******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Sounds like it could be waters to me!! I would defo ring and get checked! Exciting. Hope something happens and good luck! Xx
Sorry Lucy meant to say you are supposed to be able to tell by the smell as apparently waters have quite a distinctive smell which will be v different from urine!! Good luck xx
hey Lucy, yes, if it doesnt smell like urine then it's your waters; call the labour ward / birth centre and they will advise, my waters broke with my son and i went in immediately due to risk of infection, in my antenatal class however, they have told us that we dont need to go in for waters breaking :-o

anyway, call hospital and keep us posted! wishing you all the best!
Just be aware that if your waters break on their own and you don't get checked you can go 24hrs or more before labouring and be fine.
However if you consent to being 'checked' and they have gone, they will only let you go about 12 hours before wanting to induce you because them checking increases the risk of infection.
It's all go in here, I would ring and speak to your labour ward Lucy, good luck.

No change here 6 days to go, had a sweep yesterday and no contractions, plug loss of change so guess it didn't work x
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering with a dodgy tummy?

Sorry for TMI but I'm pooing loads and getting quite a few cramps too (nothing major).
I do have IBS but this has been kept at bay since around 14 weeks with no real episodes to speak of in this time!
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering with a dodgy tummy?

Sorry for TMI but I'm pooing loads and getting quite a few cramps too (nothing major).
I do have IBS but this has been kept at bay since around 14 weeks with no real episodes to speak of in this time!

I do! Went to the loo 3-4 times yesterday and get a little crampy before! Not sure if it means anything though xx
I'm so hoping it is, although I'm only 36+1 today!
Me too! I am trying to find anything that can bring on labor naturally. Don't want a sweep and don't want to be induced!!!

Will go and buy some raspberry leaf tea and pineapple now :)
I'm due in two days-not much happening though!! Fingers crossed something happens soon
I keep getting niggles, not really pains or contractions, just feels odd.

Also my pelvis has definitely softened now and twinges a bit when I walk unless I take smaller steps LOL. And turning over in bed it feels all loose and clicky and last night my bump felt so heavy.

Not sure it really means anything though :(
Still hoping to have this baby either Friday or at the weekend.
I'm so hoping it is, although I'm only 36+1 today!

Mel my tummy v upset last 2 weeks and I've been running to loo a lot esp since I had my sweep. I'm being induced sun really don't see anything happening before that as I'm only 37+ 1 and have always went over before xx
We're on our way home :) come in July babies Charlie's getting lonely ! X

Hi girls. Rang labour ward and they said it sounded like waters and was asked to go in to be checked. Went in was checked and it's not my waters!! But.... baby is now fully engaged!! She reckons all the niggles I have been setting are really positive too. Turns out they think that baby moved right down and either pushed out watery discharge (TMI) or I wet myself!! Pregnancy is so glamorous xx
My platelets were rechecked yesterday and they are now 145 which is the right side of acceptable which is good. They'd got down to 116 at the last blood test 2 and a half weeks ago.

It means I can home birth with their blessing and not be forced into hospital or into having syntometrin (managed 3rd stage) :)
So I've tried pretty much everything to get this baby moving tonight so I don't need to have the sweep tomorrow but no such luck!! I'm now hopeful the sweep is successful tomorrow and baby is here by the end of the weekend! I hope everyone else is doing good - July is just around the corner :-)

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