******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Lucylu87, no she just looked with the speculum she didn't do an actual test she just said it was very clear to her it looked like watery discharge. I know I should have faith in them and the system but I can't help but worry. Baby has been wuieter today so will just make sure I pay attention and go in if need to. I feel I live at the hospital at the moment.
Redbootz I personally have no faith with the system either - they said all the same things to me but it was in fact my waters so I would just be on guard that it could well be your waters - I have told my midwife this time about last time and she said ok if I even get trickle they will more than likely treat it as waters. Do get a second opinion if you feel you should - if it was me I would x
Yep that's all you can do. The chance of infection only increases a tiny amount anyway I think but I know ita scary.

Does anyone else get bad leg cramps at moment? Mine are getting really bad, during day as well as night. And I am constantly exhausted. Xx
Meanwhile .... i am having contractions :-) ; very spontaneous. mild but close together

i am leaving the office now and about to drive 40mins away to pick up the baby's bath stand. i have loads of clearing up to do at home tomo but i really hope that he doesnt come before Wednesday as i am very busy at work until then. anyway, will keep you guys posted.
Omg Purple that's exciting!! This may sound daft but as I was induced with my first I have no idea what contractions feel like when they start slowly given mine came with an almighty clout...... what's it like ? X
Eek come on purple we need some more July babies :) Charlie had his 5 day weight check and were at birth weight so pleased as he was on photo therapy and had low blood sugar and he's exclusively breast fed so I've been given the go ahead to stop the ebm top ups :) hope you guys will be joining over in baby and toddler soon ! X

Oh good luck purple... however you know I'll be so jealous if you have your baby before me :shakehead: :lol: xx
Thanks all! it was so lovely whilst it lasted (even though it's uncomfortable) just the thought of progression is amazing! they stopped at 7pm :-( definately wasnt braxton hicks as i have been having those regularly since 24weeks.

@Lucylu87, it feels to me like lower back pain the whole lower back, and your belly gets tight at the same time, like really really tight, the "pain" lasted a few seconds then went and then came back; you can maybe compare it to period pain or like needing to really badly go for a number2. i do wonder though if the baby is uncomfortable during it?

@phoenix, haha! we just never know, these babies really do what they want when they want. i am hoping that i contract a little daily so that he can come by next Friday, but lets c.

@Elf's Mum, that is really really good news (re Charlie's weight and health) i also plan to only breastfeed (i did breast and bottle for my other 2) it's good to know that they can quickly build up their weight with breast alone. is breastfeeding going ok for you? i always find it so painful in the beginning and how are you doing?

thanks again everyone! i will keep you guys updated.

good luck to us all! so exciting !
I was induced at half 6 :) pains started already. Will update when shes here x

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Vomiting through the pain. Don't think it'll be long now x

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Omg, things are happening here!

I hope the contractions start again Purple and its the real deal!

Charlene, perhaps you already have your little one by now!! So exciting! Hope its not too painful...

Good luck everyone!

I feel nothing on my side except rib pain and the same stabbing cervix pain so don't think i am anywhere near close :( xx
Gosh can't believe you are still going Charlene - really thought baby would have been here for you. Me on the other hand - nothing as yet!!! Patiently waiting! Really hope something happens soon x
Aww Charlene, hope your little girl is here.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.
Good luck Charlene! Hope things are progressing for you!!

My baby is sooo high and in my ribs, i think that might mean he isn't planning on moving for a while xx
Still no baby. 3rd one down for delivery with hormone drip x

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