***April & May Mummy & Baby***

MrsHope - its probably a stupid idea but what about using a travel cot? Have her nap in it in the day then at night take the travel cot up and put her to bed in it. That way she's sleeping in something similar to her but in her own room. Then eventually wean her into her cot?

In regards to letting her cry, i see what your saying about leaving her in her cot but standing with her patting her/rubbing my be enough to sooth her it could be worth a try. If you manage to do it your a stronger lady then me, H only hasto look at me with sad eyes and i want to pick him up and cuddle him! lol

x x x
During the day she will nap after her bottle. She is rocked and cuddled after her bottle And she will sleep anywhere but her cot in the night! Everyone I have spoken to has said let her cry it out x

I would not suggest letting her cry it out - at this age they cry because something is wrong and whatever it is, needs fixing.

Does Ruby sleep in her cot during the day? I've found that putting JJ down in it awake for a nap has helped him realise that this is where he sleeps - and he usually goes down for a nap in the morning and afternoon without too much hassle.

Aside from that, is Ruby having enough milk last thing in the evening? I have recently had to up JJ's bottle after a couple of troublesome evenings and last night with the extra oz he went down immediately and slept right through for 9 hours.

You are going to get numerous different pieces of advice around this problem - and none of them will be exactly right for you unfortunately. Read them all and then decide what is right for you and Ruby - go with your instinct hun xxx

I'm going to try the naps during the day in the cot. Our living room is ground floor and Her cot is with us at the top of the house! Stairs in the middle of the night are not good!! i agree! It's the only thing I haven't tried. I even tank her up on a night before bed. There is nothing wrong when she cries at this time. Clean bum, full with milk and completely winded - my husbands life mission! Lol I think it is partly habit because she will even go to sleep in her bouncer at this time.

I only came on here for some advice, not for a grilling on something I haven't even tried yet! Which I think is quite rude! So thank you Chezza and other ladies for your advice and being more diplomatic xxx
MrsHope - its probably a stupid idea but what about using a travel cot? Have her nap in it in the day then at night take the travel cot up and put her to bed in it. That way she's sleeping in something similar to her but in her own room. Then eventually wean her into her cot?

In regards to letting her cry, i see what your saying about leaving her in her cot but standing with her patting her/rubbing my be enough to sooth her it could be worth a try. If you manage to do it your a stronger lady then me, H only hasto look at me with sad eyes and i want to pick him up and cuddle him! lol

x x x

That too is a good idea hun! I'll try naps in the cot first to get her used to that and try travel cot. Then do the rubbing the tummy thing. I'm open to trying anything! Thanks Em x
I wasnt being rude btw, just stating the facts. If our parents did it, doesnt meant its always right. There is a big difference btw leaving her to CIO and standing there rubbing her tummy. Babies dont try to trick.us,.they are genuine.

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Sorry to be such a grump but I frickin hate and I mean HATE health visitors! Why and how do they manage to make me feel like I'm the worst mother in the whole world!!! I just keep crying after seeing her! It has made me a bit of a mess! Sty girls just needed to vent! Xxx
During the day she will nap after her bottle. She is rocked and cuddled after her bottle And she will sleep anywhere but her cot in the night! Everyone I have spoken to has said let her cry it out x

I would not suggest letting her cry it out - at this age they cry because something is wrong and whatever it is, needs fixing.

Does Ruby sleep in her cot during the day? I've found that putting JJ down in it awake for a nap has helped him realise that this is where he sleeps - and he usually goes down for a nap in the morning and afternoon without too much hassle.

Aside from that, is Ruby having enough milk last thing in the evening? I have recently had to up JJ's bottle after a couple of troublesome evenings and last night with the extra oz he went down immediately and slept right through for 9 hours.

You are going to get numerous different pieces of advice around this problem - and none of them will be exactly right for you unfortunately. Read them all and then decide what is right for you and Ruby - go with your instinct hun xxx

I'm going to try the naps during the day in the cot. Our living room is ground floor and Her cot is with us at the top of the house! Stairs in the middle of the night are not good!! i agree! It's the only thing I haven't tried. I even tank her up on a night before bed. There is nothing wrong when she cries at this time. Clean bum, full with milk and completely winded - my husbands life mission! Lol I think it is partly habit because she will even go to sleep in her bouncer at this time.

I only came on here for some advice, not for a grilling on something I haven't even tried yet! Which I think is quite rude! So thank you Chezza and other ladies for your advice and being more diplomatic xxx

No worries at all! I don't know what I would have done without a lot of the ladies on this forum...it's truly been a life saver!! Always happy to help in return :-) xxx
Sorry to be such a grump but I frickin hate and I mean HATE health visitors! Why and how do they manage to make me feel like I'm the worst mother in the whole world!!! I just keep crying after seeing her! It has made me a bit of a mess! Sty girls just needed to vent! Xxx

Bless you BN. I didn't like mine either...I was so glad when we had our 3rd and final meeting! She made me feel so small and like a really terrible mother too.

Can I assume that you have continued meetings with her because Jack was a prem baby...? Do you have many more to go...? xxx
Sorry to be such a grump but I frickin hate and I mean HATE health visitors! Why and how do they manage to make me feel like I'm the worst mother in the whole world!!! I just keep crying after seeing her! It has made me a bit of a mess! Sty girls just needed to vent! Xxx

What has she said to you hun?
After my first i am avoiding them like plague.

