I need some advice really worried about Ava!
So she has always been quite a sicky baby, but the last week or so its got worse, I stop and wind her 2/3 times And she is always sick, is this normal? Last 2 days she's had really loose nappys ( sorry tmi)
She is 4 months ff on SMA gold, I'm debating call nhs direct, for some reassurance if nothing else??
Any one help? X
Wow, i just want to say, twins are bloody hard work!
Trying to get them both on a nap schedule, which has been a surprising success so far, giving me more free time. This whole time i have been mistaking tiredness for hunger and putting them on the breast too much i think. Now they have decent nap times, they have stopped cluster feeding. However i now feel like most of my time is spent getting them to sleep! Putting them in the cot for the afternoon nap has helped so much though.
Think santiago is going through a leap before catalina, he has been soooo whingey for days now, i hope it ends soon.
Love to all other mummys and babies, hope everyone is well xxxxx
Hi ladies, hope you're all well. Trying to catch up on here is hard work after a few days away lol! I have a few of you on facebook so I do at least get to see lots of cute faces in my news feed![]()
If anyone wants to add me, no pressure ofc lol! , then I am Tammy Large and my profile pic is
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Just love seeing how our babies are getting on and I use Facebook more than this forum.
It's been, let's say, an "eventful" day. Kids are off school and we have had my partners 2 staying down here and we've kinda had a nightmare. 4 teenagers and a grumpy baby under one roof for 2 weeks has just been a big bag of stress and I can't wait for them to go home and mine to go back to school, restore some normality. Had a huge kick off about an hour ago between my oh and his son and I've really had enough now
I honestly think tomorrow I'm just gonna stay in bed all day with Scott and leave them to it or go out for the day, bloody teenagers! No wonder I'm grey lol
Better try and get some sleep I suppose, I managed about 4 hours last night and I'm so tired my eyes are burning. Nn ladies and babies, hope you all sleep well xxx
Hi chezza thanks for the reply. After I posted last nite I called nhs direct, at 9pm they called me back at 3am!!! I was so cross! The man I spoke to didnt have a clue he Cudnt have been a doctor,kept asking me the same questions and repeating him self. Took her to c gp this morning, he thinks its just a sickness bug, checked her all over and she is hydrated which is good.I'm not convinced :-/ every time I have look on line it suggests its reflux. If she is still being sick end of the week I'm going back. Waiting in a call back from hv to.
Hope every one else is ok xx