******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Huge congratulations elfs mummy 😊
Good luck Charlene hope baby is here soon xx
Good luck Charlene, hope things start progressing for you.

Congratulations elfs mummy :D
Massive congratulations elfs mummy and i hope all goes well Charlene! Exciting times! Xx
It's so exciting that babies are starting to arrive, and we have 3 from our NCT group now :-) Congratulations Elfs Mummy and hope all goes well Charlene xx
Oh Unicorn you've been quiet for a while, I was starting to think you were busy having your baby.

I wonder who'll be next?

We'll have to start a babies/birth announcement thread!

Hope there's more July news soon. I'm loving being a mummy again Charlie is perfect and is feeding fr England at night and sleeping all day. Xx

LOL, sounds about right. Mine is very quiet all day and gets active in an evening or late on, so I am sure s/he will be similar when born lol.
Glad all is going well x
Aw sounds lovely.

I have spent my day organising and completing the nursery!! Better late than never!! What have people done with their prams
? I am tempted to set it up and put it in the boot, what do ppl think? It's been in storage in the garage up until now X
I will post some pics of nursery on here later seeing as it now has a keep out sign on the door given that only me my partner and my little boy know the gender of baby number 2 xx (and you lot) xx
Still no baby here! Been discharged at 2cm and told to labour at home until pains become intense. Still no closer xx

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Oh Unicorn you've been quiet for a while, I was starting to think you were busy having your baby.

I wonder who'll be next?

We'll have to start a babies/birth announcement thread!


Yeah, I'm still around, just keeping my head down and trying to get to 37 weeks, I can't believe we've only got 1 day left and we've made it :-) Then I finish work on Thursday! Feeling a bit all over the place tbh, never thought we'd get this far so wasn't really prepared for maternity leave without a baby, I'm worried about what I'm going to do with myself, everything is completely ready and I'm not good at valuing resting at all!

It's lovely that babies are starting to arrive xx
I'm not really sure what a contraction feels like but I'm feeling a little "uncomfortable" this morning. I feel something isn't quite right if that makes sense. I'm not sure if it's period pain or heartburn and I can't sit still. I have little appetite and feel like I need the loo. Could this possibly be the start or is it wishful thinking!! I'm due in 3 days xx
Oooh, fingers crossed TTC!

Unicorn I know what you mean, the last two weeks have really dragged for me and I didn't honestly expect to go past 38 weeks with having my others at 37 weeks. Even though they were induced, I always sort of figured my body would get to that point and be like "right, there's no room left, time to get this baby out", but that hasn't happened LOL.

I have a maternity photo shoot on Thursday afternoon so don't want the baby to come before then, but Thursday night I am really hoping it'll all kick off lol!
Good luck TTC!

We're breech, he's sooo high up & he has his legs tucked in as well. The midwife mentioned that the consultant can try to move baby, i asked if it was traumatic for baby & she said they monitor the hb afterwards... I don't know if i like the sound of that xx
Hi TTC, sounds like it's something :-D; you should feel contractions on your lower back and they should get more intense and closer together; also look for other signs like show, water breaking etc. wishing you all the best! cant wait for my day to come!!! :D
Good luck TTC!

We're breech, he's sooo high up & he has his legs tucked in as well. The midwife mentioned that the consultant can try to move baby, i asked if it was traumatic for baby & she said they monitor the hb afterwards... I don't know if i like the sound of that xx

hmm! are they certain that he wont turn on his own?

try spending alot of time on your hands and knees, apparently this gets them to turn. good luck! i heard that it's very painful when they turn the baby but i havent heard of any damages .

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