***December 2019 Mummies***

Came hospital was 3cm didnt need to be induced
Midwife broke my waters, went for long walks, bounced on the birthing ball, checked me after 2 hrs i was 5cm and within 15 minutes went from 5cm wanting to push, used gas and air and he was born :)
Aww congratulations @Baby Ali so lush! My waters broke 11pm on 26th and he was born at 21.01 on the 27th. Still in the hospital until at least lunchtime tomorrow. Baby Isaac :)

Hope you are both doing well xx
Congrats and welcome baby Isaac!x
Aww congratulations @Baby Ali so lush! My waters broke 11pm on 26th and he was born at 21.01 on the 27th. Still in the hospital until at least lunchtime tomorrow. Baby Isaac :)

Hope you are both doing well xx

Congratulations to you too!!

Is that all the December babies now?
Aww congratulations @Baby Ali so lush! My waters broke 11pm on 26th and he was born at 21.01 on the 27th. Still in the hospital until at least lunchtime tomorrow. Baby Isaac :)

Hope you are both doing well xx

Aww congratulations @Baby Ali he was ready to make his entrance after all!! He’s so cute. Hope you’re both well xx
Aww congratulations @Baby Ali so lush! My waters broke 11pm on 26th and he was born at 21.01 on the 27th. Still in the hospital until at least lunchtime tomorrow. Baby Isaac :)

Hope you are both doing well xx
Congratulations! Have you got a photo of little Isaac you could share with us? <3 hope you’re both well x
Isabella was 7lb 15.5oz last Tuesday when she was weighed on Day 14. She was only 40g off her birth weight so the HV was happy with her progress

Aw wow he’s such a cutie! How old is Arlo now? How are you both getting on? X

Thank you. He was 6 weeks on Thursday.

He’s doing well but is struggling with reflux. He has a condition called laryngomalacia (floppy larynx), which goes hand in hand with reflux.

The reflux seems to be at its worst at 4.30am each morning and we’re up for the day from then, so we’re not getting much sleep But we’re all good apart from that!

How are you coping with Isabella? She’s gorgeous
Has he got colic?
My 5 yr old son had it very bad wen he was a baby, wud start crying from 9pm till 3am was a nightmare till one of my cousin told me to give him colief few drops in his milk, worked wonders,
I am using this with my baby son now aswell and its worked no crying with pain.

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