***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Oh Amy and Shell, bless you both!! I'm so darned clumsy, I'm just waiting for me to clang JJ in some way! :-(

JJ has gone back to sleeping through the night, so hopefully the 2 horrible nights last week were just a blip. He is so grumpy during the day though, nothing seems to please him sometimes! I had a nice big glass of wine tonight whilst DH took him for a couple of hours...just what I needed. Amy - it sounds like you need some fun or some proper relaxation time??

We are off to Dorset in 4 weeks for a holiday - very excited!! xx

Aww hun. Sorry jj isn't too good during the day. Some days nothing pleases jack and he is a little like a devil in disguise.
We are also going down that way on holiday in two weeks. I can wait. Hope we both get nice weather. Xxx
Shell, H has his needles today too :(

So jealous of the babies who sleep through, H has never slept through, the norm for us is him going down between 8pm and 9:30 then waking for a feed at 1ish and 4ish, however the last week or so his sleep routine has been dodgy and the last 2 nights without fail he has woken every 2hrs for a feed, really hope this is down to a growth spurt as I could do with a bit more sleep!!!

Stargirl, mine were also like this until i put them in bed in the dark for their afternoon nap, and now they have a really long nap then. It has made the nights so much easier feedingwise. Might just be coincedence, a nd you night already do that anyway. I just found that implementing a strict nap routine has settled them massively in all respects :)
Ha ha guess who slept through the night! 9-7 although i heard him being noisy a few times but not crying. He was also frantically chewing his hand and sleeve but didn't cry so can't have been hungry. I woke up to find him nearly on his tummy. He'd got his arm trapped under him so needed rescuing. He'll be properly rolling over very soon.

I bought a second hand swing for him in the hopes that it will help him sleep. Saying that I've just washed and dressed him but he was yawning so put him back in his cot while i went to clean up and grab some music to help... he's only gone and fell asleep! Maybe he just needed to get all his grumpies out yesterday so today could be good FX!
Morning all,

Madam slept till 3.30 this morning so we're slowly working our way back to 6am. She then woke at 6am then 7.30 doing a poo. Changed her gave her some formula, practising for when she stays at granny's in a few weeks she only took a couple of oz, popped her on the bed whilst I expressed and she's fallen back to sleep. So I'm chilling on the bed with my kindle and a hot brew :D

Will go and wash pots if she's still asleep when I've done. Nothing on today apart from food shopping.

Have a good day

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We're on nap number 2 this morning! Definitely progress from nap refusal! I did have to rock him to sleep this time but was only 10 minutes. Long may this continue fx! :)
Well she woke up, she watched me wash the pots in her swing and is now on boob and nearly asleep again so nap no 2 is looking good :) yay 2 hot cuppa's in a morning lol

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Well she woke up, she watched me wash the pots in her swing and is now on boob and nearly asleep again so nap no 2 is looking good :) yay 2 hot cuppa's in a morning lol

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Maybe the nap magic is in the air today... :)
So weird...JJ has just woken from Nap no2 as well!!! What's going on with our lovely babies today!! Long may it continue...I'm getting loads done around the house today!! xx
Yay for good babies!
I've just had a slice of toast and put a load of washing in, got the vanish out as we had poop leak out of the top of her nappy this morning :)

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Come monday im going to try a stricker day time sleep routine. How many naps do your lo's have during the day.

H has just had his 2nd lot of jabs, he screamed till he had s cuddle and has had a feed and is now fast asleep. Gonna take him clinic to get him weighed this afternoon and then we're gonna snuggle on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. :)

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Nap number 3! On his new swing. This is a bloody miracle - I'm normally lucky if he has 2 naps during the day. He's snoring away lol! He is getting very grumpy between naps though.
Haha, nap number 3 for us too. In his bouncer rather than a swing

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Afternoon nap time here, tummy sleepers in the house.........


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Well, the napping fairy has definitely been out and about today!!

Knopk - Mark looks gorgeous!

Stargirl - I tried to get JJ into a napping routine, but he has own ideas unfortunately and he pretty much refuses to sleep in his cot during the day! So now, I just let him nap whenever he wants to, wherever he wants, otherwise he gets even grumpier than usual!! Probably doing the wrong thing by doing that, but I'm not sure what else to do! xx
Come monday im going to try a stricker day time sleep routine. How many naps do your lo's have during the day.

H has just had his 2nd lot of jabs, he screamed till he had s cuddle and has had a feed and is now fast asleep. Gonna take him clinic to get him weighed this afternoon and then we're gonna snuggle on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. :)

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Usually a short nap in the morning around 10:30am, for about half hour, sometimes another short one midday, them a long nap starting from 1:30 til sometimes as much as 5pm, then sometimes another quick one in evening, then bedtime which,was 11pm but now getting earlier thankfully, last couple of nights has been 10pm. They feed a couple of times in bed around 4am-8am, then i get them up between 8-9 am.
As long as they have ne in the morning and the long one in the afternoon, they are generally quite happy and not cranky :)
Thanks Chezza, he is awake now!
We have short nap in the morning, then one when we are out and then after i put my toddler for a nap (so after 1 pm) but it can vary. I think we have around 4-5 naps a days(depends on how long they are)
Chezza, i am not bothered about the cot yet as long as he naps plus i am out with a toddler most days so i want him to be flexible

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Nap number 3 is underway last one was an hr :)

No routine really here but I work on if she's been awake for 2 hrs she needs a snooze, she's a bit of a catnapper so will only have 20-30 mins most of the time.

I've started putting her in her crib after she's fallen asleep as she normally falls asleep on me. Unless she's not had a good sleep that day I'll keep her on me and enjoy my snuggles :) or I want an excuse for not doing anything :)

Just put the shopping away, think we're going to take the dogs for a stroll when she wakes up then make a rub for the chicken I bought for dinner.

M's a handsome boy knopk

Can I request more twinny pics please :D

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Hi all!!! Can't believe Lexi is 4 months old today!!! Here's my lil princess.

How are you all? Prob already been mentioned but how crazy is it seeing April 2014 moms appearing?


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Ahhhhh Pudds look how gorgeous she is :)

Happy 4 months Lexi xxx

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