***April & May Mummy & Baby***

I am enjoying my new carrier. Tries BB with my eldest abd it was uncomfortable so got myself a connecta. I cant feel his weight although he is over 7 kgs and he loves looking around. Its esp good because i have a toddler to run after

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I am enjoying my new carrier. Tries BB with my eldest abd it was uncomfortable so got myself a connecta. I cant feel his weight although he is over 7 kgs and he loves looking around. Its esp good because i have a toddler to run after

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Would you say the connecta is worth the price. I've been looking into then and can't justify spending more money on something that I might now use?

Its a personal preference but for me,.i use it lots already and resell valur is quite high too.
It spreads the weight evenly so i dont feel my.back breaking like it did with BB. I would say its worth it if you will be using it.
I just prefer full buckle. Its based on.mei tai carrier (cheaper but no.buckles) and i love that it has a hood. You can also get a pre loved Ergo but there are lots of fakes around

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The other night when Evan slept through must have been a fluke cos we're back to the middle of the night feed. He did go down easier though. I've started putting him in his cot when he is sleepy but not asleep. I only had to pick him up 3 times before he settled. He quickly fell asleep on my shoulder. I'm terrified of him getting into bad bedtime habits - my mum and dad used to rock me to sleep to the point that I struggled to go to sleep unless I was rocked. Now 28 years later I still can't get to sleep and I'm too big to be rocked lol!

Is the connecta a stretchy carrier? I'm tempted by a mei tei or ring sling once Evan has better head control.
Connecta is a SSC- soft structured carrier, not stretchy like moby wrap. Muxh easier to put on and i love my print!
They are suitable from birth btw and Mark is now 15 weeks and his head control is good enough for it definitely. If he is struggling to sleep, i pop him in and walk around. At this stage anything to get him to sleep.
I was rocked to sleep too but it hasnt affected my love of sleep.
My eldest could only self settle from 6 months on, Mark still needs cuddles/feeds off to sleep but i will start running next week so he will have to settle for daddy

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I've got a long woven wrap but it's been too hot to put Evan in it. I'll have to see if my sling library have a connecta to try.

You're brave with the running. I don't think my boobs could take it lol! Still walking lots but need to do something about my mummy tummy. Yuck
I've got a long woven wrap but it's been too hot to put Evan in it. I'll have to see if my sling library have a connecta to try.

You're brave with the running. I don't think my boobs could take it lol! Still walking lots but need to do something about my mummy tummy. Yuck

I will be wearing 2 bras lol. I will start with light jog-fast walking intervals and work up to running. Buggyfit doesnt start back again until September so i need to do something. Exercising makes me feel better too

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I couldnt get on with a moby so gave up on wrapping

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@ MrsV: tell me about it! It's like a full workout! I find that the ball make my back hurt after a whole though.
Her swing arrived today. It's great! She was grizzly & fighting sleep so I put her in it and set it going & she was out like a light!

@knopk: I've just started swimming, cycling & running again. I thought I might have to do walk/jog intervals to get going but I have always managed to jog the whole way without needing to walk. Saying that, I did get a stitch the first time I went.
I make sure I feed Ella & then go for a run directly after and haven't had any problem with sore boobs so far. In fact, am just off for a run now. Hope I don't melt!
I don't like wraps, I prefer buckles. I think I'll have to look our for a pre loved one.

Lots of walking is my exercise of choice at the moment which is saving me lots of petrol money. :) x

Hello mummys hope ur all well.

We have just got bk from 2 wks away was fab Rian was such a gem ive become a pro at changing nappies lol did it on park bench on a train in his pushchair lol.

Think little man has some reflux any tips to help him xx
Hey shell glad u had a lovely time away. I've raised up jack mattress , just with a towel u underneath it Nd this helps to relive some of the discomfort for him? May work ? Xx

Well jacks been a little monkey all day. I'm expecting a night feed tonight. The first in a couple of weeks. The reason why is because he had literally drank about half of what he normally takes in a day today. His temperature has been fine. But he has just been. Grumpy and just not himself all day?? Not sure what's going on to be honest? Worries me a bit that he's not himself. He usually has a bottle and then is asleep within 5 minutes of being put down. Well he's been in his Moses basket for 20 mins now and is still grumbling. Not crying just a bit moany? We will see what tonight brings. I've got a feeling that it may be all my fault anyway come to think of it. I'm trying to reduce the amount of gaviscon I use in his bottles as he was having the full 6 doses within 24 hours. But over the last 2 days I've reduced it to 5. But he is showing some signs and symptoms again. Feel like a bad mummy now. Tomorrow I will go back to the full dosage as he is obviously not ready to come off it yet.

Sorry for the long rambling post. I've just had a hard hard week. Xxx
I know my son so well. We've had a wake up for a feed at 3.30!! Shock to my system. First time in a few weeks. Xx
Isn't it funny how you knew he would wake BN!! Hope he settled again quickly for you.

I'm supposed to be enjoying a lay in...have been wide awake for 45 mins :-( Why can't I sleep!!!! xx
I fed Ella at 6:30 & then went out for a jog. It's so depressing how slow I am now! Am off to swimming training in a bit. Think it's going to be a long hard slog back to my previous form.
Well last night was Rians first night in his cot he went 10.30-4.30 so not bad i think!! He woks us by kicking base of cot lol x
knopk - did you try the connecta before you bought it? I like the look of it but not sure if it's worth checking it out at a sling library first x
Well what a night/morning with H :(

Routine went as normal, feed, bath then top up in bed for 9pm, he wouldn't settle til 10.30pm i was up and down the stairs like a yoyo haven't had a night like that in a while. He slept til 4am tho so that was a blessing, then fed at 4am woke again at 5.30am crying and moaning and generally not very happy. Took us nearly 2 hours to settle him back down but once he did he slept til 11am!! Thank god i followed his lead and slept too otherwise i'd be like a zombie right now.

It's so frustrating, every morning we have this battle and at my wits end at what else to do for him. Doctors won't prescribe any medicated milk etc until they know whats wrong, i asked about normal lactose free formula bought of the shelf and the HV said we could try a tin but must change back as it's only recommended for short term use unless prescribed or advised by pediatric doctor, which H isn't seeing until 1st October!! I don't want to keep swapping and changing his milk as i fear this may be making things worse :( So as i last resort until we see the pediatric doctor i'm using colief in the hope it may help him some. We used it before but only put the drops in just before feeding as we made the bottles up fresh but he wouldn't wait the half hour cooling time. Were now making his bottles up in advance as per the colief instructions and following WHO guidelines. It's not what i wanted to do really, as it's drilled into you to 'make up fresh' so i'm bricking it that he'll get sickly but it really is our only option i think. It's so hard to know what to do for the best.

Sorry for the rant girls, just needed somewhere to vent my frustration.

Hope your all having a better time, enjoy your weekends x x x
I fed Ella at 6:30 & then went out for a jog. It's so depressing how slow I am now! Am off to swimming training in a bit. Think it's going to be a long hard slog back to my previous form.

Well jealous! Good for you Soph. There is no way i can find the time to rn, even if my boobs would let me!
However, now i think i have the babies in a good routine, i am dreaming with having time in the afternoons to get some workouts in!
The weight is coming off with diet though, have lost 7 kilos in just 3-4 weeks, so it shouldnt be long before i get back to pre pregnancy i hope! About 7-8 kilos to go. Scary to think that since the birth i have dropped 22 kilos!

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