******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Ah, how exciting :-) Huge congratulations everyone xx
Congrats Mel! Sounds like it was a smooth labour :-)
It's all go in here!!! Congrats ladies!

Thinking of you ttc x
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Wow, been off for a day and lots happening! Congrats everyone!! Amazing jobs:) cant wait to have mine now :)

Spoke to mw and asked how long they would let me go over before inducing if she doesnt come and she said 2 weeks! Can i ask for it to be sooner? i am scared having to deliver a big baby since my mother had major issues and we have similar bodies.. I have read babies overdue are generally more difficult to deliver?

Know i am inpatient but feeling nothing so dont think she i close.. Have had no BH at all which i assume is a "bad" sign.. Ahhhh, fed up!!!! Sorry for the moan xxx
Moan away Maria!! I feel the same. I don't want to go overdue either. But like you don't feel close. It feels like everyone will have their baby before me lol X I am also worried about big baby as first was 9lb 4 but then I want to avoid induction completely if possible. I don't think it helps that every day at end of pregnancy feels like a month!! X
Hey MariaIsabella dont worry there is still time for you to have baby before 40 weeks and the due date is just an estimate so try not to worry about big baby. I was concerend but the consultant told me some people who give birth at 40 weeks are probably only 37 and some are obviously more than that she said it's hard to know. Some places they allow induction at +12 days over so maybe see if it can be earlier. I have an induction date for 41 weeks exactly but I hope for natural labour. I've been having constant braxton Hicks for months at one point they thought I was in premature labour when it was just a crazy amount of braxton Hicks but regular! But nothing has happened so I'm not sure it makes much difference I get them now all the time also.

I'm off to the docs this morning as found a lump between hip and groin and it's not the baby poking anything out but worried it could be a hernia or something. The receptionist was rude she said I had to see the midwife who isn't working till Tuesday!! And it's a doctors area really. Anyway got an appointment so hope my mind will be put at ease a bit as I'm sacred it's my intestines poking through!

I can't believe I am nearly 40 weeks and baby still hasn't decided to show! I'm getting so big now and have a few stretch marks on my belly button that are angry just don't want any more! My weight is bugging me I feel like a whale! And can't afford a new wardrobe so will have to shrink myself down to fit into things.

Oooo the crib my hubby has been restoring is finally finished!!! And the nursery just needs curtains and a lamp shade and then it is also done! The mil is making curtains so won't get them for a while. Now just need to motivate the hubby to help clean rest of house and to bath the dog who I fear has rolled in fox mess this morning she stinks!! And she is bugging me loads OCD and dogs dont mix well at all!
Thanks so much ladies!!

Redbootz, why are they inducing you at 41? i dont want induction but think i prefer it over a huge baby but i have no experience.. I only know i want no foreceps since it scares me so much.. Would prefer a section..

I know about the due date being an estimate but since i had ivf it should be exact right?

Will try to trust my body knows what to do but i wish i had some signs i was close.. I do feel heavier down there and my rib pain is gone so assume she has dropped a little which is good i think

xxx thanks!
Yeah with IVf it should def be exact I would have thought. I thought with IVF they always induced early? Or wouldn't let you go two weeks over. Hopefully you can find out some more info soon. With IVF are you consultant lead or just midwife? Yeah the thought of forceps scares me loads too. Baby dropping is good though and your not at 40 weeks yet so hopefully your little one will decide to come soon:) I keep telling myself that lol. I had abnormal ctg readings with the baby but have had ok ones since so they wanted to induce at 39 weeks but I wanted to see if we could wait a bit longer as induction when not favourable wouldn't be fun so see consultant again on Tuesday to see if we bring induction forward or keep the date of the 17th and hope in the mean time that baby comes along naturally. Just stressful with all the movements I get as someday are so quiet. I go in regularly for ctg monitoring to keep an eye on baby. I know we will worry when they are here also but at least we will know they are here and have more control over things.
Thank you phoenix I'll try it now. Congrats on your wee bundle too...same weight as Thomas lol. All my babies have been big - last one 10lb4 so when they handed him to me I have to say it was a shock! But getting used to him now. Did you have a boy or girl? Hope you are doing well xxx

Phoenix is a girl :)

My first was 5lb 14oz and my second was 6lb 11oz so she's right in the middle of them, but they were both induced at 37 weeks so I was expecting her to be a lot bigger! Haha. Really glad she's not though :D
Dylan James was born on 05/07/16 exactly 3 weeks early weighing 6lb12oz.

Waters went at 2.30pm on 5th. Contractions started around 4.30. Picked Hubby up from work at 5. Contractions got a hell of a lot stronger from about 6, got to hospital at 8.30 and was already 9cm. Dylan born at 10.10pm on only gas & air for pushing! All in all pretty quick! I'm so in love it's unreal xxx

Oh... Birth date buddy!
Love the name Dylan too :)
Hi all, my waters broke at 4pm, birth centre asked me to come in to be checked, I came in, it's definitely waters, however, the baby's head is still free, I am not having any contractions yet and they fear that as the head is not engaged, the cord could come before the head :-(. That's why they are keeping me in, they have sent me up
To the labour ward :-(.; all alone and scared :-( , my husband is on his way but he will reach here at around half8 as he was due to fly out for work today so he is at the airport. I fear that the baby will be here by then; anyway, I will do some walking and bounce on the ball, hopefully baby's head will come down by then. Excited that we will meet baby tonight or tomorrow! It's my brother's birthday today so he will be happy
Thanks Elf's Mum, baby has finally dropped into pelvis, plug gone, having v mild contractions, hopefully they will let us go home or down to the birth centre soon.
Exciting purple! Good luck!

Maria, could you ask for a sweep on your due date? It might depend where you are bt my sister had a sweep at 40w and gave birth the next day xx
Good luck purple hope all goes well.

A friend gave birth today that was due a week after me. Super happy for her but I'm
feeling a little deflated that my little one hasn't made an appearance yet. Probably hormones but feel like I've been pregnant forever and that there is no sign of anything happening anytime soon and just want to know baby is safe and well.
Hi everyone. Just to update you that my son Rory was born yesterday morning 7/7/16 at 40+6 and was 8lb 2oz. It all kicked off before my sweep around 6am the day before he was born so pretty much 28 hours from start to finish but really intense for about 14 hours. Managed with gas/air and 2 inj diamorphine. Needed episiotomy and tore so quite uncomfortable but I did it and he's here and I love him so much. Xx
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