***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Morning all,

Well not as bad last night 1.30 then 4.30 resettled at 5.30 then not a peep till 8.15 .

I want my good baby back :)

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Even if we get bad sleep, this makes up for ituploadfromtaptalk1376382942322.jpg

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We had a fairly good night over here too!

H fell asleep in my arms at 9pm, popped him in cot he woke but settled himself with no problems. Then slept from 10pm-3am then from 4am-7.30am. He's now had a bottle, got dressed, played with his toys and is fast asleep for his morning nap :D

He's also had an oz of water today as he's not been for a poop in a couple of days, hate the thought of him becoming constipated :(

x x x
Awww knopk what a pair of cuties!

Well after throwing up most of his milk yesterday I assumed I would be up in the night but Evan has now slept through for a fifth night! Just need to get these daytime naps sorted and it'll be perfect :)

Off to the shops later to get some 3-6 month outfits. We have a few but I've been buying as I go to prevent overbuying lol!
Another great night for JJ - he truly is so good at night (so grateful for that!). But another grumpy bubba this morning. Jeez...I am emotionally drained from trying to deal with this grumpy phase :-(

I too need to master the daytime naps Amy! He just fights them so much.

He's been in 6 - 9 month vest and sleep suits for a couple of weeks now - he is so long bless him - but the tummy area is all baggy lol. I need to find him a little jacket and little fleece as we are going to Dorset for a holiday in a few weeks time. I've found some great bits in Next, but he wont be in them for very long - being in between sizes - so need to find some slightly cheaper alternatives. It's funny, I hate shopping for me, but I love shopping for junior!

Have a good day everyone :-) xxx
I love shopping for H too!! My bank account however isn't so happy lol

I was going to say that I struggle with getting H to nap in the day but he's decided today he's going to have a major morning nap, 2 and a half hours, he's currently stirring and I'm pretty sure he's pooping or just being very vocal in waking up :/

Usually I'm lucky to get a 20 min nap out of him, in which I run around trying to get washed and dressed, do bottles , any laundry and anything thing else that needs doing lol.

I'm just on my way to the hospital for an appointment for Ella. She had a blood spot on her head at birth but it keeps getting bigger and the doctor was worried about it. Hope everything's ok with her.

I love shopping for baby clothes but hate shopping for myself too! I'd already stocked up at jumble sales before she was born though, so am ready for the next size up. I really need to sort out her clothes and get rid of the teeny tiny clothes, although it's quite funny when I try to put stuff on that I've forgotten is way too small!
Hope everything is ok with ella, sophie xxx

We had an eventful weekend with visitors and visits, and it threw the babies out of routine and made me realise just how important it is at the moment to keep them in their nap routine, my life is hell without it, haha!
Finally got the second cot yesterday, they were too big to share our cot and bed cosleeping arrangement and starting to wake each other up. I set up the cots alongside my bed.
So for a change i decided to try and put them to sleep in a cot each without letting them fall asleep on the boob on our bed and then transfer as i normally would. Well, it was hell, and two screaming and upset babies just would not settle, no matter what we tried. So i sent the, to sleep as normal, transferred into a cot each, and voila, a normal night. Lina sleeps through from 10-7 now, santi wakes more often but usually goes 10-5, before feeding, and i dont get them out of bed til 8:30am. I think we are very lucky really.
Now i just need to solve the horrible hour of whinging and crying i get before bedtime. Bathing routine doesnt work, nor does getting them to bed earlier!
Rian is an angel at night he sleeps 9-7 no problems but i just cant crack saytime naps although saying that hes been asleep for 2hrs xx
Afriend took some pics on sunday, and just had to share this of lina and her daddy :)


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All's ok with Ella. They said they could remove the 'blood sponge' (not sure what it's called in English but that's the exact translation) but would involve giving her medication & keeping her in overnight. Don't want that unless absolutely necessary so we're keeping an eye on it for now. Some can get the size of golf balls though - yuck!

Beautiful pic Nikki. They look really alike! Can you see that too?
All's ok with Ella. They said they could remove the 'blood sponge' (not sure what it's called in English but that's the exact translation) but would involve giving her medication & keeping her in overnight. Don't want that unless absolutely necessary so we're keeping an eye on it for now. Some can get the size of golf balls though - yuck!

Beautiful pic Nikki. They look really alike! Can you see that too?
Glad Ella is ok Sophie :-)

Nikki - that is a beautiful photo!

I have had a rubbish day so far...JJ has been so grumpy and literally grizzled for about 5 hours non stop - I feel like I am at the end of my tether :-(

I have cabin fever as I haven't left the house since Saturday night...my own fault, I know...but when he is this grizzly, it isn't much fun going out.

Sorry for moaning...just having an off day, that's all xx
Nikki that's gorgeous! Amazing how little girls look like they're daddy's. Libby is her daddy's double lol

Glad all is ok with Ella :)

Chezza at least we haven't both got both of the 4 month issues! I couldn't imagine coping with grumpiness on no sleep!

This is getting to be a regular view of mine


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Aww chezza i'm sorry to hear your having such an off day.

When H is miserable i find a walk does us both the world of good. I wait for his feed, wind, coat on and out the door! I prop the pramcot mattress up using blankets so he can see a little and if it's not to sunny i pop the hood down so he can see more, he loves having a neb about and i love the fresh air and listening to my ipod, it's about the only thing that has kept me sane in the past.

x x x
[QUOTE Chezza at least we haven't both got both of the 4 month issues! I couldn't imagine coping with grumpiness on no sleep!

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

You make a very good point V&B!! Perhaps I should count myself lucky that I get a decent nights sleep to deal with the grumpiness! :shock: xx
[QUOTE Chezza at least we haven't both got both of the 4 month issues! I couldn't imagine coping with grumpiness on no sleep!

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk

You make a very good point V&B!! Perhaps I should count myself lucky that I get a decent nights sleep to deal with the grumpiness! :shock: xx[/QUOTE]

Lol see things could be worse for both of us! :)

Can't believe Libby is still asleep! She keeps stirring but nothing yet, been down for over an hour at home and slept in the car for 30 mins before that.

She's just to cute I can't stop taking pics!


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Aww, Lubby is such a cutie, making me broody lol.
I have the same hereuploadfromtaptalk1376410354385.jpg

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Awwww knopk it's the best view ain't it :) how do you stop yourself squishing his little cheeks!

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I take oppoetunity to check neck folds haha. Just want to smooch them

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