***December 2019 Mummies***

Look at all these babies they’re beautiful !
I’ll have a proper read once we’re home :)
My poor boys got the dreaded bronchitis so we’ve been in hospital since Friday. We’re now over the worst with only Theo needing oxygen but it’s getting them back feeding that’s proving to be troublesome.

They’re still beautiful :)

Look at all these babies they’re beautiful !
I’ll have a proper read once we’re home :)
My poor boys got the dreaded bronchitis so we’ve been in hospital since Friday. We’re now over the worst with only Theo needing oxygen but it’s getting them back feeding that’s proving to be troublesome.

They’re still beautiful :)

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They r beautiful xxx
Look at all these babies they’re beautiful !
I’ll have a proper read once we’re home :)
My poor boys got the dreaded bronchitis so we’ve been in hospital since Friday. We’re now over the worst with only Theo needing oxygen but it’s getting them back feeding that’s proving to be troublesome.

They’re still beautiful :)

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Your boys are so gorgeous <3
I hope they start getting better soon xxx
We’re on the up Theo’s now good to go just waiting on oscar x
Look at all these babies they’re beautiful !
I’ll have a proper read once we’re home :)
My poor boys got the dreaded bronchitis so we’ve been in hospital since Friday. We’re now over the worst with only Theo needing oxygen but it’s getting them back feeding that’s proving to be troublesome.

They’re still beautiful :)

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So glad the boys are over the worst and hope they’re both back at home soon
The health visitor came out on Wednesday to weigh Arlo again. It turns out he weighs 11lbs 4oz and is plotting on the 50th centile for both weight and length. He’s started to outgrow a few 0-3 month baby grows now, as he seems to have big feet! The length is still fine on him.
Ali is 13 days old today, getting few hours sleep during night times now, i am breast and bottle feeding i find this works for me, i did do breastfeeding only for the first 3 nights and he was waking up every hour and it drained me, i was soo tired and still in aches and pains, so decided to give him a bottle b4 bed which gave me 2-3 hours of sleep, i breastfeed during the night and bottle at 4am and another 7am as i am back doing school runs lol
During the day I breastfeed and maybe give 2 bottles.

This is working for me at the moment while we all try to get some sort of routine,

Also he loves being carried and cries we i put him down :shock:
What Fantastic weight :) the twins were 8lbs and 8 lbs 2oz last week. @Baby Ali gobwith what works for you xx
Ali is 2 weeks old
Getting better with night time sleep n feeds,
We had visitors everyday for the 2 weeks which i have also got used to now lol we have lots of family and friends :)

Still finding morings school time chaotic as baby is awake for feed and kids r ready for school

Hope everyone else doing well
I feel your pain @Baby Ali we have a large group of friends and family too so we’ve had very little time to ourselves in the 4 weeks Isabella has been here. I can’t believe she’s a month old tomorrow! I’m not ready to say goodbye to her being ‘newborn’ which I’m considering as officially over once she is 1 month old. She’s becoming more alert day by day... today she has been awake from 10am and now it’s 4am. She either wants cuddling, winding, feeding or playing with haha :-)
I feel your pain @Baby Ali we have a large group of friends and family too so we’ve had very little time to ourselves in the 4 weeks Isabella has been here. I can’t believe she’s a month old tomorrow! I’m not ready to say goodbye to her being ‘newborn’ which I’m considering as officially over once she is 1 month old. She’s becoming more alert day by day... today she has been awake from 10am and now it’s 4am. She either wants cuddling, winding, feeding or playing with haha :)

Time fly by
Enjoy the moments :)
Someone shud do another thread for all our babies so we can see how they r all developing and update pictures of them etc? And keep contact as we all went through this amazing journey together :)
I still come on and check to as i still feel conected to this site and everyone here
Is it just me or anyone else feel the same????

Hope ur all good and babies r all well and healthy xx
I have a Facebook group with my July mummies from 2016 we still talk :)
The boys are almost 11 weeks and still behave like newborns most of the time they sleep, eat and maybe have awake periods of 15 minutes at most. We also have bronchitis again which luckily they’re managing at home this time but it’s awful to here them cough. We also finally move next Friday :)
Unfortunately I’ve developed really bad anxiety when it comes to the boys and it’s starting to impact day to day life so I’ve been referred to the mental health team hopefully it’ll all be ok and sorted soon.
I have a Facebook group with my July mummies from 2016 we still talk :)
The boys are almost 11 weeks and still behave like newborns most of the time they sleep, eat and maybe have awake periods of 15 minutes at most. We also have bronchitis again which luckily they’re managing at home this time but it’s awful to here them cough. We also finally move next Friday :)
Unfortunately I’ve developed really bad anxiety when it comes to the boys and it’s starting to impact day to day life so I’ve been referred to the mental health team hopefully it’ll all be ok and sorted soon.

Good to know boys r doing okay,
Hope everything goes well with the move :)
Goodluck with everything x
My baby is 3 weeks old and very attached to me and his elder sister always wants to be carried and cuddled by us lol cant put him down starts screaming & crying and hes got bigger lungs than him :shock:

Off to his cousins 1st birthday party later on today :)
Sorry to hear that @Elfs Mummy but glad to hear you’re getting help. I hope you get the support you need.
@Baby Ali i feel connected too to this site <3 I’m happy to set up another thread but I’ll be honest I’d find a FB group easier like @Elfs Mummy has with her July 2016 mummies if everyone would prefer that and is on FB?
Sorry to hear that @Elfs Mummy but glad to hear you’re getting help. I hope you get the support you need.
@Baby Ali i feel connected too to this site <3 I’m happy to set up another thread but I’ll be honest I’d find a FB group easier like @Elfs Mummy has with her July 2016 mummies if everyone would prefer that and is on FB?

Facebook is good for me :)

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