******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

At my hospital they said as long as you are only induced by the pessary and respond to it you can go on the midwife led side and use a pool.

Can I ask why you're being induced on your due date?
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I've got a sweep Thursday (31st) if nothing by then. Been getting stabbing pains at my cervix for over a week. Sometimes quite intense. Not much else unfortunately. I'm hoping I'm not kept waiting too long! Good luck to everyone else. Will be nice to get some July babies born :-)
At my hospital they said as long as you are only induced by the pessary and respond to it you can go on the midwife led side and use a pool.

Can I ask why you're being induced on your due date?

They have advised if you are induced you are classed as high risk and need more monitoring so won't be allowed on so its a race against the clock now.
My consultant doesn't want me going over 40 weeks and the reason sighted was previous miscarriages.
I've got a sweep Thursday (31st) if nothing by then. Been getting stabbing pains at my cervix for over a week. Sometimes quite intense. Not much else unfortunately. I'm hoping I'm not kept waiting too long! Good luck to everyone else. Will be nice to get some July babies born :-)

Ooh good luck with the sweep, the stabbing pains sounds like everything is moving in the right direction. Fingers crossed it happens quickly for you x
Ah that makes sense.

Hope you go into labour before they can induce you.

That's what I'm hoping for. 1st-4th July would be nice. 1st preferably lol.

Is Elf's mummy the first July baby to be being induced?
Wonder if she'll have her baby today?!!!

I have plans to go to my auntie's on Sunday and it's an hour away by car so really hoping I don't go into labour this weekend lol.
things are happening! Good luck everyone! :)

Have had stabbing sharp cervix pains for over a week now and on scan last week baby's head was really low so hoping she is on her way down :). she is on the smaller side but happy for her to come soon :).

I am really terrified of sweeps and inductions for some reason so want to avoid at any cause! What can I do to kick start labor naturally?

I won't be agreeing to sweeps or induction either.

Mine keeps moving up & down. Was 3/5ths engaged at 36 weeks but on Monday morning was "free" (not engaged at all). I can tell as well because at 36 weeks I felt hiccups really low between my cervix & bum lol. On Monday lunch the hiccups were felt near my belly button. But by Monday night late on I was feeling them really low again.
Also sometimes when s/he moves it feels like the baby is hitting/rubbing against my cervix and sometimes feels like it's bumping or squishing my bladder. So I really think it bobs up and down regularly lol!

I don't think there is much you can do to go into labour naturally.

Fresh pineapple, hot/spicy food, sex, long walks/exercise, are all supposed to start labour but I think it only works if you're ready and about to go into labour anyway.

I ate a whole fresh pineapple on Monday night haha. It was lovely but it didn't work.
Also had a hot curry (Madras) from a takeaway last Friday night.

I've halted all attempts to labour now, I'm holding out til next Thursday night as I want the baby to be born on Friday the 1st now lol.
I've ordered a fresh pineapple (again!) with my food shopping that's coming Monday. And think I might have a spicy curry from the good curry restaurant on Thursday night, pineapple for afters LOL!
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Phoenix85 why don't you want a sweep? I'm pretty against induction and want to avoid it if at all possible that's why I've agreed to a sweep next week. I've been told if your cervix is favourable it usually works within 48 hours. My midwife said if it's not favourable she won't do it!
I feel it's just induction under another name. It's too much interference for me, I'd rather leave well alone and let it happen when it's ready. Plus I don't want anyone's fingers up there LOL!!!
As I posted I am the same as Phoenix85. I know Labor will be very painful but can handle the thought of that. But someone sticking the hand up there messing around, don't want that! Heard from a colleague here it was the most painful experience she ever had so that didn't fill me with confidence either!

I know its different for everyone, some people feel it more and others less but I just don't like the thought of it! xx
Even some of the people on here who've had sweeps have reported pain and bleeding afterwards. To me it's just not natural and feel the cervix should be left well alone.
Anyway... is anyone else REALLY bored? LOL!

My house is pretty clean & tidy, I have no energy to do any housework atm, I'm going to clean again tomorrow instead. I'm just so bored right now and can't concentrate on anything (tried reading my hynobirthing book but keep putting it down unable to concentrate on it.).
Considering stripping my bed & washing it just for something to do! LOL

I'm starving too, but no bread in, phoned my mum earlier, she was in sainsburys so asked her to bring me a loaf of bread, she still hasn't turned up with it lol. I have nothing else quick/easy to have to eat.
Going to make a "full english breakfast" for dinner but want to wait for my bread so I can have some with it. haha.
I'm still working so no time to be bored ( working a lot as you can see when I post on here ;) ). Work is in London so get bombarded with Brexit talk all day! haha

I cant wait to leave work but I am sure I will be bored as well :) xx
Oh you're good still working, I went on Mat leave at 29 weeks :oops: lol
I worked up to 38 weeks and so glad I did as one week at home and bored already lol! At least it's the weekend and hubby is off for 3 days now! Just want baby to come now x
Ah it's nearly here for us all. When is everyone due again?

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Due dates are on the front page/first post :)

I'm due in 11 days! (5th July)
Today was my last day at work WAHOO!
Can't wait to out my feet up and relax :)

I still have 4.5 weeks left so hoping to enjoy this time xx
Hi ladies they started my induction via the balloon at 10 am the balloon fell out at 9pm I'm 3/4 cm and just waiting to go to delivery now apparently I'm first in the list they'll break my waters give me two hours and if nothing start the drip xx

Elfs mummy why did you get induced so early? im quite scared of induction - keep us posted and good luck

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