**February Babies 2012**

I know larly has mentioned this before but why r all the tri3 tickers so horrid. The 33week looks like baby is crying.
Yeah ok, but baby does have a very downturned mouth.
Hahaha I am kind of glad I just stuck with the fruit ticker!
As Carly says, baby is just thinking where they could hide :) x
Hi February Mamas! Just trying to keep our thread around haha. DH and I had a busy weekend finishing setting up the nursery. We also packed our hospital bags (they recommend that your OH stay at the hospital the whole time here so he needed a bag too), and set up the bassinette in our room. Getting all this done has made everything seem very real though! I can't beleive we only have a month to go! How is everyone else doing?
Just spent the weekend doing the same! Just waiting for a chest of drawers and the nursery is done, DH is getting very impatient now. Can't believe we're almost full term - so exciting!
Just over a week until full term! I have no idea where the time has gone! Are you getting nervous about labour and delivery at all? We had an info session at the hospital last week and they showes us photos of the labour and delivery rooms and operating room for c sections.... Made me a bit nervous to be honest!
Yeah I'm getting very nervous - not so much about the pain anymore (although I was very scared of this for ages) but having the strength to get through it and really not sure how I'll react. Been watching birth videos and some are super scary lol!

I've been getting more cramps and lower back pain recently too - have you had any of this more frequently recently?
My back is fine as long as I don't walk or stand for long... As in more than 5 minutes lol. I am definitely more crampy. I don't think I have had braxton hicks yet though. Have you?
No, me neither. Crampy but my stomach doesn't seem to get any tighter...

DH is finishing putting the furniture together tomorrow and Wednesday, then I can start putting Pip's things away instead of dumping them in his room. Fiona get his Moses basket all set up too. This weekend I'm hospital bag shopping so that should be done soon as well.

All getting very real!

And this is my last full week at work! I have 2 more weeks after this but next week I have 2 half days and the week after I finish on the Thursday cos of my active birth class. It's still going so quick! My whole pregnancy has flown by, sometimes I still find it hard to believe I'm actually pregnant!
Well much the same in out house....hubby finally Wel much the same in out house....hubby finally got round t applying the transfer into the wall and settin up al the rawers shelves etc.
Love the transfer...however he did lots of mutterin under his breathe abt how the instructions suggest it peels off it one perfect swoosh but was quite the opposite....all dun now though so this week its:
clothes washin for bubs....double check hosp bag....(includin most importantly...snacks...lol)
Wash n put beddin on.....n pretty much try t njoy nesting. wanna get windows cleaned(not by me).....car valeted (again...my back wont allow).

However it will allow me to 'pop' to meadowhall shoppin centre to spend my Mc xmas voucher n browse mayb 2other shops clos by..deffo wnt b a full day.....but got the joiner fittin wardrobes in our house so wanna get out of his hair.

Big hugs xxxxxxx
Cant wait for my mat leave to start! Really beginning to struggle with work. I wanna be at home nearing as tidying up but that isn't gonna happen for another 3 weeks :(

Pip best stay put until I've finished pottering around! Lol!
Our stickers finally arrived from the US on Saturday, so we have made a start putting them up. Would have liked to finish it, but had a busy weekend, so will hopefully finish them this week. They are looking fab so far!!
Had our final antenatal class yesterday, so now know everything there is to know about labour and caring for a newborn (yeah right!!!! Lol).
I am going to get all the bedding washed this week so I can get all that on the cot (even though LO will be in the Moses basket for the first couple of months) - it'll make the room look much better!
Exciting days ahead for us s all!! :)
Cant wait to see pictures of all these lovely nurseries. Ours isnt done yet but cot has been delivered now so just putting everything together.
Cant wait to see pictures of all these lovely nurseries. Ours isnt done yet but cot has been delivered now so just putting everything together.

Definitely!! I love looking at everyone's pics!! Have fun assembling your cot!! It's so much fun seeing everything finally taking shape!! :)
Me too, can't wait to see everyone's nursery photos. My furniture is all in there and i have made the bed just to make it look better. But still need to wash all the bits.

Struggling to decided which wall sticker to have. We want a tree but can't decide between a cheeky monkey one or one with Owls on x
Struggling to decided which wall sticker to have. We want a tree but can't decide between a cheeky monkey one or one with Owls on x

Sounds like you have been looking at the same ones as us!! I was watching loads on EBay for weeks and couldn't decide... Monkeys, owls, etc! but definitely wanted a tree! Will post a pic of ours once I have finished putting it all up! Good luck on choosing the right one for your nursery! :)

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