Oh wow congrats firstbabywhite!!! She's gorgeous. I'm jealous as I'm still waiting with very little symptoms - now 4 days late damn. How did your labour start and what was it like? Hope you are recovering well "hugs" xx
It won't be long now lovely, will be worth the wait!
I had a gush of fluid Saturday night but put it down to discharge but it happened again Sunday afternoon, spoke to the day unit and I was brought in to check, it was confirmed as waters and was booked in for induction that evening at 9pm.
Got ready and on the journey there I started having contractions, arrived at induction bay and they showed me round then said they would do a monitoring first, was done and whilst on the monitors my contraction started coming thick and fast and my waters went so beat induction. Was sent to labour ward and was given gas and air, the contractions were coming without much break, I had a small amount of pethidine/diamorphine and was left to it but had massive urges to push. Baby arrived safely at this point and from start to finish it was 4.5 hours which is fast compared to my others.
I am recovering well, was home less then 12 hours after delivery and we are settling at home well. Eden has tongue tie so feeding is a little sore but going well x