**February Babies 2012**

I'm getting anxious about finishing the nursery. It's all painted, just have furniture to put together and everything to pur away. Still have the soft furnishings to buy so thats the first thing when I get paid next week.

And I can't wait to finish work! Got 18 days to go and I'm already shattered. I'm up, showered and dressed but have no motivation to do my hair!

I'm starting to think about everyone round once Pip is born - and I feel sorry for DH's grandparents. They live a 20-30 min drive away, which I know isn't long but neither of them drive. Pip is their first great grandchild and I'm wondering when I'll feel up to going round to see them after the birth. I've said probably 2 weeks to DH, which he feels is right (doesn't wanna take Pip out when he is too little), but I want them to see him before all our work colleagues. The thing is, my work is a 5 min drive and DH's work is a 10 min drive so in reality they will meet him first. Everyone else in our families live within a 5 min drive so they can come to us - once I've decided to unbolt the door to the world! Lol!

Probably really over thinking that but hey ho!
We are quite lucky and most our family are pretty relaxed so hoping they won't all bombard us straight after little one appears.

I also want to meet little one asap but after being fully cooked of course.

Our nursery furniture arrived yesterday and that is all up so can start putting stuff away etc. But having a bad day today with pains and just feel like crying. Still have 7 weeks left and can't deal with pain anymore. xx
Also starting to feel towards the end now that the pregnancy has stopped being about me and cub and more about all the wishes, visiting rights and demands of family members - that's all I seem to get now!

Same! Both of our families live quite far and will have to stay with us when we come visit. We told them that we want the first week to ourselves, then my parents can come for a week, then DH's family can come for a week. However, when we were visiting DH's family over Xmas they told us that they plan to come to visit as soon as they hear the baby has arrived whether we want them there or not. I'm the one having the baby, and I think I'm allowed to be selfish. I'll be learning to BF and then having all the horrible bleeding etc, I don't want people around, and if I did, it would be my Mom that I want around. DH would be happy if both of our families were there right away, but he's being supportive and understands how important it is to me. My parents are also very understanding. WHat are you all doing about these situations?
Our families r quite relaxed about the whole thing - which is a good job! I'll be locking the door and not letting anyone in unless I have invited them. They can knock all they like but without an invite it isn't happening.

If my DH's family were like urs, id go spare! I need/want the timeto get to know my baby before I get bombarded with family wanting snuggles. He has to know I'm his mummy before everyone else butts in.

And I would get them all to stay in a local hotel, I couldn't have them around 24/7.
TBH - no-one in our families have really said much. Early on my parents said they'd prob come up as soon as possible, but my mum said the other day they'll prob stay with my dad's sister round the corner. Im trying to to stress about it.

Some parents I've spoken to is, that at least if close family visit at the beginning you dont have to run about after them the same - you can get grannies to help out. One guy who works with my DH, said they were so tired at the beginning, that when folk came round to visit - they left granny and granpa to play with LO, and went for a couple of hours sleep. - so im trying to focus on the positive things that having people in the house will mean.

I'm having the complete opposite worries to most of you ladies... We only have my MIL to worry about and she lives a 3 and half hour drive away. She is unable to travel as she is quite elderly, so won't be visiting us. We have said we will try to take LO up to visit her as soon as we are able, but realistically the 7 hour round trip we do when we visit is enough of a killer for us when we are on our own without thinking about doing the trip with a newborn. It will be at least a couple of weeks after she is born before we will be able to make the trip.
We have no other family, so although we don't have to worry about putting people off coming, it feels a bit lonely as hubby and I really are going to be on our own, with no-one to call on for help / advice... Scary thought!
Got our cot mattress and towels delivered today :)

Just need the cot now :D so exciting!
I can't wait to finally finish the nursery and things off once I have finished work, all furniture is up and in place just want to put the clothes away where I will find them etc etc. And as for visiting, I've not stressed about this yet but as I still live with my parents OH lives here too, obviously my parents will see LO more, however I am willing for OH's parents to visit as and when to keep it fair all my family live near by and I know my one nan would like to visit asap so will let her also :)
Everyone else I think will have to plan with me when to come. x
I NEED to put my furniture together but DH hasn't got a day off until end of next week :(

Might make him do the chest of drawers at least on Sunday when he gets home from work :D if I cry it might work!!
Carly I don't think you can use guilt :)
My mom and I put mine up the same day it came. We were both too eager to check it was ok, didn't take too long to do the cot. x
He won't let me do it :( and I think he wants to do it cos it's for his son :)

Just feeling the need to put things away instead of piling it up! Lol!
I had my cot ages ago so wasn't very big or struggling so mom did most of it and I helped, but I'm sure you will get it done before you know it. I want to put things in there proper place so can't wait to be on maternity to be able to do so. x
I will be in there doing it of an evening! I wouldn't be able to resist!!!
Thought I'd show u ladies the cotbed we've put a deposit on I am in love with it its too cute :) won't be getting it until he's a couple months old just be using a Moses basket until then x

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Also starting to feel towards the end now that the pregnancy has stopped being about me and cub and more about all the wishes, visiting rights and demands of family members - that's all I seem to get now!

Same! Both of our families live quite far and will have to stay with us when we come visit. We told them that we want the first week to ourselves, then my parents can come for a week, then DH's family can come for a week. However, when we were visiting DH's family over Xmas they told us that they plan to come to visit as soon as they hear the baby has arrived whether we want them there or not. I'm the one having the baby, and I think I'm allowed to be selfish. I'll be learning to BF and then having all the horrible bleeding etc, I don't want people around, and if I did, it would be my Mom that I want around. DH would be happy if both of our families were there right away, but he's being supportive and understands how important it is to me. My parents are also very understanding. WHat are you all doing about these situations?

I'm really in the same boat as you although your DH sounds very supportive. This is just a big arguing point at the moment, as his family live very close by but mine live far away. He basically doesn't want anyone to stay with us for the 1st two weeks but want his family to be able to visit straight away because they won't have to stay in our flat. It feels pretty unfair to me and same as you if I want anyone around me to start off with it would be my parents to support us and help us out. His family just want to hold the baby and seeing as they haven't exactly made me feel very good during pregnancy I dread to think how they would make me feel when I'm almost at my worst with being tired, hormonal physically exhausted etc...
It's difficult isn't it? I can't imagine living near DH's family. They really are nice, but overbearing. Maybe everyone feels that way about their inlaws haha. I think if your inlaws live close, you should be allowed to have your parents visit when you want.
Lol. I think you're right about in laws! I'm just hoping that if I speak to DH about this during labour he'll be too scared to argue lol!
Good plan Verity although you probably won't have the strength to argue with him if he resists you might end up agreeing with him.
Oh noooooo! I hadn't thought of that... hmmmm time for new plan perhaps!

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