******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Keep us updated TTC, I hope it has started for you :)

A woman in my NCT class has breech baby and they said they wanted to try moving baby as well and she is only like 34 weeks.. Seems really early and surely baby can move back to breech again? Lou, google how to change baby position and lots of stuff you can try!

I had mw appointment just now and baby is growing nicely ( still small but normal ). Mw said her head is really low so that explains my cervix stabbing pain and in perfect position for birth with back slightly on left hand side.

I asked if her head being that low is a good sign she is getting ready but unfortunately its not!! :( Baby decides when she wants to come and very little you can do. Are you girls trying anything to help getting labor starting? xx
I keep having pains each night and getting my hopes up only to be disappointed!! 37 weeks today and I don't feel like I can get any bigger!! My baba is head down and engaged a little but back on right side rather than preferred left but I'm not too worried. I keep spending a lot of time on my birthing ball rather than sofa. Xx

Good luck everyone. Nearly July!!! Xx
Charlene I hope all is going well with you? X
Ye everything is going fine. Went to see the Midwife today who checked me over. Alana is fully engaged wedged tight. She said she would be very suprised if I was still pregnant at weekend. Let's see! In agony constantly I just want her to be born but obvuously I want her to be born healthy

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Glad you're doing well Charlene. Exciting that mw thinks your little lady will be here soon.

Hope the pain and discomfort subsides a little to allow you to get some rest beforehand'

Lucylu, what do you mean by the preferred left hand side? Xx
Omg!!!!! My waters have just gushed with great force and a massive show straight after!!!!!

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Thread hopping!! Charlene that is incredible! Baby by midnight it is then! xx
It scared the life out of me. It was a massive "POP" noise. I sat there gob wide open for 5 minutes before running into the bedroom over excited and telling DH

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How exciting Charlene! Are you contracting? Good luck keep us updated
Good luck TTC!

We're breech, he's sooo high up & he has his legs tucked in as well. The midwife mentioned that the consultant can try to move baby, i asked if it was traumatic for baby & she said they monitor the hb afterwards... I don't know if i like the sound of that xx

hmm! are they certain that he wont turn on his own?

try spending alot of time on your hands and knees, apparently this gets them to turn. good luck! i heard that it's very painful when they turn the baby but i havent heard of any damages .

They haven't really said, just that i need a scan & if he's definitely breech, ill have to see a consultant. I'll speak to the consultant a bit more before i make a decision about that. Thanks for the tip, will try that xxx
Good luck Charlene!! :)

Yeah Maria, mine was breech early on, turned at 32 weeks and then turned back to breech lol. I have heard of the baby turning on the day people are due to have their section so it's possible for them to just do it when they want. I'm thinking he just might not be ready xxx
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Saw consultant yesterday she thinks baby will be here within a week im not sure how she has predicted that but get regular tightenings all the time and back pain but we shall see if not we get induction date next week she doesn't want baby in longer than that so hoping her prediction of baby making an appearance is true :)

Hope all is ok Charlene very exciting that little one will soon be here :)

Hope everyone else is well. We have made a start on the nursery but still feel we have a lot to do but it's getting so hard to do things apart from sitting and even that hurts lol! Never mind nearly there.
OMG just had belly pains ( like when you need a poo tmi) went upstairs and before I could get my pants down I was wet thru. Don't know whether it was me just being unable to control my bladder or my waters..... how do I know? Do I give hospital a ring now?? Xx

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