***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Shell, H was the same and I had to give him calpol. I really think these second set of jabs have affected him much more then the first ones did. Hope Rian feels better soon.

Vin, we got H a giant play man and we love it! He goes on it all the time and its great for tummy time. Mine was £29.99 from Argos.
Here he is enjoying it.



Emma that is great news that you finally have things sorter with Harrison.

Tambo, I don't think I could cope with my days being disrupted either. Hope you feel better soon.

I think H is going through a growth spurt, leap, he's not been grumpy during the days though, just unsettled during night time. I hope all these grumpy babies cheer up soon.
Well its wasnt so bad after Rian going down at 8pm he woke at 12am for a bottle and then woke at 8am so we didnt have a bad night.

Were currently laying on the bed having a chat not a clue wat about thou lol i love that hes found his voice its too cute.

Stargirl great pics H holds his head up so well xx
Horrendous morning I saw half past every hour from 5.30 *yawn*

The mat is from Smyth's toy shop £19.99 bargain :)

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Arghhhh Pudds - I noticed April 2014 mums and babies being mentioned - VERY weird!! That was all of us this time last year!! Seems so long ago...xx

I think the opposite, its gone SUPER quick feels like yesterday. Like a whirlwind. Cant believe we tried for her, got her, carried her and now shes this giggling happy baby girl. Flown past.

Arghhhh Pudds - I noticed April 2014 mums and babies being mentioned - VERY weird!! That was all of us this time last year!! Seems so long ago...xx

Bizarre this time last year I didn't know I was pregnant! I found out September :)

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Hahah thats funny. I found out July 28th and did a digi on our wedding anniversary on Aug 1st. :-D xx

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Well its wasnt so bad after Rian going down at 8pm he woke at 12am for a bottle and then woke at 8am so we didnt have a bad night.

Were currently laying on the bed having a chat not a clue wat about thou lol i love that hes found his voice its too cute.

Stargirl great pics H holds his head up so well xx

Thanks Hun. He loves tummy time.

I never think of going to smyths. The nearest one is a bit of a drive away.

I think the last year has flown by. So much has happened in a year. I found out I was pregnant in sept and although we got the best news ever, it was also a hard month for us. At the beginning
we had to have our dog put to sleep, which was horrible and the a week after finding out I was pregnant my lovely nanna passed away. It made the beginning of my pregnancy really hard as I couldn't stop thinking of her. Now nearly a year on she's constantly on my mind. She would have loved H so much!

On a brighter note, since Thursday H has had most of his daytime naps in his cot and self settled :)

We've got a Smyth's just round the corner, she's had a ball on it tonight playing on her tummy spinning round.
Daddy's just getting her ready for bed hopefully she goes down easily as I'm absolutely knackered.

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Evening Ladies!!

What a day...attended a family party and have been dreading it as JJ has been quite grumpy these last few days. Unfortunately despite a mammoth nap this morning, he did indeed get very grumpy and I had to fight off several (well meaning) relatives who seemed to think that they could do a better job of settling my boy...to cut a long story short, he got really stressed out being passed around and despite several attempts of trying to get him back to soothe him (to be told "stop worrying" "he's fine") he screamed himself silly - so much so, he started sweating!!! :-(

I had had enough by then and pretty much stole him back and went to a quiet room to put him in a tight mummy cuddle to soothe him.

Why on earth do people do this???? Yes, ok, I fully admit I am over protective when it comes to my boy, but I am the only one who can settle him when he gets really wound up - and to be almost "not allowed" to comfort him, drove me insane and I got quite angry.

Back home now, chilling out and hoping for a nice quiet day tmrw.

Hope you've all had a good Saturday xxx
Evan has mastered the back to front rollover! He needs a bit more practice with front to back as he keeps getting frustrated. Very proud of him :)

He's also been a lot less grumpy today :)
Go Evan! Libby goes the other way :)

Chezza I'd be soooo peed off if I was you! Hugs to you and j!

