******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

At my 39 week appointment my midwife said to book another appointment for next week and then said she wouldn't do a sweep, I don't want one anyway so I was just like "oh that's fine I don't want one" but then after I left I thought I should have asked her why (I'm now curious as to whether it's just me she won't sweep or if she refuses to do them at all or if she only does them at 41+ or something else) lol.
It depends on the health board you are under if they do it at 40 or 41 weeks. That's what my midwife told
Me at my 38 week check. She said it was up to me if I wanted it or not - I'm going for it to avoid being induced (well hopefully) lol
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Just had another week, I am determined to beat induction :)
Stretched to 3cm

How's everyone else doing, anymore progress Charlene? x
I want to avoid being induced as well but don't want a sweep so I am on everything now.. Pineapple, Raspberry leaf tea, dates, birth ball, walks etc etc :) Hope it works.

my last day I the office today and so happy to finally go on maternity leave!! I cant really commute to work anymore since my cervix pain from baby's head bouncing on it is too much!

I hope everyone are doing well and we start seeing some babies soon :) xx
Just been at the midwife for my 40 week check. She couldn't do a sweep as I'm not ready. Baby only 3/5th engaged aswell. Feel so deflated. Found it hard not to cry actually and I'm usually a joyful person. And Baby is back to back. Feel utter rubbish xx
Oh no! Sorry that wasn't what you were hoping for TTC.
I know how frustrated you must be. I'm not even due for another 5 days but I am ready to have this baby NOW lol. Tonight or tomorrow would be good. I am not convinced it'll happen though, may end up being another week or more :(
Hey TTC, i heard that a sweep is very painful anyway; baby will come when he/she is ready *hugs* dont stress too much, just take it easy and try and focus on something else, baby will be here before you know it.

@Phoenix, how was your photoshoot? i have one on Sat :-)
It was good thanks :) I've ordered quite a few of them, mostly just digital copies but a couple of prints too :)


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oh my gosh! that photo is soo nice! your children both look exactly like you! hahah! and you look so well! i really love it
In a worry, had a trickle down my leg this morning thought maybe just pee after going to the loo it was just a small amount then had to change knickers twice as had wet in them but not loads just again probably a trickle and then nothing but since googling I am concerend that it could be amniotic fluid but worried about calling as I don't fit the criteria of filling a pad etc but others online have had just a dampness and on off leaks and it has been the amniotic fluid so don't know what to do. I haven't had any discharge or leaks at all.
In a worry, had a trickle down my leg this morning thought maybe just pee after going to the loo it was just a small amount then had to change knickers twice as had wet in them but not loads just again probably a trickle and then nothing but since googling I am concerend that it could be amniotic fluid but worried about calling as I don't fit the criteria of filling a pad etc but others online have had just a dampness and on off leaks and it has been the amniotic fluid so don't know what to do. I haven't had any discharge or leaks at all.

redbootz when I gave birth to my daughter I had exactly the same thing and that was ALL of my waters, nothing more than a couple of trickles. The midwife was adamant that they hadn't broken because I hadn't filled a pa but I had her 3 days later and NO WATERS appeared from anywhere so get checked - 3 days was a long time to leave me with broken waters - me or my baby could have got an infection! xx
It's JULY ladies!!! eeeek xx

How is everyone doing?

I'd defo give the hospital a call Redbootz xx
I know melc2011 - I can't believe today is my due date. Feel a little rubbish baby isn't here but he/she is obv still cooking! I'm on my gym ball and plan to be on it all day watching tv to see if that helps lol. How is everyone else? Exciting times a head xx
Still here too lol. Really hoping baby comes soon. I'm so impatient. I just want to see him/her already.

Happy due date!!
Yay for July!!! Can't wait to see some July babies arriving!!! Xxx
I gave the hospital a call at midnight as I had another trickle so we went in baby on monitor was fine and she did an internal but because I get pain she just said she didn't look all the way and just said it was watery discharge. I haven't had anything since but I'm still worried incase it is my waters and just not confirmed I don't know as I have heard about so many people leaking such a small amount and being told it's not waters when it is. I've never had any leaks before or anything which is why I thought it was a bit random I think I would have liked a scan to make sure but she didn't offer one. I see the consultant Tuesday but that is ages away. Baby is wriggling lots but she did say any more concerns to go back in so I could always get a second opinion? Should I still be worried?
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I think it sounds ok redbootz- main thing is baby is moving lots and if that changes you could go back in. I know why you mean about Tuesday feeling like a lifetime away. My next check is wed if baby doesn't show before then - seems so long away "sigh"!!
Redbootz I had a similar experience the other day. Did they not do a test for waters? I had an internal and she took a sample and tested it for waters. They hadn't gone. So maybe it's common at this point for this to happen... I know what you mean about worrying but as long as baby is moving I am just trying to keep busy and moving and do all the old wives tales to get things moving!.X
Yay, made it to 37 weeks and finished work yesterday, well done baby :-) Lovely to here how everyone is getting on, how exciting :-) xx
I just booked another MW appointment for next Tuesday - 40 weeks exact and it was the last appointment available lol.

Really hoping I will have had the baby by then & can cancel, but somehow I doubt it lol

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