******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******


Don't really come in here much but thought i'd drop in and say "I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE ALL DUE NEXT MONTH WOOHOO"

DH finally finished Alana's bedroom on Sunday, I now have a weekend of organising in there and making sure everything is washed folded and put away


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i had my 34/35? week midwife check up today, it went so well; baby's head is down but still not engaged. Apparently it's the last time i will see her until after birth..

:shock: Really? That doesn't sound right, unless she's on holiday? Will you be seeing someone else?

In the last few weeks you're supposed to see your midwife every fortnight up until 38/39 weeks and then weekly til you deliver.

If you really have no more MW appointments scheduled I'd get that checked with the SOM or your midwifery team. In the last few weeks anything can happen (high blood pressure, baby could stop growing, etc etc) so they are supposed to keep a closer eye on you.
I saw my midwife yesterday, I wasn't scheduled to because my last MW appt was at 36 weeks, but my platelets are low and I had been putting off getting them re checked and was going to go to the drop in blood clinic yesterday and then my MW rung me and asked if I wanted to go to her clinic (which just happens to be on a Tuesday afternoon).
She took 3 vials of blood, one to check platelets, 2 to check for Cholestasis, which I had with my last 2 babies but this time I've no obvious symptoms (no itching), so hoping they come back normal.
Platelets at 35 weeks were 128 which had gone up from 120 the week before. Hoping they've gone up again because they aren't happy about home birthing with platelets under 140 (even though when you look it up online other consultants are ok as long as platelets are over 100 or 120, it seems to vary from person to person).

I think things are getting ready to happen (I hope!) I've been having occasional mild contractions for just over a week now, not every day but occasionally, last week the baby was 3/5ths engaged. MW didn't check yesterday but I feel like it's getting more engaged. Also last night my pelvis felt achy like when everything softens ready to give birth... maybe just wishful thinking, but it feels different now lol.

My MW dropped off the home birth kit last night too.

Really hoping I have this baby before next Tuesday. Saturday night/Sunday morning would be perfect as kids are with their dad (they don't want to be here for the birth oddly!)
I don't want to go much longer with the worry of OC again and the low platelets because they're already talking about going into hospital and having managed 3rd stage and stuff. Just want to have it asap so I can have my home birth lol.
That's great you managed to get everything for baby Purple! I still feel like so much to get!!

Exciting Roisin and Elfs Mummym not long to go now! wish my due date was closer! Starting to get a little uncomfortable..

Had a nose bleed yesterday and freaked out since I never have them until I read it was normal in pregnancy. Also feeling very tired and short of breath but luckily I sleep well still! Also starting to get swollen ankles in the evening! IHaha, I love being pregnant ;)

Going to the hospital where I will give birth this Wednesday so excited about that. I hope she is still growing as normal since she has been a little small all the way though pregnancy.


yes i am so relieved! it was easy for me because i just worked from a list that i made so i am confident that i have everything. baby/bump is measuring 36 weeks!! i am 35weeks today! hmm.. nervous - i dont want a huge baby.

yes, nose bleeds are very common,i wont through bleeding gums a few months ago, i just changed my mouthwash and brushing technique and all is well now. i also get swollen feet/ankles and fingers, can no longer wear my wedding ring.

OH WOW! so your lil girl could be born on 22 June! that is soooo exciting!!! i pray that it all goes well for you! please let us know how you get on.
beautiful beautiful room @Charlene09. your husband did such a great professional looking job!
i had my 34/35? week midwife check up today, it went so well; baby's head is down but still not engaged. Apparently it's the last time i will see her until after birth..

:shock: Really? That doesn't sound right, unless she's on holiday? Will you be seeing someone else?

In the last few weeks you're supposed to see your midwife every fortnight up until 38/39 weeks and then weekly til you deliver.

If you really have no more MW appointments scheduled I'd get that checked with the SOM or your midwifery team. In the last few weeks anything can happen (high blood pressure, baby could stop growing, etc etc) so they are supposed to keep a closer eye on you.

no she wont be on holiday, yes very weird! i remember seeing midwife weekly during the end of my last pregnancy! hmm.. anyway, in 2 weeks time i will have antenatal check with GP and will also get whooping cough vaccine (have you all had yours??) M/W only mentioned it to me yesterday! . and then at 38 weeks a will meet a hospital m/w, not sure why i cant meet my normal one (i really really like her); anyway, it doesnt matter.

oh and she told me that as i have an 11 year gap from my last pregnancy, my body will think that this is my 1st baby during labour so it will probably longer and harder than my last one ... how great :-)

off to my antenatal class in 30mins :-) so very excited!
Wow, you MW care sounds... uh... interesting.

No I haven't had the whooping cough vaccine and won't be doing. I thought you had to have it before about 32 weeks because it can shed for up to 6 weeks and potentially infect the baby? Plus it takes several weeks to work so if you have it close to delivering it may not have had time to pass on any protection? I'd look into it but that's just me.
I didn't have it with my other two (wasn't given then) and had no issues. It's not something I see as being beneficial tbh.

At least you will be seeing a MW at 38 weeks, even if it isn't your regular one.

I have an almost 10 yr gap between this baby and my current youngest and wasn't told that lol. I think 3rd is 3rd no matter how big the gap lol.
Everyone I've spoken to (MWs & Doulas) have been of the opinion that as my last labour was relatively quick I can expect this one to be as quick or quicker. I certainly hope so.
My last labour was a lot more painful/intense than my 1st but I blame that on the induction & the MW trying to break my waters (after that I leaked with every contraction).

This time I'm not being induced (as it stands at the moment) and won't be consenting to VEs or interference lol.

