**February Babies 2012**

Firstly congratulations to Cazzlou!!
As for the valentines day baby, my original dd by my calculations put me as Valentines day which originally I liked the thought of.
I'm quite relaxed about the birth, actually not scared at all as I know it has to happen. All I worry about is whether I will know I'm in labour or not, silly I know!!
Lewa, happy full term to you and baby :)
And Butterfly, yayy for double buggy!!

Hope all you feb mummies are all keeping well. xx
I'm excited about labour! Lol! Can't wait for it to start and meet my son at the end of it :D
I'm excited for it to start, but worried incase I go into labour and I don't know I'm in labour, although mom said there is no mistaking labour :). X
I'm excited too - really can't wait to feel what it's like! (I'm sure I'll be eating my words when I'm going through it!)
Am I the only one not looking forward to labour...!?!
Looking forward to labour being over (!), but not that keen on the thought of hours of agony... :(. Also really nervous about not knowing when it's going to start... The thought it could start at any time now really makes me edgey! Hubby travels a lot with his work... What if he's miles away when it starts... Arghhh... Will just go into panic mode I think!

The other thing we didn't think about until the other day was the fact that hubby really shouldn't have a drink now just in case we have to get ourselves to the hospital pretty pronto. We were out for dinner on Friday night, and hubby was happily having a few drinks when I suddenly thought, 'what if it all starts tonight...? I can't drive us to the hospital!!' Really hadn't thought about that until then! So strict rations are in place now...!!
My oh is going in a one beer self imposed limit from 1 Feb, but yet to see if he sticks to it!
My FIL is takin us to the hospital so DH doesn't have to drive but I've told him he can't drink cos I'll need him sober for labour. Let's see if he listens!
My OH has decided to stop drinking just incase, I love how he said have you seen what im doing for you at that point I did point out that I hadn't had a drink or a cigarette since I found out I was pregnant lol men are brilliant sometimes. I'm kind of looking forward to labour that might be because im so uncomfortable at the moment I really don't want to be induced though because I want to have her at the midwife led unit not in hospital! Did find out at antinatle the other day that 98% of mothers who want a water birth get one which is promising and 85% of births use the pool at some point as they really encourage it and lots of women decide to try it even if it wasn't planned x
My OH is also on strict instructions to watch the beer intake from 1st Feb! Hehe. Don't fancy having a pi$$ed OH during labour. :) x
He had a dream the other day that he got drunk and missed the birth by two days think it scared him a bit lol xx
Ah bless that is funny - but kinda works in your favour :) x
My OH has decided to stop drinking just incase, I love how he said have you seen what im doing for you at that point I did point out that I hadn't had a drink or a cigarette since I found out I was pregnant lol men are brilliant x

men can be unbelievable sometimes!! Lol
My OH has decided to stop drinking just incase, I love how he said have you seen what im doing for you at that point I did point out that I hadn't had a drink or a cigarette since I found out I was pregnant lol men are brilliant x

men can be unbelievable sometimes!! Lol

Agreed lol!

How are all the Feb Ladies today? It is my first Monday on mat leave... Feels so weird to be home! Is anybody else on constant watch for signs? In the last few days i have been getting somewhat sharp pains down there, and lots of pressure in my bum, but not all the time. Overall, I don't feel like she wants to arrive any time soon though!
Oooh hope you have a good appointment Mrs KM and good last day of work!

Yours sounds lovely Carly and now you get to focus on pip! I don't finish until the 9th! Day after I'm due but at least it's working from home now.

Is anyone else desperate for a labour watch? X

By the time you wrote this Verity I was cuddling by LO (she must have heard you and the others). Sorry about the lack of labour watch, it all happened so quickly I hadn't sorted a text buddy and didn't get a chance to update.

Hope you are enjoying your maternity leave Carly.
Ah my first Monday on maternity leave too, so weird to stay in bed when OH gets up for work. I'm a teacher so kept thinking I needed to set cover work or something! I'm also analysing every pain & have a sweep tomorrow so will be on super high alert after that! Happy nesting!
Mustard u have had ur bubba already? Lol! Congrats :hug:
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Mustard;; that was quick!!
Congratulations. xx
Oh just realised i was the first, sorry for queue jumping.
Yayayayayayay mustard! Congrats! So happy for you and all the queue jumping makes me hope that these Feb babies are just desperate to make an appearance!

I've updated the first page again!

Mrs KM - I've been having the exact same! Lots of niggles and even said to DH tonight, that I though cub was trying to wriggle out my bum! LOL The problem is that every tiny twinge I get now, I get far too excited about...

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