Hi ladies
Hope you're all well xxx
I was just saying to my oh today, this month last year I got pregnant! When I was pregnant it seemed to drag yet looking back this last year has flown!
I have a confession, every single night since Scott was born I have slept with him. My OH knows ofc because every morning he wakes up and Scott is in my arms but he doesn't know I pretty much have him from the second he goes to sleep! However, Paul starts a new job in 2 weeks so wants us to get Scott settled in his own bedroom and I'm dreading it

I want Scott right next to me so I can pull him in for cuddles like I have done every single night since he's been born. I don't want him in another room all alone

makes me feel like shit, I think I'll end up buying an air bed and sleeping in there with Scott lol
Had a good day today though, we won some tickets about a month ago to a really posh hotel/restaurant so we went there for afternoon tea. We got some stupidly priced pots of tea I've never heard of, some ridiculously tiny sandwiches and some very petite (but oh so tasty) cakes. If we had paid it would have been £40 a head!

it was just absurd! It seems like the posher you are the more you pay and the less you get lmao! It was very nice but so out of our league, were more fish n chips on a park bench people but it was definitely an insight into how the other half live.
So now I'm just counting down the days until the kids are back at school and the house returns to normality and routine