**February Babies 2012**

I love Louis James, it is a really beautiful name. Do you think this one will stick till he is born? Glad Pip is moving more.
It's scarey when they do things like that. guess its to get us used to worrying about what they're up to when they're out of sight. lol
Change of name Carly?!?
Glad pip has made some groves for you, I still hardly feel my LO x
All updated - what a really gorgeous name! Glad he's moving more for you too - I hate it when they go quiet.

Are any of you ladies starting to wonder how much bigger you can get? I feel sooooo big and I still have 10 weeks left - I don't know how it's all gonna stretch!
Hopin this one will stick mustard! That's why we r still callin him Pip until he arrives!!

Changed from Arthur for 3 reasons - 1) we dont like Art/Artie as shortenings 2) we don't want it shortened to AJ either 3) we live close to the home of the chavs and most people I have said Arthur to have repeated Arfa!! Sounds horrible! Lol!

So Louis it is at the mo :) don't mind Lou as a shortening and LJ shouldn't be a problem.

Fingers crossed it sticks!!

The little monkey has been quiet again since I posted! Zoe - u should be feeling at least 10 movements a day from 28 weeks. Do u feel that many? xx
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Heeeey laydddeeesss.
How did i miss this? A thread just for us febbies.
Add me plssssss :-D:-D
Team yellow. names to date r valentine elle or jackson craig.
How far us everyone with prep.our nursery aint sorted yet n dunno whether t b worried
. finish work on 23rd dec so goy enuf time.
I just want junior t b here now. seriously not enjoying this pregnancy lark xxx
Our nursery's not ready yet either. we're waiting on argos to get in touch about delivering furniture that my parents ordered. We've not even got somewhere for bubs to sleep yet. hoping to get a crib in the sales. might have a wee nosey in town either the next few weeks or after xmas.
All updated - what a really gorgeous name! Glad he's moving more for you too - I hate it when they go quiet.

Are any of you ladies starting to wonder how much bigger you can get? I feel sooooo big and I still have 10 weeks left - I don't know how it's all gonna stretch!

Same here... Feeling enormous... When I slump myself on the sofa, I can't get up without being hoisted up by my husband! Can't get any bigger, surely! X
All updated - what a really gorgeous name! Glad he's moving more for you too - I hate it when they go quiet.

Are any of you ladies starting to wonder how much bigger you can get? I feel sooooo big and I still have 10 weeks left - I don't know how it's all gonna stretch!

Same here... Feeling enormous... When I slump myself on the sofa, I can't get up without being hoisted up by my husband! Can't get any bigger, surely! X

Hahaha I know me too... and then hubby calls me Doctor Robotnik (from the Sonic games) :rofl:

As for nursery, we haven't started yet either - hoping for some Christmas and New Year sale magic!
We bought the paint for the nursery yesterday and was supposed to finish clearing the room out and painting today. Well we kinda finished clearing it out but that's it! Lol! Some of the bits we have in there need to find new homes that isn't Pip's room and isnt our room. With a damp cellar, no loft and only the 2 bedrooms it makes it hard!

We have decided to move half of the stuff to one end of the room and paint half the room, then move it to the other side do we can paint the rest of the room. Then when his wardrobe and chest r put together, we can start clearing the room a bit better.

I'm also getting the stretching feelin - I said in tri 1 I thought I knew what a balloon being blown up felt like, now I really do! Lol! Skin is so tight and I struggle getting up and down. Loo is also upstairs and Pip has been getting in the way of getting upstairs for a few weeks now!

Also have this huge increase in thirst the past few days. No matter how much I drink I can't seem to satisfy it. All I can think of is GD. Had bloods done last week so hopin they will show somethin.
fingers crossed its not GD hon - but at least i guess you'd know.

we basically tucked stuff with no where else to go under the bed just now. will deal with it later. lol
Loving the February thread! It's nice to chat with girls who are all due around the same time :)

Starting to feel huge too! It's so hard just to roll over in bed, and then to ge out of bed! I don't know how I'll handle it at 40 weeks lol!

We are pretty much done uour nursery, but that is because my parents came to visit and helped set everytiing up! Now we are really just waiting. I plan to work until a week before my due date so I guess it's good that the ursery is all set up :)

Love the name Louis, Larly!
Oh wanted to add that I am thirsty all the time too, and was tested for GD and don't have it at all, so hopefully you're ok!
I feel like baby has got big recently but my bump is still pretty small - im wearing a pair of george (non maternity) size 14s that i bought when my 12s were too tight, but i didnt really have a bump - and they dont really stay up!! where on earth is she hiding!!

She is probably hiding in ur back!

Unfortunately we cant chick stuff under the bed as we have a divan! Lol!

We both have a week off before Xmas so hopin to get Pip's room finished then

Mrs km - glad u have the thirst And it's not GD. Just hopin I get the all clear from the drs. It's so irritating wakin up in the night with either 1) cramp 2) needing a wee 3) baby kicking 4) needing a drink 5) cats standing on me 6) DH snoring!!
Oops! I missed this thread!!!

Hi ladies :wave: how is everybody x
Hiya, can you add me? due 28th feb, and I'm having a girl.
thanks xxx
I've been so thirsty recently too, haven't been checked out though. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about. I think given that my blood pressure is always on the low side it's unlikely to be GD. I am having regular checks at the moment cos my platelets are quite low - hoping they don't drop too low as they won't give you an epidural if they are low, and I really want to keep that option open!

As for the nursery, we are making progress!! Room is painted, cot is up, but that is it! Need to decide on lots of the decoration stuff. We are trying to split our time between getting the nursery ready and finishing clearing out my late parents' house which we managed to sell much quicker than expected and which the vendors want to move into before Christmas!! Ahhh... Think that might be wishful thinking on their part! We spent the whole weekend last weekend clearing the loft, and a 6 yard skip and several trips to the dump later and we are making progress! Really hope we'll be able to crack on with the nursery during the Christmas holidays!
So jelous of you ladies with the nursery ready! We only live in a tiny 2 bed house, and my nearly 2 year old son already ocupies the 2nd room so no getting the nursery ready for me!! :( Although i have sorted out all Josh's draw's so that bump has got space, and i've got Josh's old newborn clothes hung up in half of Josh's wardrobe, Lots of nappies occuping half of Josh's changing table, I really want to get my Crib out and set it all up but don't think OH would be too happy about that just yet!
Any other ladies already with 1 baby, when are you setting up the nursery stuff that will go in your room? i.e moses basket, crib etc? xx
Hopin this one will stick mustard! That's why we r still callin him Pip until he arrives!!

Changed from Arthur for 3 reasons - 1) we dont like Art/Artie as shortenings 2) we don't want it shortened to AJ either 3) we live close to the home of the chavs and most people I have said Arthur to have repeated Arfa!! Sounds horrible! Lol!

So Louis it is at the mo :) don't mind Lou as a shortening and LJ shouldn't be a problem.

Fingers crossed it sticks!!

The little monkey has been quiet again since I posted! Zoe - u should be feeling at least 10 movements a day from 28 weeks. Do u feel that many? xx
when they say 10 movments a day is that on 10 different occasions because buba had a propper little party at 7 this morning for about had an hour but all has been quiet since then bar 1 little kick, has she filled her daily requirment in half an hour or not?

Our nursary is nearly done just need to finish putting the border up and a matress and bedding for the cot. Is anyone buying a cot bumper? Mum says we should get one but others says it can be a cause of cot death also how many blankets are you all buying, no one ever seems to give me a proper answer xxx

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