***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Thanks Chezza! Only have this morning for shopping so will have to have a quick scout about. There's a Debenhams here. They might have one.
Am meeting my friends and their 2 week old baby later. Ella's going to be a giant next to her! She was conceived at the end of August. so has been growing for almost a year!
I've broke my kindle :( I could cry, stood on it this morning :(

Need to buy a new one now, do I get the paper white or do I go for the fire?? Decisions decision's

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***Grumpy baby alert*** *** Grumpy baby alert***

Geez...my bubba is one serious grump today! He is still sleeping really well at night, cant moan...but he is so miserable during the day! Nothing makes him happy except a nice warm bottle...at least he is happy for 30 mins every 4 hours or so...:x

Happy Friday ladies...enjoy the day!! xxx
Hey girls. Hope everyone is ok. Jack is going through a sleeping stage at the minute. It's like he's a newborn again! He is literally awake about half an hour befor a bottle and then is asleep within half an hour of having it. If I try and play with him on his mat he falls asleep on it. Put him to watch his half hour of cartoons. He falls asleep . try to have cuddles , he falls asleep. He's been like this for the last few days. I'm getting lots done but its boring. He is well in himself. Doesn't have a temperature and is absolutely fine in himself. Just sleeping beauty ! He has a bit of growth spurt so wonder whether its that??

Chezza - sorry jj isn't too good ATM. I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions. Big hugs tho babe. Xxx
I've broke my kindle :( I could cry, stood on it this morning :(

Need to buy a new one now, do I get the paper white or do I go for the fire?? Decisions decision's

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Do you have house insurance by any chance? If you do,.you might be able to claim

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I've broke my kindle :( I could cry, stood on it this morning :(

Need to buy a new one now, do I get the paper white or do I go for the fire?? Decisions decision's

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you have house insurance by any chance? If you do,.you might be able to claim

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Never thought of that will dig out the policy and have a look.

Will have to go and buy a book today to keep me going.

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Big fight with this afternoons nap, thank god they are down now. Housework time, oh yippee!
I got Sophie from a shop on eBay and a strap to strap her to the car seat brand new £16 for both.

Ava's been really poorly with a diaroeoha (can't spell sorry) and sickness bug :-( she seems brighter today tho and so far only 1 yuky nappy!! I was thinking this time last year I was pregnant! It scares me how fast time goes.
Hope all u ladies and babies are ok? Xx
We added our pushchair to home insurance, LOL!!
Def having a look through it :-) x
We have grumpy baby again :(

Hv called earlier, asked if I had been sent the appointment for today - errr no. Anyway she asked how things were and I said I was finding it hard. Then had to explain why I wasn't taking antidepressants, why I'm not going to baby groups/massage. I said I have my mum and dad around all day so get adult company during the day. Anyway she's off next week (again) so is sending a nurse to check on me on Mon.

Evan has had a slight nibble on Sophie. He also managed to roll back to front and to his back again :).

Stuck him in his swing hopefully he'll stop fighting sleep otherwise I'll have to go for another walk. We are off to our sling library tomorrow to hire an ssc. Should be easier to use than the wrap.

Oh and anyone else's lo started being sick all the time? Every feed, straight after, 10 mins later and then a surprise puke after that. Evan seems fine in himself other than wearing at least 3 outfits a day...
Not done a lot today, been and bought madam a new big playmat


Naps not been great today so I've got a grumpy baby this afternoon too.

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Mine slept all afternoon and are now awake, fed and happy :)


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Hi ladies and babies :wave:

I've not been on in a while as i've been struggling with H and his issues and my tiredness. But i'm so freaking happy to say all has been resolved :) for now anyway :D

He has a lactose intolerance. We changed him over on to SMA lactose free formula and haven't looked back!

