**February Babies 2012**

aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!! Right i'm going to write a long list of all the things i need to do and I am going to get some crossed off this week!!!
Happy New Year Feb Mummies, Our babies are due next month which is scary but some could come this month "/
Exciting. Enjoy your last full month :) X
Ah can't believe its next month!! Soo can't wait but really quite scared x
Scarey that we're due next month. although given my dd is 27th i might even make it to march.

Def time to be getting organised. xxx
I have 50 days left. I remember celebrating 200 days :shock: where has the time gone?

Little man is celebrating today by having another rave and hiccups from drinking too much! Lol!
Wow happy new year girls I can't believe our babies are due next month.
Bless :)
Hope he didn't celebrate too much for the new year Carly :) x
Lol! He was non-stop zoe!! I've started to call him Sir Squirmalot!!! :lol:
Bless :)
I still feel rather left out, still don't get many a movement :)
Sir Squirmalot will soon be in your arms, maybe being even more squirmy. xx
As long as he lies still when I'm tryin to change his nappy that's fine!
Happy New Year Feb ladies can't believe our babies are due next month what a feeling :love: xx
I'm so excited that it's only next month. Just feeling a bit annoyed that I decided to work until end of jan now. I want to work for the money, but the thought of 4 more weeks is not nice. We've had a lovely couple of weeks off putting together the nursery & baby shopping, I just want to carry on preparing & thinking about baby not work now! Hope it goes quickly!
im sure it will fly passed. Im kinda the opposite. I had to finish up at christmas - and im dreading sitting about with not a lot to do, while everyone else is working. lol. We went down to my work tonight, to wish them all happy new year (its a care home) - and i think i'll prob be popping in and out over the next couple of weeks at least.

My boss has decided she's throwing a baby shower at work, so that'll be fun.

Yes, I'm feeling really excited now so I guess if was just sitting around time might drag more. It's probably a good thing to pass the time, just can't wait for baby to be here now & can't really be bothered with all the stresses that work brings! It's good that you can pop in for visits & you have your baby shower to look forward to.
Ah thats nice that they are throwing you a baby shower. Something to look forward to.

Im hoping time keeps flying as can't think of anything worse than being off and watching the clock!! x
I only have one more week at work to do, and cannot wait to finish, Feeling so tired lately and could sleep for anything :)
Just wondering if anyone else has gotten to the point where they are a little restless now? A couple of weeks ago I was in labour denial but now we've cracked on with everything and the nursery is almost done, I'm getting impatient! I want cub to fully bake first and then I want to meet him!

Also starting to feel towards the end now that the pregnancy has stopped being about me and cub and more about all the wishes, visiting rights and demands of family members - that's all I seem to get now!

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