***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Arghhhh Pudds - I noticed April 2014 mums and babies being mentioned - VERY weird!! That was all of us this time last year!! Seems so long ago...xx
Arghhhh Pudds - I noticed April 2014 mums and babies being mentioned - VERY weird!! That was all of us this time last year!! Seems so long ago...xx

Bizarre this time last year I didn't know I was pregnant! I found out September :)

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Arghhhh Pudds - I noticed April 2014 mums and babies being mentioned - VERY weird!! That was all of us this time last year!! Seems so long ago...xx

Bizarre this time last year I didn't know I was pregnant! I found out September :)

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Oh wow!! I knew really early on...my AF have always been like clockwork and I was around 4 weeks in when I found out! (Originally thought I was 7 weeks in, but got back put 3 weeks at my dating scan!)

So you were 3 - 4 months gone then?? No Tri 1 MS for you :dance: xx
Arghhhh Pudds - I noticed April 2014 mums and babies being mentioned - VERY weird!! That was all of us this time last year!! Seems so long ago...xx

Bizarre this time last year I didn't know I was pregnant! I found out September :)

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Oh wow!! I knew really early on...my AF have always been like clockwork and I was around 4 weeks in when I found out! (Originally thought I was 7 weeks in, but got back put 3 weeks at my dating scan!)

So you were 3 - 4 months gone then?? No Tri 1 MS for you :dance: xx

I had a m/c the year before and been pretty screwed up since, also had a bleed at time af should have turned up, went for an early scan thinking I was 6 weeks to find out I was nearly 12 weeks!

Here's madam this afternoon


We're not walking the dogs as it keeps raining so oh will have to do it.

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Arghhhh Pudds - I noticed April 2014 mums and babies being mentioned - VERY weird!! That was all of us this time last year!! Seems so long ago...xx

Bizarre this time last year I didn't know I was pregnant! I found out September :)

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Oh wow!! I knew really early on...my AF have always been like clockwork and I was around 4 weeks in when I found out! (Originally thought I was 7 weeks in, but got back put 3 weeks at my dating scan!)

So you were 3 - 4 months gone then?? No Tri 1 MS for you :dance: xx

I had a m/c the year before and been pretty screwed up since, also had a bleed at time af should have turned up, went for an early scan thinking I was 6 weeks to find out I was nearly 12 weeks!

Here's madam this afternoon

View attachment 41001

We're not walking the dogs as it keeps raining so oh will have to do it.

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Oh wow...so sorry to hear you had such a tough time :hugs: xx

So Libby was an extra special baby for you...she really is so beautiful :-)

No rain here yet...lots tmrw though sadly. Got a big family party at the weekend, so hoping for lots of sunshine when we walk the dog along the river to knacker him out nicely :-) xx
I keep meaning to come on here and catch up but mad busy with the kids :( hope everyone is okay xxx
Well Rian had his second lot of jabs today and was so good bless him one scream then a cuddle and he was fine!.

Rian has no nap routine during the day i follow his lead during the day but im strict at nightime hes always down by 9pm and sleeps to about 6am although this morning he woke at 6 had a feed and went bk to sleep till 9.45 i had a fab lie in ;-) xx
5 naps and one grumpy baby later he has finally gone to bed. Think he might be teething, one cheek is noticably rosier than the other so starting on the teething granules. Might go and buy a Sophie for him to chew on tomorrow. FX for a full nights sleep again, he's only slept through twice so far.

Taking him to be weighed tomorrow as well. He feels like he weighs a tonne!
Cheers Chezza x

Well madam was knackered at 8 knew it was too early for her but rather than sitting with her crying for half an hr took her up, had a feed fell asleep put her down, got downstairs poured wine she woke up, went back up, rescued her from top of crib 5 min boob back to sleep put her down, sat down with dinner woke up again went up and shah hushed her twice wolfed food down in between went back up 5 min boob and passed out!

She missed her last nap so don't think that helped.

Shhhhhhhhhh let's hope all these babes sleep tonight :D

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Hi ladies :wave:

Hope you're all well xxx

I was just saying to my oh today, this month last year I got pregnant! When I was pregnant it seemed to drag yet looking back this last year has flown!

