***April & May Mummy & Baby***

I am so proud of myself. Had a wobbly this morning when Evan had another screaming fit and fought his nap. Spoke to my uncle later and he thinks Evan has colic. He does Bowen therapy which can help but he lives in Wales so can't do it for me. Anyway Evan started screaming about 8ish and I lay him on top of me so he was on his tummy and held him until he fell asleep half an hour later. It was hard cos he had really worked himself up and was clammy. I let him sleep for a while then took him up to bed. He woke up so I feed him, bathed him, gave a second feed and he is peacefully asleep with a full belly and I am now going to bed feeling relatively calm and not wound up like the last week or so. I'll take him to see a Bowen therapist asap and hopefully my little man can be a lot happier soon :) xx
I am so proud of myself. Had a wobbly this morning when Evan had another screaming fit and fought his nap. Spoke to my uncle later and he thinks Evan has colic. He does Bowen therapy which can help but he lives in Wales so can't do it for me. Anyway Evan started screaming about 8ish and I lay him on top of me so he was on his tummy and held him until he fell asleep half an hour later. It was hard cos he had really worked himself up and was clammy. I let him sleep for a while then took him up to bed. He woke up so I feed him, bathed him, gave a second feed and he is peacefully asleep with a full belly and I am now going to bed feeling relatively calm and not wound up like the last week or so. I'll take him to see a Bowen therapist asap and hopefully my little man can be a lot happier soon :) xx

That's brilliant Amy, well done! What is Bowen Therapy? xx
OMG! Have literally just had the biggest panic attack. Ella was having a nap and I was out in the garden doing a bit of gardening. OH came out to say he was going to the bakery. I went to go and check on the baby as I heard her crying & OH had locked me out and left the house! I tried to phone him but he hadn't taken his phone with him ... typical! I was frantic by the time he got back! He seemed very apologetic but it's not the first time he's shut me in the garden without thinking... grr!
Had the worse night *yawn* up at 3, 5, 7, then 8 and she's just gone for a nap I'm going to be running on fumes later.

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Ahhhh she's awake again, OH can take over when he gets back from dog walking.

Hope everyone else has a lovely Sunday

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DH left on Saturday evening and i am on my own, had to go in and calm down my eldest last night. Looking forward to tomorrow when he is at nursery so i can grab an hour of sleep in the afternoon.
Tried my new baby carrier and its amazing! I couldnt feel his weight and its so comfy and gives me 2 hands. And it has a sleeping/sun hood!

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Well I've been super ruthless with jack today. Instead of letting him go however long he wants between feeds I have been feeding him every 3 hours. Even If I've had to wake home up. I know some mummies won't agree with me doing this but so far it has worked! He is a lot more settled this evening. He's just had a rusk with 30ml of milk mashed in aswell as a 6oz bottle. But this is the first evening since Monday that he hasn't had 3 bottles back to back! And that he hasn't cried constantly from 5pm till 10pm. So it is a major improvement. Think this rigorous three hourly feed during the day will have to be a regular thing for us. I used to just let him go however long he slept or wanted. Not anymore me thinks!! Xxxx

He hun,

You'll have to let me know how you get on with this method, i considered doing it myself to help settle H better on a night time. And according to a baby book i half read it's suppose to help baby sleep through the night as there full and content with feeds from the day?!

x x x

Hey Hun. I would defo recommend it. Jack had his last bottle at nine was asleep by 9.30 then slept till 8.30 am!!!! Being ruthless again today so will see what happens tonight? It seems to work to jack. More so with him having a rusk instead of baby rice. May be worth a go Hun xxx
Best thing since sliced bread! He is out within 10 mins in ituploadfromtaptalk1375024968277.jpg

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Evening Ladies & Babies!

We have had a really lovely weekend...lots of sunshine, fresh air (torrential rain and thunder and lightening thrown in last night for good measure lol!)...another swim this morning...JJ is becoming a right little water baby.

I've been researching fruit and veggie puree recipes today - I have quite a few now. Silly really, but I am getting quite excited at the prospect of feeding him real food soon...just to see his face when he tries new flavours etc :-)

Hope you've all had great weekends :-) xxx
Had the worse night *yawn* up at 3, 5, 7, then 8 and she's just gone for a nap I'm going to be running on fumes later.

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I feel your pain. We are still up 3 times per night at least! x
Morning another pap night up at 12, 3 then 6.30 really hope this phase pass's soon I've not had to be up like this since she was 2 weeks old!

