******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Phoenix you'll probably still have your baby before me ! Knowing my luck I'll have another section xx

Aww, hope you don't end up with a c section. Think positive :) x

I keep telling the baby to come out tonight but I'm not sure it's listening haha.

Really, any day this week would be fine lol.
I've been having the same conversation feeling completely drained today and lost more plug so hopefully things are heading in the right direction I have my final scan tomorrow and I wish they would say lets induce tomorrow xx

Officially the most pregnant I've ever been. And not in labour.

Am I the only one obsessing over birth dates? LOL

I would really rather have this baby sooner rather than later, but I'd prefer a birth date of the 1-10th July. Also I have loads of FB friends & acquaintances with birthdays this weekend and right through to the 30th June so if the baby doesn't make an appearance by Friday I'm crossing my legs til the following Friday LOL!
Oh no Phoenix ! Hope baby makes an appearance before Friday ! I had a sweep today and am officially 1cm dilated and she could almost break my waters. I'm feeling much more
Positive for Friday's induction told oh that he's got to perform tonight and we're ordering a curry. Will take Maisie to the park in the morning so I can use the trampoline. Got another sweep Thursday then hopefully I'll have a baby soon :)


Yesterday I ate an entire fresh pineapple, cleaned the house, and walked the dogs... and nothing, not even a twinge haha!

Good luck for your sweep/induction :)

TBH I'm coming to terms with hitting 39/40 weeks now. Don't even care any more. As long as it arrives in the next 2 weeks (and is not born this saturday or sunday) I'll be happy haha.
Well we saw consultant who has given the goahead for induction but as baby is ok at the moment we are going to try to keep baby in for a little longer, as I'd rather go naturally than have an induction. We have to see the consultant again next week and we will be just over 38 weeks. Baby has been a wriggle bum non stop now and I'm in pain with every movement. Just feels so real now and that we nearly have the crib ready and the nursery stickers are on the wall at least. Still things to sort. I'm just getting scared and worried a lot. Have any of you done a group b strep test I've got mine ready to do and send today just worried incase it's a false positive and then have to have antibiotocs which reading up on I'm allergic to both that they use! One midwife said do it and the next said don't bother so I don't know to do it or not? Kept reading horror stories of people who had it.

Hope all goes well Elfs Mummy and your little one makes an appearance soon. Hopefully the sweeps will be enough for you and you won't need a section. Hope the bouncing on the trampoline helps :)
I had a positive strep b result. Which is rather irritating hope yours comes back negative.
Well it's almost been 24 hours and there's no signs apart from loosing more plug this morning but that's been happening for weeks. Oh well another sweep tomorrow and induction Friday lets hope this works xx

Morning ladies ... still can't believe we're gonna be having a few early arrivals in June eeeek!

Makes it seem a little real now.

I'm not due till the end of Juky so feel like I have ages to go yet.

Still, I only have 2 more days left at work (Thurs & Fri) then that's me done until mid July 17 WAHOO!
Hi ladies, official 35 weeks today. Feeling absolutely fine so far. Getting nervous about labour now though and trying to guess when he or she will arrive x
I'm 38 +5 today. Baby getting stronger and getting the odd sharp pain down below. I'm hoping he/she won't keep me waiting too long
I live in n Ireland and they don't offer the strep b test here. Quite annoying as I read it can be v dangerous for baby. When I asked why I was told they don't offer it cos it is very often positive / negative one week and then the opposite the next time they test. Doesn't really make sense to me!
Today has been so stressful after being in hosp last week with reduced movement and concerns over monitoring the baby has been non stop active and then today so quiet! So I rang the triage as my consultant said any change to go in daily to be monitored and the woman on the phone was so rude she said because I had a scan on Friday she wouldn't have me in I was livid I hung up on her and rang day unit who had me in right away. Baby was ok but sleepy so had to stay on monitor an hour. Then when home has been very quiet again but has moved since hubby has been home but now monitoring but scared to call if it's the same woman I couldn't believe it my notes day daily monitoring of anything changes! Seriously I will be putting in a complaint. Then she asked if I had group b strep and I said I don't know you don't test for it and she came back with saying how they random check and I was like no you don't! Ahhhh other than the stupid midwife who told me to record hiccups as movements this is the worst treatment we have had infact it could have been the same midwife as she was foreign and sounded foreign on the phone. The day unit said hey knew who it was. Seriously stressed me out so much to the point I am scared to call again.
I live in n Ireland and they don't offer the strep b test here. Quite annoying as I read it can be v dangerous for baby. When I asked why I was told they don't offer it cos it is very often positive / negative one week and then the opposite the next time they test. Doesn't really make sense to me!

They don't rountinely offer the Group B Strep test in England either.
Only if there are other risk factors I think.

The strep bacteria is present in many people and normally causes no problems.

Out of every woman with group B strep in their vagina (around 20 to 30%) it's said only 1 in 200 of their babies would become ill (even without the antibiotics).

The risk of a baby getting ill from GBS increases if your waters break or you go into labour before 37 weeks, or if you previously had a baby who got ill from GBS, if your waters break more than 18hrs before delivery, or if you have a raised temperature during labour.
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I live in n Ireland and they don't offer the strep b test here. Quite annoying as I read it can be v dangerous for baby. When I asked why I was told they don't offer it cos it is very often positive / negative one week and then the opposite the next time they test. Doesn't really make sense to me!

They don't rountinely offer the Group B Strep test in England either.
Only if there are other risk factors I think.

The strep bacteria is present in many people and normally causes no problems.

Out of every woman with group B strep in their vagina (around 20 to 30%) it's said only 1 in 200 of their babies would become ill (even without the antibiotics).

The risk of a baby getting ill from GBS increases if your waters break or you go into labour before 37 weeks, or if you previously had a baby who got ill from GBS, if your waters break more than 18hrs before delivery, or if you have a raised temperature during labour.

Thanks Phoenix ☺ you explained it better than the midwife lol xx
How is everyone doing? Anyone got any niggles? Will any July babies be June babies? :-)
How is everyone doing? Anyone got any niggles? Will any July babies be June babies? :-)

I woke with contractions last Sunday night, but they died off after an hour.
Then last night I was having lots of twinges but nothing came of it. I'm glad though.
I'd like to have the baby next Friday (your due date lol), and that's only a week away. I'm quite happy to wait til then. However I got an email today from one of these pregnancy update sites and it said by now most babies weigh 7 and a half pounds. And I thought I hope not! LOL. I would prefer my baby to be under 8lb birth weight, simply because I'm used to small babies.
My baby's dad is not tall/big though and I'm measuring 2-3cm 'behind' so I reckon this one will be smaller than average.
Can't wait to hear about our first July babies arrival, good luck elfs mum!

Nothing here apart from contractions last week that amounted to nothing. I am hooked a sweep in Tuesday and have my aromatherapy appointment Monday then my induction booked for the 5th.

I want to beat induction though so I can go into the midwifery led unit and have a water birth.

How is everyone else doing x

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