***April & May Mummy & Baby***

22kg... not bad Nikki! I've hit a bit of a plateau and can't seem to shift the last 6kg. Have only been exercising for a week now so can't expect miracles really. Should also probably stop eating cake & ice cream every time I meet up with my friends!
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Jacks not been well today. I think he has a ear infection. He has had a temperature all day and been really grumpy. Been givin him calpol and he seems to be ok. He has only drank half of what he normally does tho so me and OH r keeping a very close eye on him as well as how much he is weeing. It's horrible feeling helpless. Xx
Phew.....what a day!!!!!!! JJ has been crying pretty much all day today...not even special mummy cuddles could calm him down :-( Nightmare...

DH has been at work all day unfortunately...but I am finally having a proper meal and a large glass of red wine!!

Hope everyone else has had a good (and uneventfull!) weekend! xx
Hi ladies,
Hope babies sleep well for you tonight.
I went for a run today, well, it was poo. My ankles and calves hurt so much :(

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Phew.....what a day!!!!!!! JJ has been crying pretty much all day today...not even special mummy cuddles could calm him down :-( Nightmare...

DH has been at work all day unfortunately...but I am finally having a proper meal and a large glass of red wine!!

Hope everyone else has had a good (and uneventfull!) weekend! xx

Rian has been the same it was horrible nothing would soothe him :-( x
Hi ladies,
Hope babies sleep well for you tonight.
I went for a run today, well, it was poo. My ankles and calves hurt so much :(

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Good for you! Shame it hurt. How far did you try to go? Were you on pavement or off-road? I go running in the woods & have been fine so far, maybe because it's a bit softer underfoot?
Don't give up! What about doing some strengthening exercises at home too?
Hi ladies,
Hope babies sleep well for you tonight.
I went for a run today, well, it was poo. My ankles and calves hurt so much :(

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Good for you! Shame it hurt. How far did you try to go? Were you on pavement or off-road? I go running in the woods & have been fine so far, maybe because it's a bit softer underfoot?
Don't give up! What about doing some strengthening exercises at home too?

Its on the pavement which cant help but i am in London so no woods nearby.
Yesterday DH was massaging my legs after the run and shin bone really hurt. It just doesnt feel right.
I only ran for just over a mile

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Hope all babies and mummies are doing ok.

Chezza I hope JJ has a more settled day today.

T is almost 3 months and is so alert and curious now. Gone are the days where I could leave him under his play mat and do housework, he always needs my attention!! I'm trying to teach him to grab things now, he's really trying his best bless him so hopefully he'll get it soon!

As its been 3 months since my c section I've been given the go ahead for proper excersize too, I have a DVD (Claire from steps- even tho she put the weight back on!) that I'm starting this morning, I've had enough of my wobbly belly and thighs lol. I'd ideally like to be back to my pre pregnancy weight by Christmas so I don't have to diet around then. Wish me luck lol!

Have a good day all :)

Morning ladies, been away for a few days heading home soon so will catch up, hope your all ok.

Me and my little chick having a paddle


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I've had a very grumpy baby today. Since waking at half 10 he has had one 20 min nap and two 10 min naps. Tried everything to help him nap earlier but he refused. Thankfully he is down now.

We're off to Oxford tomorrow to see a plastic surgeon for his opinion on Evan's hand. It will be the first time we have seen a specialist and have no idea what to expect.
Madam is asleep :) in a long sleeved vest and gro bag first time in gro bag but she keeps kicking off blankets and her legs are freezing.

Let us know what they say Amy, hope you get whatever questions you have answered.

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Morning Ladies!

Hope everyone is well today and hope the babies are behaving themselves!

Amy - I hope your appt goes well today - update us when you can.

Well, I think JJ has started his 4th LEAP...he is still good as gold at night - but he is grumpy as hell during the day and unless he has a bottle in his mouth, he is grizzling and crying all the time and pretty much demanding my full attention at all times. If I dare to leave the room, he howls!!!! :-(

This LEAP could last anything up to 5 weeks...joy :oooo:
Hi Chezza, u think we're smack bang in the middle of it too. Madam is still hit and miss at night more miss than hit though.

OH has taken madam to the car spares so I've got an hours peace so got my feet up with a cuppa watching charmed :)


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Some little monkey decided to wake me twice last night, good job I wasn't driving today. Have about an hour to go so just had a pub lunch. Had to feed Evan in the main pub as they didn't have a room but it was empty so ok. He then proceeded to be sick everywhere. Good job I packed 4 muslin squares and two bibs!
Hi ladies, M had his second lot of jabs yesterday, so far ok. He was a brave little boy and didnt cry.
My toddler has a cold though, oh joy.
I started weight watchers yesterday so trying to be good today but its quite hard

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All ok with Evan's hand. We'll go back in 6 months to reassess. He might need to have a small op as he has a little webbing by his little finger that may restrict his pinch. He was very well behaved, he sat and stared at the med student then started sticking his tongue out and blowing raspberries at the consultant lol!
Good to hear Amy, will they do anything else (is it his right hand?). I dont know much about it but i assume he will just use his right hand as much as he can for writing etc?
I know adult people with missing fingers but thats different

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Good to hear Amy, will they do anything else (is it his right hand?). I dont know much about it but i assume he will just use his right hand as much as he can for writing etc?
I know adult people with missing fingers but thats different

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I think the idea is to do as little as possible. As long as he is able to make a pinch he can do the rest with his left hand. I don't want to put him through any unnecessary ops and from the charity I joined it seems kids with the same deficiency can do pretty much everything. He'll know no different and he seems pretty determined already lol. He is enjoying the fact that he can fit his entire right hand in his gob though!
I'm starting to get worried about jack. When he's on his tummy he can't lift his head up. I've seen pics of babies on here and they r on their playmate with their heads held up. Jack was 6 weeks early. Do u think this will affect it? I'd it anything to worry about?? Xx

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