think what u are having us normal after a sweep just make sure the fresh bleeding settles and it's more pink/mucous or phone again. Is ur placenta low lying? Are u having any tightenings/contractions yet?
I was walking around the Trafford centre all afternoon with pains every 5 or 6 mins. Came home took two paracetamol and fell asleep for an hour, in which I don't think there were any pains. Woke up and sat up and now they are back...... only time will tell. Xx
Hi everyone. Just to update you that my son Rory was born yesterday morning 7/7/16 at 40+6 and was 8lb 2oz. It all kicked off before my sweep around 6am the day before he was born so pretty much 28 hours from start to finish but really intense for about 14 hours. Managed with gas/air and 2 inj diamorphine. Needed episiotomy and tore so quite uncomfortable but I did it and he's here and I love him so much. Xx

Congratulations! Was he delivered back to back.
I went to triage and she said it wasn't normal so had to have another examination and after three hours decided I could go home. Then I wake up this morning to a wet patch on sheet and hubby and I can't decide if it's waters or just sweat!! So now I'm going to have to call again and have this checked. I was sweaty in the night and my neck was sweaty but the patch was fairly big to be just from sweat? I don't know. Had painful braxton Hicks with back ache but fizzled out so I'm thinking the sweep hasn't done a lot. Just feeling so fed up and disappointed. And not coping with everything at the moment.
I woke up covered in sweat but no wet patch, i was wearing pjs though. If you weren't naked I'd say more likely to be waters xx
Hmm I will give them a call just to see what they say which will probably end up in another trip to the hospital I seriously could take shares out in the place! On the plus the clots have stopped and I had a bit of a bloody show. Just no sign of baby yet. The house is a mess as we got hardly anything done yesterday and going back and forth to the hospital is wearing both me and hubby out.
All quietened down here after having regular pains until about midnight last night. My OH wanted to ring in but I didn't so we didn't. Gonna see how I go today and whether things start up again... is it normal to have things on and off like this? I was induced last time so no clue xx

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