******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Good luck Charlene! I've had a rubbish 24 hours, I've had back ache that are now stomach pains. I've been pooing loads and through out the night it's turned into D&V. I called the midwife and apparently it's a bug but I'm not so convinced. Has anyone else experienced this??

Alana is here born 2nd July 10:50pm weighing 5lb 5 x

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Congratulations Charlene she's tiny but gorgeous!! I hope the labour was OK in the end. I'm still waiting ��
I haven't Anne but would keep an eye & stay hydrated.. If it careies on, call them again.

Congratulations Charlene! Xxx
Thanks Lou!! Aww she's georgeous congratulations Charlene!! Xx
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Alana is beautiful, congratulations xx
So beautiful and cute!! Congrats Charlene! 2 down, the rest of us to go!

I am Still getting mild comtractions daily :-)
congratulations Charlene, what a beautiful baby!! I hope you are feeling well :) xx

I cant wait now but don't have any symptoms.. Perhaps a little more down pressure and upset stomach but not sure this is related at all. I hope she comes the next 2 weeks! She seems eager to come out and moving a lot!! :) xx
My baby is still happy on the inside. Even though they are well and truly out of room! My belly was lopsided this morning
Anyone know if it's normal to have a solid rock hard tummy? It's not braxton hicks as I get these all the time constantly they are rather annoying. But since yesterday eve my tummy has gone like a rock and stayed like it to the point I can barely do anything with it being so uncomfortable. I'm worried about fluid as I know I leaked stuff a few days ago but they insisted it was just discharge. Not sure if it's worth asking the triage or just waiting till my appointment tomorrow. Baby movements vary so much so it's hard for me to monitor them as everyday has been different really no pattern and trust me I've spent this entire pregnancy trying to find one! I've been in so many times it's crazy. But I am now worried about low fluid or something as Google is a wonderful thing and I also have a pain at the top of bump like in the middle of ribs sort of between breasts but lower.
Finally got round to uploading pictures here's my Charlie bear at 8 days old <3
Hi ladies although I didnt get my vbac I'm coming to terms and accepting I did everything I could and ultimately the best decision was made. I went in on Friday 24th at 8.30 am to start the induction process and I had the balloon catheter inserted I was 1cm dilated around an hour contractions started gradually building up to every three minutes lasting 1 minute I was then contracting 4/10 my cervix wasn't changing and I knew I needed my energy so I asked for pethadine. After 5 hours my contractions stopped completely. I walked and walked, bounced did everything I could to get them going again but nothing until 9pm when the balloon fell out and I was examined and 3cm and they could feel Charlie's head. Delivery suite had to shut to new patients so there was a wait to go down and I was second on the list. Around 2 am this changes as I was 1cm more dilated than the other lady and I went down to delivery suite to have my waters broken. They couldn't break my waters as they were tight around his head so they called in the senior mw and she thought she could feel cord there so she wouldn't risk it. It was agreed that they would wait until the morning when they would scan me and break my waters if they were able to. They came and scanned at 7am and no cord was found so my waters were broken and I was given until 11 am to begin contracting on my own again. Again walked round for a while, bounced etc but contractions weren't regular so the drip was started at 11 am. I began contracting regularly and was coping well for a few hours even though I was on continues monitoring. After a few hours of avoidance they had to fit a catheter. At some point I began contracting one on top of the other so requested an epidural the lady that did it was my best friend she was so lovely.
. I was examined at 5 and told I had 4 hours to dilate to 6 cm or I would need an emergency section. There was a change of shift at 8 am and when I 9pm deadline came I was examined by a new consultant and was only 4 cm but my new mw pleaded my case and she helped me doe and the next four hours mobilising and walking with the epi in place. She turned the drip up as far as she could but babies hb kept dropping when I was contracting u was examined at just after one and was only 5cm so the decision of theatre was made. Que melt down from me after they said theatre was too cold and baby would have to be delivered and taken to dad. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid ! My lovely midwife stepped in and got her manager involved and they said the theatre was too cold to even consider operating on me so main theatres were opened. I said all I wanted was my baby delivered onto me for skin to skin straight away and I didn't want any checks etc if he was ok. Charlie was born screaming at 2.40 am and after cord was cut he was out straight onto me they didn't even wipe him down and I got to experience what I didn't with my daughter. Charlie 7lbs 2oz we had some issues with blood sugar and jaundice but managed to avoid a scbu stay just with topping up with ebm at every feed. So although I didn't get my vbac I got the end I wanted :)


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He's gorgeous Elfs Mummy and you did great, congratulations xx

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