I have a confession, every single night since Scott was born I have slept with him. My OH knows ofc because every morning he wakes up and Scott is in my arms but he doesn't know I pretty much have him from the second he goes to sleep! However, Paul starts a new job in 2 weeks so wants us to get Scott settled in his own bedroom and I'm dreading it :cry: I want Scott right next to me so I can pull him in for cuddles like I have done every single night since he's been born. I don't want him in another room all alone :( makes me feel like shit, I think I'll end up buying an air bed and sleeping in there with Scott lol

Had a good day today though, we won some tickets about a month ago to a really posh hotel/restaurant so we went there for afternoon tea. We got some stupidly priced pots of tea I've never heard of, some ridiculously tiny sandwiches and some very petite (but oh so tasty) cakes. If we had paid it would have been £40 a head! :shock: it was just absurd! It seems like the posher you are the more you pay and the less you get lmao! It was very nice but so out of our league, were more fish n chips on a park bench people but it was definitely an insight into how the other half live.

So now I'm just counting down the days until the kids are back at school and the house returns to normality and routine :)

Amy - I've been using Nelsons teething granules on JJ for a couple of weeks now and they work really quickly too. He also has a Sophie and loves to gum down on it :-)

Right ladies off to bed...sending sleepy dust to all the babies!! xxx
Hello! Where can you buy a Sophie giraffe from? I want one just for the name lol! Am over in Scarborough for a wedding & could pick one up before heading back to Germany. Also, where can you get the teething granuals from? Boots or superdrug or somewhere? Ella was really grizzly last night & had one really hot pink cheek. Want to be prepared if she is starting teething.
Tambo, we co sleep. I have bed guard on my side of the bed. I love the closeless and the fact feeding is so easy at night.
You can get Sophie in the likes of Mothercare.
Teething granules- Boots should stock them or other chemists too.
We had ok night actually taking into account the fact M has snuffles (thank you big brother! Lol)

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I love getting cuddles with Ella in bed too but my oh doesn't like me to do it when he's in their too as he's worried about rolling over on her.
There's No mothercare in Scarborough. Where else can you buy sophie?
Awww Tambo bless you!! I have no useful advice unfortunately...hope you get something sorted for little Scott xx

Sophie - you can get Sophie's from John Lewis, Mothercare, any big dept store really. Could you get a friend to order one online to be delivered to their address for you? John Lewis do a click and collect service too :-) xx
Morning all madam finally went to sleep at 10 woke at 3, then 5,30 then 7,30 just given her a bottle of formula again took a bit more today.

Toys r us have Sophie's if there's one of those?

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Sorry hit post too soon.

She's now having boob :)

Sorry Tambo no advice but a huge :hug:

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Woohoo half 9-half 7. Two nights in a row. I just hope he is not as grumpy today. Yesterday was awful, 5 mins of smiles between naps and the rest was grumpies.
Ok so H went down for every nap without a fight yesterday but we have had a rough night with him, I had to give him calpol at one point because he was burning up. I'm putting it down to having his needles. He was up every two hrs for a feed again and at 4 wouldn't go back down - I never normally struggle to get him to go back down. He wasn't crying though, just smiling and wide awake. When my oh took over so I could try to sleep H decided to tell him a rather loud story which my oh responded to. How do you explain to a cute, smiley, coo-ing 12 week old that it isn't playtime, it's sleep time!!!

He then slept till 6. I then popped him into bed with me for our normal morning cuddles while oh got ready for work and he fell back asleep. He's still asleep now and I don't no what to do with myself. He hasn't slept passed 8am in weeks. I've had to express as my boobs where too sore just to wait for him to wake up.

Here's hoping tonight's a better night.

Oh and I love teething powders. Don't know if any of you have a savers near to you but I buy mine there as the are two pound cheaper then anywhere else. Hope everyone is well? .

I got my sophie from amazon :)

Tambo, we cosleep too, theres no way i would get any slep otherwise, luckily OH doesnt mind having a baby or two in the bed, lol! Except when santiago kicks him ;) However, the cosleeping cot time is coming to an end as they are now too big to fit in the same one and the scond cot is coming soon. They will still come in the bed though!
Didnt have a great night, OH was out training at bedtime, and trying to get them both down was a nightmare and we had nearly an hour of both screaming and empty boobs. I was a little stressed, but they went down eventually at 10:15pm. Unfortunately they wanted a feed at 1 and woke up at the same time, and again at 6, both at the same time again. So OH had to help a bit inthe night, which he doesnt normally.

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