February 2021 Mummies :) 2nd Trimester

I'm on sick leave next two weeks. Happy about that. :angel:

The other day I felt the baby swim many times but then there are days I don't feel much of anything. Not super worried but I'd prefer to feel something every day. I'm 18+5 today.

I have my second scan on 24th so still have to wait for more than two weeks to know if we're having a boy or a girl. Hope I start feeling the movements more often. <3

Ooo how exciting, do you have a feeling to the gender? I knew this one was a boy but I wasn't sure if that was just wishful thinking haha x
16 weeks today and excited about feeling movements... on the lookout but nothing yet!
I have a private scan on 21st Sept as it's been ages since my husband last got to see baby and will be a while for me by then too! Can't wait to see its progress!

Crazy to think it's been 6 weeks since our NIFTY and our baby's gender is sitting on file somewhere if we change our mind. Not planning to of course! :)
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16 weeks today and excited about feeling movements... on the lookout but nothing yet!
I have a private scan on 21 as it's been ages since my husband last got to see baby and will be a while for me by then too! Can't wait to see its progress!

Crazy to think it's bene 6 weeks since our NIFTY and our baby's gender is sitting on file somewhere if we change our mind. Not planning to of course! :)

You have more self control then me! I was so so impatient to find out the gender! I sometimes think I feel a little movement, then I question if it's wind bubbles haha xx
Hope everyone is doing good. I’m celebrating 6 days of no sickness! Woooooooo

4 days for me too! Think we've finally found the right combo of medication for me! Touch wood. I've defo been feeling some movements the last couple of days too! X
4 days for me too! Think we've finally found the right combo of medication for me! Touch wood. I've defo been feeling some movements the last couple of days too! X
Ah that’s great news for you too!! Long may it last and hopefully you get to enjoy your pregnancy x
I want to feel this baby moving!! Come on baby!! x
Bump pic! Seems to have popped all of a sudden!!!

Hope everyone is feeling ok. Still not felt bubs move... can’t wait!!!
Next scan on 1st October! Can’t stop buying baby clothes!!! Can’t believe we’re almost half way through!!!!!! Xx
Hello, 20+1 here. I don't feel movement too much and when I do I'm not sure. The second scan is next week on thursday. I hope everything is gooood.
Ok here, but feeling huge. Getting some movements now and then :)
Anomaly scan on Wednesday and also see how my cervix is holding up!
Hey all, no still not felt any proper movement, maybe a slight churning low down but that’s it, thought I’d feel this one earlier being my third but nope! Got my scan on Monday, still staying team yellow even though everyone wants me to find out :shakehead:
Hi all!
Well here mostly. Suffering with TMJ pain which I've now realised is another lovely side affect of pregnancy!! Also if waking up at like 4am for the loo, takes ages to go back to sleep even though I'd normally sleep till 8am onwards. So feeling a bit of out if this morning!

Otherwise feeling well, quite hungry! Belly has started to pop out and got asked by a little old lady at the pharmacy this week if it was my first baby which was a lovely moment! Have a private scan on Monday which will be nice - will be 17+5 and haven't seen it since 12+6!

Everyone’s started noticing my bump now lol. It’s popped properly on Tuesday and depending on baby’s position I feel huge. I’ve seen 3 people I know, who didn’t know previously about the pregnancy and they were all like “woah” :lol: . S/he was having a bit of A party yesterday evening which was really lovely. Did one super kick which I actually felt on my hand from the outside. 4 days til anomaly scan day :)
Beautiful bump! Mine is huge but as its number 3 I'm just rolling with it. Quite literally! X

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This makes me feel more happy seeing your bump. I'm having baby no3 and feel huge already. Onky 17 weeks but people have already commented saying how pregnant I look. Didnt really show with other 2 until gone 20 weeks. Fingers crossed this isn't a sign its going to be a big baby.

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