***April & May Mummy & Baby***

I have done lots if research about weaning babies early etc I am not following my mums or anyone else advice. I am literally going with what I think is best. In regards to fruit and veg purees I may try these instead of Rusks. But jack already has the reduced sugar ones as I was aware of the sugar content of them. Jack has had leaps before and this behaviour was nothing like his previous leaps. He was literally screaming as tho his poor little tummy was empty. If it had only been a few days I could've coped but it was nearly 2 weeks. Thanks for all ur advice girls. It is very much appreciated. I'm going to make him some tomorrow as I bought a book about purees. I'm just going to carry on because I know it's the right thing to do.

Chezza- hey I have to get jack weighed every couple of weeks because he was premature. So unfortunately I have to go to the weigh in clinic and my own HV isn't always there. So I end up speaking to other ones. Glad that they aren't my own HV! Xx
Not taking your post as a personal attack at all (if that comment was meant for me of course!) :-)

Absolutely agree with you - early weaning isn't for everyone and it wont always help your little one to settle easier / sleep through - but it does help some.

A parents instinct is so strong, if you feel something is suitable for your little one and you want to do it, then do it!

I don't think people put their trust in the antenatal / labour care then just disregard everything else - as a parent you just find your own way of doing things. I had 2 midwives during my pregnancy and got conflicting information from both of them! So I took what A said and what B said and came up with C! The same with the nurses in the hospital - they gave me advice which totally clashed with my HV's advice...I did the same, took A and B and came up with C.

I have been looking into weaning recipes recently and although I was originally looking at HiPP / Ella's Kitchen to try first of all, I recently had a website recommended to me: http://www.annabelkarmel.com/gb/ - I've also downloaded her APP for my phone :-) Personally, I will be knocking up some fruit and veggie purees for JJ to try next month, when I decide I think he is old enough to try these things! xxx
I meant in general as people tend to get offended by a different opinion. I dont :)
Its true about parents intuition however i believe in medicine ( and my SIL is a medical researcher so i know how long it takes for things to make it to official guidelines).
I.used Annabelles recipes as inspiration and then tweaked as necessary,.i have to admit i didnt do purees cause i didnt want to bother with then and by the time i weaned it was much easier as he could handle textired food.
I am in no rush to wean,.exactly the opposite as i know how their nappies change :) haha

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I'm in no hurry to wean Evan either. Even though MIL tells me everytime I see her that her children were having baby rice at 6 weeks and sleeping through the night. I'm quite happy to continue bf as long as I can, even though it does still mean getting up in the night.

I'm sure Evan will let me know when he's ready!
I'm in no hurry to wean Evan either. Even though MIL tells me everytime I see her that her children were having baby rice at 6 weeks and sleeping through the night. I'm quite happy to continue bf as long as I can, even though it does still mean getting up in the night.

I'm sure Evan will let me know when he's ready!

Yeah it was my mil who fed my DH chocolate baby cereal at 8 weeks. He has multiple allergies incl food intolerances :(
When my son started grabbing food off my plate, i knew he was ready. I couldnt eat a banana in his presence, he would shout at me lol Still loves bananas

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Please girls, don't any of u take to heart anything I've said. I've probably worded or phrased it wrongly. I'm just pissed off at that stupid HV. I really do appreciate every view and opinion on it. It's the annabel karmel book I've bought actually. Thanks for replying to my rant earlier. Sometimes this forum is an absolute godsend, and the people on it are what makes it special so thank u xxxx
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Please girls, don't any of u take to heart anything I've said. I've probably worded or phrased it wrongly. I'm just pissed off at that stupid HV. I really do appreciate every view and opinion on it. It's the annabel karmel book I've bought actually. Thanks for replying to my rant earlier. Sometimes this forum is an absolute godsend, and the people on it are what makes it special so thank u xxxx

Absolutely...I would have been lost without most of you ladies!! I cant tell you how much I've learnt over the past year just speaking to so many people who have had such different experiences!

