Well what a night/morning with H
Routine went as normal, feed, bath then top up in bed for 9pm, he wouldn't settle til 10.30pm i was up and down the stairs like a yoyo haven't had a night like that in a while. He slept til 4am tho so that was a blessing, then fed at 4am woke again at 5.30am crying and moaning and generally not very happy. Took us nearly 2 hours to settle him back down but once he did he slept til 11am!! Thank god i followed his lead and slept too otherwise i'd be like a zombie right now.
It's so frustrating, every morning we have this battle and at my wits end at what else to do for him. Doctors won't prescribe any medicated milk etc until they know whats wrong, i asked about normal lactose free formula bought of the shelf and the HV said we could try a tin but must change back as it's only recommended for short term use unless prescribed or advised by pediatric doctor, which H isn't seeing until 1st October!! I don't want to keep swapping and changing his milk as i fear this may be making things worse

So as i last resort until we see the pediatric doctor i'm using colief in the hope it may help him some. We used it before but only put the drops in just before feeding as we made the bottles up fresh but he wouldn't wait the half hour cooling time. Were now making his bottles up in advance as per the colief instructions and following WHO guidelines. It's not what i wanted to do really, as it's drilled into you to 'make up fresh' so i'm bricking it that he'll get sickly but it really is our only option i think. It's so hard to know what to do for the best.
Sorry for the rant girls, just needed somewhere to vent my frustration.
Hope your all having a better time, enjoy your weekends x x x