Going to be another long day. Good job she's cute :D

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Morning another pap night up at 12, 3 then 6.30 really hope this phase pass's soon I've not had to be up like this since she was 2 weeks old!

Going to be another long day. Good job she's cute :D

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I feel your pain V&B! Up at 03.30...04.45am and then finally at 05.45am...JJ is now sleeping and I have matchsticks holding my eyes open.

Hope this isn't the 16 week sleep regression kicking in early...

Try and have a good day!! xx
I was up with 2. My son got cold in the middle of.the night so.had to go.cover him. Mark wasnt too bad, only woke up.couple of times to.eat and dropped off straight after. Today is last bifgyfit before i start again in september but i am so tired. Dropped my eldest at the nursery this am and having a well deserved coffee now.
Hoping babies sleep well for all of us

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Oh ladies. I hope babies start sleeping. I was not happy when last week Lexi woke two nights in a row around 4am! Luckily she started being a good girl again very quickly so i can't imagine what id be like if she wasn't sleeping through.


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Oh ladies. I hope babies start sleeping. I was not happy when last week Lexi woke two nights in a row around 4am! Luckily she started being a good girl again very quickly so i can't imagine what id be like if she wasn't sleeping through.


Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...

It's such a shock to the system isn't it. Hoping and praying it doesn't last and she's back to my little sleeping lazy baby soon lol

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I've had a pretty good weekend. The weather has been a bit hit and miss but we still managed a BBQ on saturday at mums, then MIL and FIL had the kids on sunday day time so me and OH could go shopping and for a meal as we've been together 4 years, not long by any means but it feels like forever, but in a good way...if that makes sense?! lol

I got spoilt rotten bought clothes and a new coat but my fav item is my new pandora charm OH bought me for giving birth to our beautiful little boy!

I even got the weekend off baby duty. OH got up friday and saturday night and looked after him most of saturday, well inbetween fighting my mum off! Lol H had started sleeping from 10pm til 4-5am but for some reason decided to play daddy up and throw in his 3am feed too, i did feel sorry for OH but it didn't stop me from enjoying my sleep!

I do feel sorry for you ladies, i'm sure it's awful having them sleep regress, i so hope H misses this stage. Last night he went down at 9pm, he wasn't asleep and spent an hour in his cot watching his mobile and talking to it he finally fell asleep at 10pm but we didn't have to go in once to him which i thought was amazing. He then woke at 4.35am for a bottle. And slept til 8.10am had another bottle at 9am and is sleeping again!

I'm making the most of the sleeping and running around cleaning and doing what needs to be done as he has his first lot of jabs later and i'm planning on spending the afternoon on the sofa snuggling him and smothering him in kisses. His dad was meant to be coming with us but he can't get away from work, so i'm gonna have to hold him :(

I've bought calpol i'm hoping i won't need it but i'd rather have there as a just in case. What should i expect after his jabs? Lots of crying for the rest of the day or will he just sleep? Do i need anything else other than the calpol and lots of loves and cuddles?

x x x


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That's brilliant Amy, well done! What is Bowen Therapy? xx

Bowen is a complementary therapy that works on releasing stress and tension from the body very gently. It's supposed to help with colic as it releases tension from the diaphragm. I'm guessing Evan's colic isn't wind so much. Really hoping it will work. We are booked in tomorrow afternoon and if it works it will be pretty much instant (normal after effects are projectile vomiting and nappy filling all at once lol).

Despite Evan now having a good feed before bed the last two nights he is still waking between 2-4. The last 2 nights he's woken himself up pooping! Normally I wouldn't change his nappy but have had to so ended up being awake for over an hour. Fortunately he went straight back to sleep again. Sounds like I'm doing better than you ladies for a change though lol! Hope it's only a blip for you xxx
I've bought calpol i'm hoping i won't need it but i'd rather have there as a just in case. What should i expect after his jabs? Lots of crying for the rest of the day or will he just sleep? Do i need anything else other than the calpol and lots of loves and cuddles?

x x x

Evan was fine after his first set. The second set he went in grumpy so the jabs didn't help. He had a little temperature so gave him some calpol. Hopefully he will forget it very quickly, but I set aside the whole afternoon for cuddles but he just went to sleep. It's definitely worse for the mummies xxx
Madam normally sleeps for a couple of hours then gets upset for an hour or so. Calpol and cuddles, boobie then bed :D

She had a nearly 2 hr nap this afternoon but on my knee so I couldn't go to bed.

Off to mil tonight for dinner so at least I don't have to cook.

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