Hope you enjoy the antenatal class!
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We've been signed off to Midwife care, woop woop :-) Baby is a bit on the small side, measuring 4 and a half pound and has only put on half a pound in the past 3 weeks, but if we get to 37 weeks to be able to give birth on the MLU they hope he'll be up to 5 pound so should all be fine :-) You shouldn't need SCBU now Redbootz, we were told at 34 weeks that baby should no longer need any support! Xx
@Phoenix, yes that is very true about the whooping cough.. hmm!
@ the antenatal class they also mentioned that if there is atleast a 7yr gap your body will think that it's your 1st labour. hmmm, my 1st was 4hrs and second 2 hours. will just wait and c.

oh wow! @ hoping to have baby this weekend, were your other 2 early? my 1st was 11days early and 2nd 4 days late. i am hoping to have the baby anytime from 9 July (he is due 20th).

@UNICORN, congrats! so happy for you! only 2 weeks to go till we are 37weeks :-)
That's me finished work - I'm proud of myself as I'm nearly 38 weeks! Now for some relaxation :-)
@ the antenatal class they also mentioned that if there is atleast a 7yr gap your body will think that it's your 1st labour. hmmm, my 1st was 4hrs and second 2 hours. will just wait and c.

oh wow! @ hoping to have baby this weekend, were your other 2 early? my 1st was 11days early and 2nd 4 days late. i am hoping to have the baby anytime from 9 July (he is due 20th).

@UNICORN, congrats! so happy for you! only 2 weeks to go till we are 37weeks :-)

Eek! hope not haha.

My first I was only in established labour about 4 and a half hours so not too bad I guess, and my second was 3 hrs of established labour.
I was induced with both of them though, at 37 weeks exact, due to Cholestasis.
So far so good with that although my midwife took bloods yesterday to check for Cholestasis even though I have no symptoms.

Mine's due the 5th July I'm already 37 weeks so really hoping it comes sooner rather than later, especially because the longer I go the more risk there is of Cholestasis developing so hoping s/he comes on their own before they can schedule an induction ;) haha
Hi ladies lovely to her all your updates. I am officially exhausted now and can't wait to finish work. 6 working days left to go. I just want to have a big sleep! My plan for my first day off is drop my son off at school and then nap!! Then have a pamper session. Can't wait xx
We've just got the car seat out of storage so washing that ready to use next week ! I'm hoping this babies started to engage will find out tomorrow then sweeps next week and induction Friday hopefully the sweeps will get things moving:
Hopefully you won't develop cholestatis this time and baby will come soon :)

Ugh I'm in the hospital baby being naughty already!!! Had about half hour sleep and I'm pooped!! Hopefully they will monitor baby again this morning and then be able to go home again that's what I'm hoping. Been told not allowed to go over my 40 weeks but I'm scared of induction. I do have a side room no loo but it's nice to be away from the other bays. Just so sleepy. I haven't had my whooping cough vaccine as they wouldn't give it to me and last I heard they got an allergy specialist looking into it but never had any info back so not having it. Other than that all is well. We still have t got everything sorted but I've given up stressing about it now what will be done and ready will be and the rest can wait.
Well I thought we were getting some info and then the doc was called away on emergency call so now have to wait again the scan I have booked is Tuesday but he wants to bring that forward so maybe it will be today. Just a long wait to know what they want to do. The hubby has taken the day off work and put puppy into puppy day care so he can be with me which is nice as I think I would go mad with boredom already and the magazines he left me with last night were virtual reality, top gear and business start up lol fun!! They were for himself! They haven't monitored baby since 4am and was told they would so I don't know I'm a little anxious and want to know baby is ok. Hopefully all will be well and this little one will behave!! Hope everyone else is well.
My blood test came back fine for Cholestasis (no OC) but lower platelets so they're all stressing now :roll:

MW booked me in to see the consultant at 10.30am on Monday, and it's 20 minutes away. So now I'm hoping baby comes this weekend so I don't have to go haha, really can't be bothered trekking on to the hospital and sitting around for ages just for a convo I know the outcome of.
Really need baby to come asap before my platelets can drop any lower. :mad:

Also I was looking on my facebook calendar and there are no (friends) birthdays between now & the 23rd, but loads from the 24th to the 30th, and multiple ones on the 25th & 26th so really want to avoid those days, so if baby doesn't arrive by the 23rd I'll be crossing my legs til the 1st of July haha!!
What will the consultant suggest do you think?
Lol come on quickly baby or hold out until July! Xxx
We got home but have to go back to get checked and decision being made on Tuesday about when to deliver baby. So we shall see. I'm exhausted and the FIL is here and the hyper puppy and it's all a bit crazy and so much to do still no nursery or crib yet so cutting it fine it's hard when hubby is not motivated at all. Drives me crazy! Just got to let it all go I think. I don't want any more visitors I don't want any visitors at the house when baby is here either it's not happening.

Hope baby comes soon Pheonix and that all is ok with you.
Thanks :)

It's frustrating because I feel fine, the only issue is low platelets. I kind of hope they take blood again on Monday and the results show they've gone up.

Really was hoping baby might come today or early hours of tomorrow, but now I don't think it's likely lol.

Have a feeling baby is happy where it is and I'll get to full term LOL.

I know the consultant will just say they advise me to have a hospital birth.
Supposedly she'll also refer me to haemotology so they can see if there's a reason my platelets are low other than due to pregnancy. Which I doubt.

I don't want to be induced again, but I'm jealous of the ladies who know when you're getting your baby haha. Especially Elf's Mummy. Only 5 days to go!!! xx

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