******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

EEk, hope it doesn't come to the drip. Good luck! Looks like your baby may be here on the 25th then?

Hope all goes well, can't wait to read your news xx
Csection is looking likely they can't break my waters due to risk of cord prolapse x

Hope all goes well Elfs Mummy. I am seeing consultant on Tuesday I have so far refused induction as I want a natural labour so as long as baby behaves with extra monitoring in the mean time and weekly consultant meetings we will wait it out. I really want a water birth and will make sure I don't rush into any decisions. If of course it becomes necessary I will have to have the induction. We shall see. I am ready for baby to come as my little frame is struggling to hold the weight of bump.

We are still undecided on names!!! Girls name we have decided but now I'm not sure again we like Elise but now I like Nova. and boys name we now like Oscar but I still like Elijah though hubby doesn't like it so much. I think we will won't decide for a while so we can see what baby looks like!

I've been prepping nappies and we have some wall stickers on the nursery wall so that's a start but crib not finished hubby has been to busy and I can't sit long enough with hip pain to paint it. He has taken two days off this week to help get sorted as long as he doesn't get distracted by his stupid computer.

I had a call from the docs about the whooping cough vaccine since I've been asking since about 28 weeks if I can have it and they wouldn't give it to me then sent to allergy specialist at hospital and the nurse said the other day I should be ok I'm not sure I am happy with should! I have anaphylaxis with antibiotics!! Anyway she said she could fit me in next week when I will be over 38 weeks and possibly induced early so not sure what to do and I'm not sure I can rely on the fact she used the words should be fine! When it comes to anaphylaxis I need a definite yes or no it needs to be that black and white. Ugh.
Oh no, Elf's mummy :(

Hope all goes well whatever happens x

Redbootz, I've not had the Whooping cough vaccine and am not having it.
At this stage of pregnancy it would not have time to pass on any immunity anyway.
Also you know it's the 4 in 1 they use so also contains Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio.
I haven't had the vaccine either. I'm pretty sure they advise against it anyway if you're unwell in any way.
They can never guarantee vaccines are safe anyway so I doubt anyone will tell you that. Good luck whatever you decide xxx
Alana is on her way!!! Went in to labour at 7am this morning. Now contracting 2 mins apart so been admitted to maternity unit to be monitored as cervix as only softened for now x

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Ooh good luck Charlene!
Another July baby making an early appearance :) xx
Oh good luck, Charlene!

If you want any summery girly clothes PM me because my mum produced a bag of baby clothes from when I had my daughter and many of them are tiny baby up to 5lb or up to 7lb etc and I'm almost 39 weeks now so I can't see my baby fitting them lol. Brands include Boots, Mothercare and Next x
Good luck elf's mummy and Charlene. Has anyone else experienced pain in upper thighs/side of bum cheeks whilst having what I think are Braxton Hicks. Been having these all day since about 11am. Should I think it's anything other than just practice? I am 36+ 4 xx
I have aching pains in my lady bits when walking but other than that no.. It might be a circulation thing, I'm sure I read that. I would call in just to be safe lucylu :) xxx
Good luck elf's mummy and Charlene. Has anyone else experienced pain in upper thighs/side of bum cheeks whilst having what I think are Braxton Hicks. Been having these all day since about 11am. Should I think it's anything other than just practice? I am 36+ 4 xx

When I have proper contractions it starts off as an ache into my hips and thighs alongside the tightenings &/or period type pain.

However it can be slow labour or 'practice contractions' where they are just your cervix getting ready.
I was having them for a couple of days before I went in to be induced with my first (and was 1-2cm dilated at that point when I went in)

This time I've had it on 2 or 3 occasions over the last 10 days but I'm still here lol.
Baby Charlie 7lbs 2oz arrived this morning via emergency section after failure to progress. I have to say my section was brilliant and I can't fault the staff at all. The induction was horrendous with back to back labour. If you're only Facebook please don't say anything xx

Congrats Elfs mummy :) hope you are all doing well. Sorry the induction wasn't any good but so glad your section went well and with lovely staff. Take care X
Wow congratulations Elf's mummy. First July baby born and we are still in June! Lovely name. Take care and recover well from your section xx
How r u getting on Charlene?
Congratulations Elfs mummy!! Good luck Charlene, looking forward to an update xx
No changes here yet. Been contracting all night and had a slight bleed this morning so waiting on monitoring and speculum examination. Rather fed up now

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