I'm sooooo knackered I'm having a brew and a cookie and going to bed, catch you all tomorrow xx

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Well done Evan!! That's brilliant :-) Amy - pop a video up on facebook if you get a chance...love seeing these gorgeous babies every day :-)

Night V&B!

Feeling a little better now...DH is off to gold tmrw morning, so JJ and I are going to have a morning in our PJ's...drinking tea / milk and chilling on the sofa - bliss!

Night all xx
Wow rolling already? Time to grow some eyes in the back of your head lol! Growing up so fast aren't they all :)

I'd be mad to chezza! I get so peed off at well meaning relatives, as if they could ever soothe your son better than you!

Had a lovely day today doing a big fat nothing :) lay in bed all day with Scott watching crap on the telly, my kinda day :D

Hopefully a car boot tomorrow! Cross your fingers for me that the sun shines lol xxx

Some of you will have seen on Fb, we had a naming day for Freddie today and it was beautiful, we did it ourselves and just had a toast and lit a candle for him and the weather was gorgeous for us :-)
I feel like we've well and truly welcomed our darling Freddie Anthony into the world :-) x

Aww Jolly it looks absolutely amazing :D Glad you had a lovely day x x x

Tambo sounds like you had a good day too, i love lazy days. Snuggles on the sofa are so much better with a bundle of cuteness nuzzled into my arms :D

Amy how clever is your little man! Rolling already, he'll soon be crawling and disappearing in the blink of an eye haha

Chezza i feel your pain hun, my mother has a tendency to do the 'i know better' trick. Only the other day i was at her's and H started rooting and crying. It was a i'm in pain cry but my mother was adamant he was hungry and made me feel guilty for not feeding. Soon redeemed my parenting skills tho when i gave H some gripe water and he let out the hugest burp i've ever heard then promptly went to sleep! I felt like shouting 'i told you so' but managed to refrain myself lol

x x x
Ahh Emma / chezza - my mum ALWAYS insists he's pooing!!! I don't know why or what her infatuation with it is, but even if he's just having a giggle and smiling at his toys it's because he's got 'wind'!!! Nuts!
Some of you will have seen on Fb, we had a naming day for Freddie today and it was beautiful, we did it ourselves and just had a toast and lit a candle for him and the weather was gorgeous for us :-)
I feel like we've well and truly welcomed our darling Freddie Anthony into the world :-) x

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Looks like u had a lovely day, fab pictures :-)
Left the kids with daddy this morning, to do a bootsale with my mum helping me! Was a great success made £174.80!!
Ava has recovered from her nasty bug now and is back to her happy self.
She is trying to roll but can only go onto her side.

Lots of lovely pics!!
Awwww lovely pics. We're having a naming ceremony for Evan next Saturday. He's going to be wearing the family christening gown that was first worn by me 28 years ago and has been worn by my sister and 5 cousins. Nice bit of history. My grandma has embroidered the names and dates as well.

Evan has gone to sleep with a dummy for the first time. If I'm lucky he won't have soggy sleeves when he wakes up! He also move bedtime forward to half 8 but has woken twice so far needing the dummy put back in.

Sending sleep fairies to all the other babies tonight xxx
For some reason H has decided to change his sleeping routine :/ Not for the worse.

He's having a bottle between 7.00-7.30, then a bath then he's asleep by 9.00-9.30...usually he has a top up at about 9 but he's not wanting it anymore, and still sleeping through til 2.00-2.30, having a bottle then sleeping til 8am!!

It's nice having some of my evening back :D But i won't hold my breath, it might not last! Lol

x x x
That sounds like a good routine babe :D xxx maegans been screaming with her teeth all night :( poor buba teething already xxx
Ahh Amy that sound lovely!! I love tradition like that :-)

Freddie's dribbling SO much right now and chewing his hand a lot but he's only 11 weeks- isn't that a bit young to be teething?

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