whose going next then?

I think I will go 2 weeks (30th August) over with a weight of 8lb7, DH thinks I will have a small baby, but all the babies in our family seem to be getting bigger, with the size of my nephew compared to my Sister and BIL I have no chance :lol:
I was up most of last night with period pain / tightenings in my back.... Probably just wishful thinking though :lol:
I woke up at 3.15am with a really strong contractions, followed fairly quickly by some other ones, but after a couple of hours it all went quiet again and i've had nothing significant since. I really though today was going to be the day this morning, but now I'm not convinced. At the hospital in the morning to the consultant about an induction so will keep you all up to date if I get any progress. But if anyones got any magic and can get baby william shifted today or at least on the way i'd be very greatful xx
looks like Scaredmum2be is going to be next!
^^^ I know, thats a shocking sneak to the top of the list!! :)
yep scaredmum2be will have her baba by tonight i reckon :)
Don't think i'll be going any time soon tho, was in hospital last night from 11 til 2 this morning with excruciating back ache am only 2/5 engaged and cervix is thick and closed :(
now thinking i'll go overdue, really hope not coz i want this baby asap!
Well i'm still here, so it's unlikely to be Wednesday for me. Having some contractions, although still irregular. But extra hormonal, grumpy and sensitive today and my mum thinks i look 'different' whatever that means and is convinced it will be tomorrow. Hopefully something might happen overnight, I really would like to be next please LOL. Will update if anything happens or after my consultants appointment in the morning if not x
best of luck with your appointment KJ, will be thinking of you (unless its in the morning when i will be zapping aliens with my breast milk or something equally odd - weird dreams)

Hannah - congrats on your 38 weeks! xxx
Shes had her baby boy honey, 6 weeks early, but as far as we know they are both doing ok x
I just read the other post! Aww bless her! Hope they're both fine! Xxx
Other then a sore downstairs and being tired I'm really good thank you bb! How are you? Any niggles?! Xxx
nope no niggles here :) baby is good un comfy - we dont want him out until the 12th at the earliest anyway so hes got a wee while

am feeling really good this week, seem to be handling it all okay and SO excited about mum coming along :)

Making the most of the time i have got left and generally feeling positive

It was a gamble getting mum to come so close to the due date but i reckon it was a good thing to do... it means i am not sat here waiting on him coming out early if you see what i mean... happy to wait for 3 weeks longer really :D

I am very jealous of you with your new little baby though, if i could borrow a newborn to play with until mine is ready then that would be simply perfect :D
Yay for Katiejane a little boy this morning :) :) fantastic news

will update when i know the name/weight etc xx
:yay: Katiejane :yay:
Although that means I'm next :o
I've got my bets on the 7th of july for me...

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