***April & May Mummy & Baby***

well i think i am finally managing to satisfy jacks insatiable appetite. he is now having 6oz every 3 hours. then around 6/7pm he is having a rusk with 30ml of milk and then a 5oz bottle too. and around 9/10pm he has a 6oz bottle and is now sleeping through! he is usually asleep by 10.30 at the very latest and doesnt usually wake till 6am. he then takes another bottle and sleeps through till 10am. im being very spoilt with sleep at the minute! but it finally seems to be working for us. the previous 2 weeks were horrendous for us with jack having 3x 6oz within a 5 hour period in the evening as he was just so hungry. then waking for another bottle at 4am. but fingers crossed this will keep him happy for a little while!!

saying that tho i never in a million years expected to have to start to wean him at 4 1/2 months old. especially with him being 6 weeks early!!

anyway i hope all the gorgeous babies r ok. xxxxx
Can't give an average as Trey is going thru a spurt and is feeding every 2-3 hours!!

I always make 6oz and he'll drink anything from 3-6 depending the time of day, he generally drinks less at night tho.

I hope JJ settles soon!

Well the Bowen has led to several explosive poos and 2 sets of vomit down my cleavage! DH also got splattered down the leg. All normal though, hopefully Evan will continue improving :)
Well the Bowen has led to several explosive poos and 2 sets of vomit down my cleavage! DH also got splattered down the leg. All normal though, hopefully Evan will continue improving :)

Lovely, lol! Hope it works for you hun xxx
Well we had a 15 minute scream before bed again. I tried the Bowen moves but ended up having to hold him on my chest until he wore himself out. I was told he may be a bit grumpy tonight as his body might be adjusting to the changes but still feel a little disheartened. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day...

Hope you ladies have a better nights sleep tonight. I'm guessing I'll be up for the obligatory night feed!
Up at 3.20 this morning straight back down till 7 went back down then woke up with a huge poo, so we are up now no peaceful morning cuppa today.

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Morning Ladies & Babies,

Well, I gave JJ an extra 2oz before bed last night, put him in a very snuggly sleep suit and he slept right through from 21.15pm - 06.00am. Phew...thinking it was just a blip afterall...

I however, have woken up feeling really rubbish - ache all over, bad had ache - like a hangover and being run over all rolled into one - great. Having a new front door and frame fitted today, so there is likely to be a lot of noise going on and people around...praying they turn up early and it doesn't take long...

Hope you all had a good nights sleep and hope you have a good day too xxx
Can anyone help me!
Ruby will sleep for a 4hr period in her cot (9-1am) then has a bottle. It takes her ages to fall asleep. We could be up 1 1/2hrs. We try and put her in her cot but she just cries. Do you think I need to let her cry it out so she understands she needs to go back to sleep?

What ways have worked for you? Any tips muchly appreciated ladies xxx
Can anyone help me!
Ruby will sleep for a 4hr period in her cot (9-1am) then has a bottle. It takes her ages to fall asleep. We could be up 1 1/2hrs. We try and put her in her cot but she just cries. Do you think I need to let her cry it out so she understands she needs to go back to sleep?

What ways have worked for you? Any tips muchly appreciated ladies xxx

How does Ruby react after a bottle during the day?? xx
CIO and CC arent recommended even by experts before 6 months. Babies dont self settle straight away. Have you tried rocking or cuddling to sleep?

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During the day she will nap after her bottle. She is rocked and cuddled after her bottle And she will sleep anywhere but her cot in the night! Everyone I have spoken to has said let her cry it out x
My two will not go down in the cot any earler than 11pm most nights, i have triedeverything to get it earlier to no avail. So now i just accept it and i am so chuffed that theyactually go down at all that i figure they will get earlier eventually. I am trying to get them up arlier now to see if that helps, because they do get. Really grumpy in the evenings because they are tired.
I dont really let them cry it out because you can imagine with two, i have to keep them calm so as not to set the other off. However, inevitably mine do have to cry sometimes because i dont have two pairs of hands, and i have found it really hard because leaving them to cry makes them more upsetthan consoling them. A little whingy cry soon turns into complete meltdown if i dont do anything about it.
Can anyone help me!
Ruby will sleep for a 4hr period in her cot (9-1am) then has a bottle. It takes her ages to fall asleep. We could be up 1 1/2hrs. We try and put her in her cot but she just cries. Do you think I need to let her cry it out so she understands she needs to go back to sleep?

What ways have worked for you? Any tips muchly appreciated ladies xxx

Hey sorry your having a struggling getting Ruby back to sleep. Does she act this way after every bottle or just the AM bottle? Could she have a touch of Reflux?

If it's just the AM bottle then could it be the AM feed is to stimulated for her? Your probably doing it all but have you tried not changing bum, lights really low so you can only just see, no talking, rocking or jigging?