He's so much happier it's like having a different baby. He'll take his feed lovely, his poops are no longer like water and more toothpaste consistency. He'll wind ok sometimes he's stubborn and won't give me the last bit especially on a night time. Last night i was winding for ages but refused to give the last bit up so i popped him down, fully expected him to wake but he never. When he did wake it was in the morning and he was all smiles, and farting like a trooper but not in pain! And also his guts no longer bubble and groan :D

We now get playtime, talk-time, i can leave him for a while and potter about the house doing little chores. The only grumpiness we have now is when he's overtired because i've missed his 'time for a nap' queues lol.

Were still waking up in the night mind, so not perfect yet but not far off. He was fast asleep by 9.30 last night, woke at 1am so popped in his dummy and he slept til 4am fed, went to sleep and woke up for the day at 8am. Not bad going i don't think.

Sorry for the essay girls, but i needed to tell someone how well he's doing, and who better than the girls that have helped along the way :D

Hope you all have a good weekend, much love to you all

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Yay for twinnie pics!!

Emma so glad you've got a happy little baby xx

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Great playmat V&B! Libby will have hours of fun on that :-)

Nikki, your babies are just the scrummiest!!!!

Emma, that is really fantastic news!! Well done for realising what the problem was and for fixing it!! Hopefully being more settled, Harrison might start to drop his night feeds...fingers crossed for you xx

In other news....I STILL have a wickedly grumpy baby (I feel for all you ladies going through the same thing!) - who is just not happy at the moment whatever I do. My Wonder Weeks app states we have 36 more days of this grumpy phase...oh joy!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:
Chezza madam's really grumpy phase lasted just under 2 weeks, we now just have sleep issues!

Wouldn't settle on boob then was sick (poss 3rd time in her tiny little life!) had a bit more boob then was messing about but clearly shattered, gave her a cuddle popped her in crib with blanket and rabbit.

Went up once popped rabbit back in crib, went up gave her a cuddle and she fell straight to sleep 20 mins in and so far so good :)

Hoping that she remembers how to sleep through soon!

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Well little mans not been himself today hes been very sleepy and restless he had a bottle at 7pm and feel asleep on my we put him to bed at 8pm and hes soundo now i have a feeling he may wake up for a night feed tonight :(

He had his second lot of jabs yest so think thats effecting him he had a slight temp this morning so gave him a dose of capol. x
Evan had an almighty screaming fit. I needed to change him and gently put him on the mat and he looked terrified. I scooped him up and cuddled him. It was horrible. Ended up giving him some Calpol in case it was his teeth coming through. Managed to calm him enough to put him on boob and he's settled.

It's so horrible seeing him so grumpy all day. Literally 10 mins of smiles is all I get at the moment :(
Poor grumpy babies :-( I have a big family bday BBQ tmrw and I'm terrified JJ's going to kick off all day...hubby is supposed to be looking after him for a few hours (my first afternoon "off" to relax a little)...have a feeling this might not go to plan!!

Sleepy dust to all the babies xxxx
Hello again :)

Can't keep up with this thread lol! Thanks for my hugs, I did notice a few :hug:
Nicki, they just get cuter and cutter! :love:
Knopk, good idea with the bed guard I really need to get one
Vin, lovely play mat! It's huge! Where's it from?
Emma, so glad H is settling down now with his eating :)
Ceecee and Knopk, thanks for adding me on Facebook, more beautiful babies to coo over!

I really want to get Scott a giraffe, gonna pop to mothercare on Sunday for one.

Well my oh's kids go home tomorrow :dance: that probably seems mean but I have had enough now and will be glad to see the back of them. Since having Scott it's just so much worse having my semi routine disrupted, late nights, noisy kids, random mealtimes, arguments over the tv, cooking several different meals so they all get what they like, who's gonna hold Scott, who's gonna push the pram, just basically bullshit that I really can do without while I have a new baby to see to. Sometimes I feel like just locking myself in the bedroom with Scott and staying there all day. Craving some peace and quiet now! Roll on back to school!!!

Sweet dreams ladies and babies xxx


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