I can highly recommend Annabel Karmel's APP too - I downloaded it on my IPhone yesterday and am now absolutely obsessed with it! Tons more recipes each broken down into: weaning / 6 - 9 months / 9 - 12 months etc, meal planners and a whole section dedicated to baking cakes - my kind of App :-) xxx
Hi ladies,

I'm in no rush to wean madam, next doors lo is a couple of weeks older than her and is on a couple of meals a day, not for me though. She's happy and satisfied with milk :)

Had a epic sleep battle this afternoon, she finally had an hour in her crib woke up fetched her down have her boobie and she passed out again has had about 20 mins and is still going.


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Think madam is in the middle of a LEAP timings about right and would explain why my good happy baby has been replaced by with this cranky little madam.

I've learnt so much from everyone on here :)

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Amy - this is how I feel, im in no big hurry either, though my mum would love to introduce a rusk now, I just nod and smile because afterall im his mum and it'll be me giving him his first taste of solids, whrn I feel he is ready.

As to HV I agree with chezza, just dont tell them. I think they are a great port of call when you need support and advice but I hate the way they make you feel like you are a bad mum or are doing something wrong if you make the decision to not follow their advice or nhs guidelines. I know they are only doing their job and have guidelines to follow but half of them speak to mums like they are school girls in a childcare lesson. They forget that as new mums we guilt trip ourself all the time for sometimes questioning if what we are doing is right or wrong.

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She ended up having an hour in my knee!

Now kicking away in the rainforest ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375286892.374520.jpg

I just nod and smile at my hv I've only ever asked one question and they didn't know the answer lol

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Having my first nightmare bedtime :( had a crying shouting wrestling match for 20 mins, finally got her on boobie fell asleep then woke up crying when I put her down, back on boob fx in knackered and starving.

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Awww. So cute though. Hope she settles for you.

H wakes at least twice in the night and I've tried dream feeding an can't get him to latch on. I either have to fully wake him or it just doesn't happen, last night I tried for a hour! But today someone has suggested I give him a bottle of expressed milk for a dream feed. I'm going to try it tonight, so fingers crossed.

Forgot to say madam is booked in for first sleepover at granny's :/ 17th August don't know if I'm ready arrrrggggghhhhh :'(

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Aww, I'm sure she'll be fine. :) I left h with hi nanny for a few hours the other week. I couldn't concentrate on anything till I'd picked him up again. It felt like I was missing something. X

I'm sure she'll be fine only left her with OH for an hour so far and felt lost. She'll have a blast and I'll be a wreck lol

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I've been asked to attend a Management Meeting and to have a catch up with my team at work in a couple of weeks time...having to leave JJ with my mum for SIX HOURS!!! I am so not ready to do that...the longest I've left him is 2 hours and that was with DH...and I was panicking a little then...

I really, really, really, really, really, really want to win the lottery and not have to go back to work ever again!!!! xxx
A lotto win would be ace for us right now too!

Dream feeding with a bottle didn't work! It just filled him up with wind which I could not get out of him!!! I've been awake most of the night!

Hope everyone else is doing ok? X

Well madam slept till 4.30 nearly there now :) she stirred as I put her down but settled herself after 30 mins I then couldn't sleep as oh was snoreing grrrr!

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Had a fairly good night with H.

We've decided to try putting him down a bit earlier, he was going down at 10 pm then we were going to bed shortly after. But last night we agreed we need some 'child free' time so both kids went to bed at 9 pm. Obviously had no problems with J other than him moaning about going to bed lol but i fully expected H to kick off.

He had his bath at 7.30 pm, bottle by 8.30pm and in bed for 9 pm, wide awake...not even remotely sleepy. I felt for sure he would kick off. I set him down, tucked him in and turn on his lullaby night light, then left the room to clean the bathroom. 5 mins later he started to get a bit whiney so turned his lullaby light back on - it only plays a minute or 2 of song then turns off, but comes with a remote so you don't have to go back in the room. Left him listening to that and by 9.30 pm he was asleep! I couldn't flipping believe it, still shocked now. I didn't have to go in once, not even to put dummy in! Just kinda stuck my arm round the door to turn music on lol

However i paid the price for the early night as he woke up at 3 am for a feed! Then again at 5.30 am with belly ache and by 6.30 he was in bed with me having cuddles, he fell asleep tho and didn't wake up til 9am....so i got some sleep it was just broken.

Hope you ladies and babies had plenty of sleep? x x x

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