With H i started putting him down for naps in the day in his cot so he knew that that is the place he went to sleep.

At night i kept the room dark, quiet and refused to talk to him during feeds, i don't change him unless he's pooped. When he is having a fussy period, usually at nap times, i sit in my chair with him over my chest and pat his bum and shush him, when he stops crying i stop shushing and eventually when i feel his breathing relaxing i stop patting leave him 5 mins and if he doesn't stir i pop him in his cot. If he stirs i'd start again, sometime i was up there for nearly 2 hours! But now he'll go down for a nap without much fuss and i can put him to bed awake and he'll self settle.

I think i got that patting/shushing from the baby whisperer book, it's about the only part i use! LOL It worked eventually! Hope you find something that works to settle her.

x x x
If you can do it, i would be surprised tbh. Pretty much you are teaching your baby that no matter how long she cries, nobody will come. Plus long term crying releases stess hormone and it affects brain.
You have to ask yourself - would you like to cry yourself to sleep?

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I feel knackered this morning. Evan only woke at half 3 and then on to half 9 but he dozed for another hour after that so I got a little more sleep. I feel like zombiemummy. And the weather is rubbish so walking isn't really on the cards today.

Can anyone help me!
Ruby will sleep for a 4hr period in her cot (9-1am) then has a bottle. It takes her ages to fall asleep. We could be up 1 1/2hrs. We try and put her in her cot but she just cries. Do you think I need to let her cry it out so she understands she needs to go back to sleep?

What ways have worked for you? Any tips muchly appreciated ladies xxx

Hey sorry your having a struggling getting Ruby back to sleep. Does she act this way after every bottle or just the AM bottle? Could she have a touch of Reflux?

If it's just the AM bottle then could it be the AM feed is to stimulated for her? Your probably doing it all but have you tried not changing bum, lights really low so you can only just see, no talking, rocking or jigging?

With H i started putting him down for naps in the day in his cot so he knew that that is the place he went to sleep.

At night i kept the room dark, quiet and refused to talk to him during feeds, i don't change him unless he's pooped. When he is having a fussy period, usually at nap times, i sit in my chair with him over my chest and pat his bum and shush him, when he stops crying i stop shushing and eventually when i feel his breathing relaxing i stop patting leave him 5 mins and if he doesn't stir i pop him in his cot. If he stirs i'd start again, sometime i was up there for nearly 2 hours! But now he'll go down for a nap without much fuss and i can put him to bed awake and he'll self settle.

I think i got that patting/shushing from the baby whisperer book, it's about the only part i use! LOL It worked eventually! Hope you find something that works to settle her.

x x x

I do all of those thing Em apart from the naps during the day in her cot. This is when living in a town house is a right pain x
If you can do it, i would be surprised tbh. Pretty much you are teaching your baby that no matter how long she cries, nobody will come. Plus long term crying releases stess hormone and it affects brain.
You have to ask yourself - would you like to cry yourself to sleep?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

My parents did this way with us and I suspect others did too. I'm not going to leave her on her own at all. She likes her tummy rubbed so every few minutes was going to do that which my mum suggested!
During the day she will nap after her bottle. She is rocked and cuddled after her bottle And she will sleep anywhere but her cot in the night! Everyone I have spoken to has said let her cry it out x

I would not suggest letting her cry it out - at this age they cry because something is wrong and whatever it is, needs fixing.

Does Ruby sleep in her cot during the day? I've found that putting JJ down in it awake for a nap has helped him realise that this is where he sleeps - and he usually goes down for a nap in the morning and afternoon without too much hassle.

Aside from that, is Ruby having enough milk last thing in the evening? I have recently had to up JJ's bottle after a couple of troublesome evenings and last night with the extra oz he went down immediately and slept right through for 9 hours.

You are going to get numerous different pieces of advice around this problem - and none of them will be exactly right for you unfortunately. Read them all and then decide what is right for you and Ruby - go with your instinct hun xxx
I live in a town house too! Its actually better for me during the day as his bedroom is on the middle floor - the same floor as my lounge...during the night if he does wake, it's a blinking nightmare lol! Negotiating stairs at 3am is NOT fun!! :-) xxx
My two will not go down in the cot any earler than 11pm most nights, i have triedeverything to get it earlier to no avail. So now i just accept it and i am so chuffed that theyactually go down at all that i figure they will get earlier eventually. I am trying to get them up arlier now to see if that helps, because they do get. Really grumpy in the evenings because they are tired.
I dont really let them cry it out because you can imagine with two, i have to keep them calm so as not to set the other off. However, inevitably mine do have to cry sometimes because i dont have two pairs of hands, and i have found it really hard because leaving them to cry makes them more upsetthan consoling them. A little whingy cry soon turns into complete meltdown if i dont do anything about it.

Bless! Must be so hard with the two Hun! They are creatures of habit I know but it's hard breaking that habit isn't it? x

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