***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Well Evan has had a busy day, I've lost count of the number of poopy nappies! Just had an exploding one on the bouncy chair. He is also cluster feeding so it's straight in and out.

He has had a much calmer day today, not sure whether it's cos I've dealt with him better. We went out for pub lunch today as my sister was up. He napped while we ate without needing to be rocked :) xx
Oh my poor little man :(

He handled his jabs well, only cried for a few seconds then he gave me evils all the way home. He had a bottle and went to sleep then woke up and screamed the house down. Not his normal upset cry but an i'm in pain cry :( I tried to comfort him but caved after no success and gave him calpol. He's now having cuddles with daddy and having a bottle.

Stupid jabs :( xx
Hi ladies, hope you and all or babies are well. Not been up to much, just trying to crack on with my weight loss so been going out for lots of long walks. Scott has calmed down quite a lot thankfully. Infant gaviscon was prescribed for him and it really has helped, he's back to being a happy chap again :)

I feel a bit heartless reading posts about the jabs, I don't really get upset lol. I think because I know the jabs are just so necessary and important I don't really care that they upset him for a little while, he'll get over it.

Better go, hungry baby to see to again! No rest for the wicked!

Oh Emma poor little guy, sounds like he has the same reaction as my madam :hugs: horrible isn't it xx

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Hi ladies,

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've been trying to cope with Ada's reflux. I hope you're all doing well - it's crazy how the time is flying! Hope you're all enjoying these later stages as much as I am. They're proper little characters now aren't they!? The beaming smiles help on the most difficult of days... x
Hi ladies,

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've been trying to cope with Ada's reflux. I hope you're all doing well - it's crazy how the time is flying! Hope you're all enjoying these later stages as much as I am. They're proper little characters now aren't they!? The beaming smiles help on the most difficult of days... x

The smiles are what make it all worth it! I love making H smile - melts my heart! :)

Morning Ladies & Babies,

Urgh...second night of hardly any sleep - I think its safe to say I was probably a little spoilt with JJ sleeping through from 8 weeks - but it's gone to the opposite end of the scale now and he is awake most of the night and screaming the house down for feeds every 4 hours! He already takes nearly 8oz x 5 times a day...surely he cant be wanting more than that...?

I feel like complete sh*t this morning...thank goodness I haven't got much to do today...

I know all babies are different, but how many oz's and how many times a day are all your babies feeding at the moment? Thanks girls, have a good day xxx
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Well, after teasing us with waking once at 2am and then getting up at 6, we now seem to have regressed to 1am, 4am and getting up at 5! Great! She is down by 7.30pm every night, so that's something I guess. Ada's not a good benchmark feed wise with every bottle being an epic struggle, but with perseverance she will take 4oz every 3 hours (7am, 10, 1pm, 4) then we give her 5oz at 7pm. We take her lead in the night. Normally another 4oz in the early hours. She doesn't take much when she wakes at 4, but gets the hump if I don't offer it to her! I might try offering water at 4am in the future. Her paediatrician said she should be taking 25oz a day for her weight (12lbs), but that might be to try and control her acid x
Well, after teasing us with waking once at 2am and then getting up at 6, we now seem to have regressed to 1am, 4am and getting up at 5! Great! She is down by 7.30pm every night, so that's something I guess. Ada's not a good benchmark feed wise with every bottle being an epic struggle, but with perseverance she will take 4oz every 3 hours (7am, 10, 1pm, 4) then we give her 5oz at 7pm. We take her lead in the night. Normally another 4oz in the early hours. She doesn't take much when she wakes at 4, but gets the hump if I don't offer it to her! I might try offering water at 4am in the future. Her paediatrician said she should be taking 25oz a day for her weight (12lbs), but that might be to try and control her acid x

What is silent reflux? What are the symptoms?

I'm getting no sleep anyway I'm so exhausted and run down! x
Just up once at 3 this morning :D feeling a little bit more human today.

Can't help with oz's as she's a boobie baby.

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Chezza - H can have anywhere between 25-36oz. I always make a 6oz bottle and he has 5-6 bottles in 24 hours...with H it really depends on how long he's slept for and how much he took of his previous bottle.

He's currently only taking 3-4 oz as i've reduced the teat size on his Dr Brown bottle to size 2 - did have size 3's on but they where drowning him - where as the size 2's he really has to work for his milk and gets bored half way through :/ However (touch wood) the slow flow has help his wind slightly.

In regards to sleeping through i have no idea what H is doing lol he slept through 10pm - 5am a few night last week, he woke in the night over the weekend, then monday he slept through again and last night woke at 2.30am!! I think he likes to tease me! lol

Lat night however i didn't get up to feed H, i physically couldn't. I had the worse migraine of my life, i've suffered them before but this was horrendous. I usually get a warning like flickering lights, but this came on like a normal headache so i just took normal painkillers...then BOOM!! migraine in full swing, OH said i spent 3 hours whrithering in pain, throwing up, clawing my face etc Finally fell asleep but continued to whimper in my sleep. I feel exhausted today, i have no plans so i'm curling up on the sofa and plan on sleeping when H does.

x x x
Oh ladies. I hope babies start sleeping. I was not happy when last week Lexi woke two nights in a row around 4am! Luckily she started being a good girl again very quickly so i can't imagine what id be like if she wasn't sleeping through.


Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...

It's such a shock to the system isn't it. Hoping and praying it doesn't last and she's back to my little sleeping lazy baby soon lol

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Omg yes. She's slept through from 5 weeks so even the slightest disruption throws me right off!!!

Hi ladies,

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've been trying to cope with Ada's reflux. I hope you're all doing well - it's crazy how the time is flying! Hope you're all enjoying these later stages as much as I am. They're proper little characters now aren't they!? The beaming smiles help on the most difficult of days... x

The smiles are what make it all worth it! I love making H smile - melts my heart! :)


Aww me too!!

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
Well, after teasing us with waking once at 2am and then getting up at 6, we now seem to have regressed to 1am, 4am and getting up at 5! Great! She is down by 7.30pm every night, so that's something I guess. Ada's not a good benchmark feed wise with every bottle being an epic struggle, but with perseverance she will take 4oz every 3 hours (7am, 10, 1pm, 4) then we give her 5oz at 7pm. We take her lead in the night. Normally another 4oz in the early hours. She doesn't take much when she wakes at 4, but gets the hump if I don't offer it to her! I might try offering water at 4am in the future. Her paediatrician said she should be taking 25oz a day for her weight (12lbs), but that might be to try and control her acid x

What is silent reflux? What are the symptoms?

I'm getting no sleep anyway I'm so exhausted and run down! x

I hadn't heard of it before a friend suggested that Ada was suffering from it. It's full name is gastro-oesophageal reflux. It's basically the contents of the stomach flowing back up the oesophagus. Standard reflux is when this causes the baby to vomit. In some cases, not only the stomach contents come back up, but also acid which causes heartburn. This is known as acid reflux or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Silent reflux is a version of this when the baby isn't sick, but the acid moves between the oesophagus and the stomach causing severe pain. There are many symptoms which some babies may have some or all of, but the main ones are: lots of crying, struggling to feed - arching back and turning away even though hungry x
Well I am possibly the proudest mummy ever! Evan got a little grumpy at 9 while we were watching tv so we took him up for his bath. He then had a feed and as I was burping him he was pretty much asleep on my shoulder. I put him into bed and he opened his eyes. I left him in the hopes he would settle himself. 10 minutes later there was an asleep baby in the cot!!! First time ever he has gone to bed without screaming. I actually didn't know what to do with myself! He did get me up at half 2 for a feed though, but straight back to sleep and not awake again til half 9.

He's also gone down for his morning nap himself, no need to rock him/sing to him :).

We're off for his Bowen treatment later, not sure he needs it now but it is free as it only takes 5 minutes or so.

MrsV - have you looked into Bowen Therapy for Ada. I have read some information that suggests it may help with reflux issues too, especially if she has a tense diaphragm muscle xxx
Well I am possibly the proudest mummy ever! Evan got a little grumpy at 9 while we were watching tv so we took him up for his bath. He then had a feed and as I was burping him he was pretty much asleep on my shoulder. I put him into bed and he opened his eyes. I left him in the hopes he would settle himself. 10 minutes later there was an asleep baby in the cot!!! First time ever he has gone to bed without screaming. I actually didn't know what to do with myself! He did get me up at half 2 for a feed though, but straight back to sleep and not awake again til half 9.

He's also gone down for his morning nap himself, no need to rock him/sing to him :).

We're off for his Bowen treatment later, not sure he needs it now but it is free as it only takes 5 minutes or so.

MrsV - have you looked into Bowen Therapy for Ada. I have read some information that suggests it may help with reflux issues too, especially if she has a tense diaphragm muscle xxx

That's brilliant Amy, so pleased for you!! Long may it continue :dance: xxx
I had a shocking night but it wasnt Mark, it was DS1. I have no idea what was wrong but he just wasnt happy. I had to get up 4-5 times and he was up.for the day at 5 am

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Well I am possibly the proudest mummy ever! Evan got a little grumpy at 9 while we were watching tv so we took him up for his bath. He then had a feed and as I was burping him he was pretty much asleep on my shoulder. I put him into bed and he opened his eyes. I left him in the hopes he would settle himself. 10 minutes later there was an asleep baby in the cot!!! First time ever he has gone to bed without screaming. I actually didn't know what to do with myself! He did get me up at half 2 for a feed though, but straight back to sleep and not awake again til half 9.

He's also gone down for his morning nap himself, no need to rock him/sing to him :).

We're off for his Bowen treatment later, not sure he needs it now but it is free as it only takes 5 minutes or so.

MrsV - have you looked into Bowen Therapy for Ada. I have read some information that suggests it may help with reflux issues too, especially if she has a tense diaphragm muscle xxx

Wow Amy! That's amazing! Go Evan!

I have been considering taking Ada to see my Bowen Therapist. I went to one when pregnant to help with pain in my lower back... I'm desperate and standard drugs don't seem to be helping, so I think I will book her an appointment. I'm struggling to keep it together today xx
Daisy has 4 x 6oz bottles throughout the day and then anywhere between 1-5oz before bed (depends how hungry she is!)

Go Evan well done Amy!

I've wondered with it not being as hot at night if madam has been cold in just her sleeveless vest, put her in a long sleeved vest and socks and she slept till 3? Her little legs were cold when I got her out. Temperature depending later might pop her in a gro and see if she sleeps through tonight.

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