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My HV is not interested at all. The doctor asked her to call me regarding pnd weeks ago and I also left a message on Fri which hasn't been returned.

I'm sure she's wrong anyway but sending hugs xxx
I had one visit from mine. She came in with her shoes on, on my cream carpet. First question was not how are you feeling but are you breastfeeding or bottlefeeding? I just wanted to.throw her out

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I've started to give jack Rusks, just one in the evening about 6pm with 30ml of his milk along with a 5oz bottle then another 6oz bottle at 9/10pm. When I told her this she just gave me a look as tho I was nuts!! And said that babies should NOT have Rusks as they r too sweet. And that I was irresponsible for doing so. And I should've talked to them first. It wasn't my usual HV tho. But she literally spoke to me like I was stupid! I know my child and I know he needs more than just milk. I feel like shit tbh! X
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I've started to give jack Rusks, just one in the evening about 6pm with 30ml of his milk along with a 5oz bottle then another 6oz bottle at 9/10pm. When I told her this she just gave me a look as tho I was nuts!! And said that babies should NOT have Rusks as they r too sweet. And that I was irresponsible for doing so. And I should've talked to them first. It wasn't my usual HV tho. But she literally spoke to me like I was stupid! I know my child and I know he needs more than just milk. I feel like shit tbh! X

Hun dont feel like shit, none of us are perfect. I think veg and fruit puree is better than rusks(wheat isnt recommended before 7 months) but they definitely dont know how to speak to parents.
I weanef my son at 5,5 months and gave him some Plum porridge (check the label as there are different ones).

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I've started to give jack Rusks, just one in the evening about 6pm with 30ml of his milk along with a 5oz bottle then another 6oz bottle at 9/10pm. When I told her this she just gave me a look as tho I was nuts!! And said that babies should NOT have Rusks as they r too sweet. And that I was irresponsible for doing so. And I should've talked to them first. It wasn't my usual HV tho. But she literally spoke to me like I was stupid! I know my child and I know he needs more than just milk. I feel like shit tbh! X

Right first of all, YOU know what is best for your baby. "They" say you shouldn't give babies any sort of solids before 17 weeks..."they" aren't always right and IMO guidelines are there to GUIDE not instruct. I know plenty of mums who have fed before 17 weeks...my sister fed her two daughters at 10 weeks - she was told off too, but it helped both of them to sleep at night and also to sleep through. I also know mums who wouldn't dream of weaning before 27 weeks. No two mums & babies are the same!

Re: rusks - Heinz do low sugar / no added preservatives etc rusks - if you want to continue to feed with them, perhaps try sourcing something like that?

Lastly - and I may get flamed for saying this - but you can be a little creative with the information you share with your HV. If you don't want her to know something...then quite simply don't tell her.

Ok, i cant not comment - there is research showing that weaning before 17 weeks can damage digeative system and introducing wheat etc before 6 months can lead to allergies. Number of people with coeliac disease has i.creased dramatically and whilst i am all for mum knowing their child, i also think medical research is there for a reason.
Up to you when you wean your child as long as you are aware of potential consequences.

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I agree with chezza.

I weaned my eldest early as no amount of milk would settle him and I used rusks! He's a very happy healthy 10 year old now. You know your child hun, after all your with them 24/7, do what you feel is right and what is working for you. As chezza said guidelines are only guides and not meant to be taken so literal.

Your a brilliant mum hun and jack is thriving so sod the health visitor!! Xx
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Ok, i cant not comment - there is research showing that weaning before 17 weeks can damage digeative system and introducing wheat etc before 6 months can lead to allergies. Number of people with coeliac disease has i.creased dramatically and whilst i am all for mum knowing their child, i also think medical research is there for a reason.
Up to you when you wean your child as long as you are aware of potential consequences.

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There is a lot of research around which states that early weaning can lead to digestive problems / allergies etc...but, there is no proof that early weaning definitely DOES lead to these things.

I have a friend with a little one who was weaned at 27 weeks and also breastfed until he was 14 months old. He ended up with a long list of food allergies and is also lactose intolerant. Mum and Dad have no allergies - so he didn't inherit them - it's just part of his "make up".

As we have all said before, every baby is different. And if you choose to do something like wean early, being fully aware of the possible (not definite!) problems, then as a parent that is your decision completely.

We need to treat and care for each baby on an individual basis and as parents, we need to trust our instincts and go with it xxx
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I dont disagree about individual care however knowledge is key here. As long is its your informative choice and not a friend or someone saying they fed their 8 week old chocolate baby cereal and they are fine (in fact they are not, they have long list of allergies).
Genetics have a lot to do with it hovewer environment is also important.
My son didnt sleep through even when i weaned him so weaning doesnt necessarily help. And lots of people mistake growth spurts fpr signs to wean. I have witnessed one when my son was about 16 weeks and then it settled.
I just dont get it why we trust NHS with antenatal care/delivery etc but then completely disregard everything else?
If say your baby wasnt meeting molestones, you would go to a HV/doctor but everything else is disregarded?
Dont get me wrong, HVs can be pain in the bottom but what i am talking about is do your research and dont blindly follow your mum's/friends/HVs advice.
On the rusks, there isnt much in them except wheat/sugar so i personally preferred to start with veg so my son wouldnt develop sweet tooth (my parents fed me.chocolate very early on and i still have food issues)

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Not molestones, milestones lol. And please dont take my post as a personal attack

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