February 2021 Mummies :) 2nd Trimester


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Here we are ladies, ready and waiting for all of us to arrive :love:


4 - MissMe :pink: & shortnsweet
9 - Abilouise30 & 2blondeboyz
12 - Nemi
14 - LJD :blue: & Debbie Lock :blue: & princess81:blue:
15 - Laillah :yellow:
18 - jorgi :yellow:
19 - BabyBrooklyn
20 -
21 - Mel83
24 - Sydney :yellow:
25 - smartmaggot :blue:
28 -

10 - kathryn85 :blue:
13 -Zara96 :pink:
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Aww yay! Just under 3 weeks for me! I'll be the last one left in the first tri thread :lol:
Eeeeeeeek! Can’t wait! Monday morning I’ll be in the second trimester! WOWZERS!!!!!!
@Princess81 Can you copy/paste the due date list to the first post from the first trimester thread, please?:dance:

I'm so sad this is the end of my summer holiday. I have to go to work on monday, blah. But the good thing is that during the day I'm not as tired as I used to be. I'd be more than happy to say bye bye to the fatigue.:wave:

:clap: Tummy has popped a bit. I ordered some maternity clothes today and I can't wait to try them on. The app says baby is now as big as a lemon.
@Princess81 Can you copy/paste the due date list to the first post from the first trimester thread, please?:dance:

I'm so sad this is the end of my summer holiday. I have to go to work on monday, blah. But the good thing is that during the day I'm not as tired as I used to be. I'd be more than happy to say bye bye to the fatigue.:wave:

:clap: Tummy has popped a bit. I ordered some maternity clothes today and I can't wait to try them on. The app says baby is now as big as a lemon.
Here we go I’ve put them on the first post xx
Does anyone have pains in their stomach that feel similar to a pulled muscle / shooting pain? If I go to sit up from laying or sometimes when I cough it feels like I’ve damaged a muscle in my stomach and I get quite a strong pain. It only happened yesterday for the first time but it worried me x
Does anyone have pains in their stomach that feel similar to a pulled muscle / shooting pain? If I go to sit up from laying or sometimes when I cough it feels like I’ve damaged a muscle in my stomach and I get quite a strong pain. It only happened yesterday for the first time but it worried me x

I've had something like this if I got up too quickly. Not too strong pain but definately something.

I think it's normal :think: But I think I could slow down a bit and pay attention on how I move my body and use the right muscles when I get up or lift things. Not saying we should move like sloths but maybe just be a bit more careful.
Does anyone have pains in their stomach that feel similar to a pulled muscle / shooting pain? If I go to sit up from laying or sometimes when I cough it feels like I’ve damaged a muscle in my stomach and I get quite a strong pain. It only happened yesterday for the first time but it worried me x

Sounds like round ligament pain to me. I used to get it if I stood up too fast, twisted in the night or sneezed haha.
That’s ligament pain that you describe. Very common but not very nice! X
Does anyone have pains in their stomach that feel similar to a pulled muscle / shooting pain? If I go to sit up from laying or sometimes when I cough it feels like I’ve damaged a muscle in my stomach and I get quite a strong pain. It only happened yesterday for the first time but it worried me x
I used to get this in my first pregnancy, if I moved too quick etc, and I used to get it in the night if I got up for a wee! Hurts but does ease off abit later on!
Hated every second at work. Couldn't wait to get home and cry. I don't know how I can be there the rest of the year.
Oh no! What is it that you do? X

I'm graphic designer. I just hate this office and due to covid it's quite slow here and I get super frustrated if I have nothing to do. I'd rather be home. Monday was terrible but I've felt a bit better since.

I'm 14 weeks today. Mostly I work standing up and I've noticed yesterday and the day before that my legs are swollen. I think it's due to the fact that I pretty much stand still 8 hours a day. Never had them swell up before pregnancy tho.

I noticed it when I crouched and my thighs just felt huge and like pillows. I also notice my thighs really rubbing when I walk. Other than that I feel fine.

How's everyone else doing?
I'm a graphic designer. I just hate this office and due to covid it's quite slow here and I get super frustrated if I have nothing to do. I'd rather be home. Monday was terrible but I've felt a bit better since.

Oh hey, cool! I'm also a graphic designer :) I'm sorry you've had to go into your office, that sounds horrid. Mine is closed until at least next year because we have hundreds of staff members (we're a multi-national market research company).
Oh hey, cool! I'm also a graphic designer :) I'm sorry you've had to go into your office, that sounds horrid. Mine is closed until at least next year because we have hundreds of staff members (we're a multi-national market research company).

Do you work from home or is everything on pause? I just had 4 weeks paid holiday and for 2 weeks we were laid off without pay. We need to wait a bit over week now to know if we'll be laid off again or fired or stay normaly at work. It's all due to covid.

I'm over this place of work anyway so I'd be happy to leave and if I'll stay I try to come up with something else so that I wouldn't have to go back after maternity leave :D

How is maternity leave in the UK? In Finland mothers have 4 months and fathers 9 weeks. Then we have 6 months that can be shared how ever a couple wants to. Mom/dad can have all the extra 6 months at home or share it how ever they like. During the leave you get paid but not your whole sallary.
Do you work from home or is everything on pause? I just had 4 weeks paid holiday and for 2 weeks we were laid off without pay. We need to wait a bit over week now to know if we'll be laid off again or fired or stay normaly at work. It's all due to covid.

I'm over this place of work anyway so I'd be happy to leave and if I'll stay I try to come up with something else so that I wouldn't have to go back after maternity leave :D

How is maternity leave in the UK? In Finland mothers have 4 months and fathers 9 weeks. Then we have 6 months that can be shared how ever a couple wants to. Mom/dad can have all the extra 6 months at home or share it how ever they like. During the leave you get paid but not your whole sallary.

I’ve been working from home ever since I found out I was pregnant and thankfully all we had happen to us was a 20% salary reduction from May (so essentially we’re working four day weeks) and it ends in September.

We get a years maternity leave here. My company pay me 90% of my wage the first three months then 50% the second three. Then it would be statutory maternity pay for the next three months and then nothing the last three.

My husband and I have chosen to take Shared Parental Leave though. It means I can give him as much of my maternity leave as I like :) He gets two weeks paternity leave as standard and then I’m giving him months seven, eight and nine before we’ll both be back at work as we can’t afford one of us to have any time off for nothing.
I’ve been working from home ever since I found out I was pregnant and thankfully all we had happen to us was a 20% salary reduction from May (so essentially we’re working four day weeks) and it ends in September.

We get a years maternity leave here. My company pay me 90% of my wage the first three months then 50% the second three. Then it would be statutory maternity pay for the next three months and then nothing the last three.

My husband and I have chosen to take Shared Parental Leave though. It means I can give him as much of my maternity leave as I like :) He gets two weeks paternity leave as standard and then I’m giving him months seven, eight and nine before we’ll both be back at work as we can’t afford one of us to have any time off for nothing.

ah you get a good deal.
We get 3 months in the nhs then statutory. Rubbish!

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