***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Cant believe how quick our babies are growing! Amy, I really hope night times get better soon.
Just thought id mention as well (some of you might already be aware) about care of the pharmacy, not sure if its a local thing or not, but if you register your child with your local pharmacy you can get certain medicines free of charge without the need of a perscription. I registered H and got a bottle of calpol just before he had his first jabs.

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Well I posted yesterday about jack. He just seems to be getting worse with his crying and hunger. Literally from 5pm onwards he is cluster feeding. He is on sma prem milk which is really high in fat and calories etc to help bulk him out but I really think I'm going to have to go to the docs or speak to my HV about changing his milk? I have tarted giving him baby rice now tho and he loves it. Just once a day ATM but even that doesn't seem to be filling him up. Tonight is a great example. 5pm - 6oz bottle,1tbs baby rice. 6.30 - 6oz bottle . 8pm 6oz bottle. He has just gone to sleep in his Moses basket. First time he has slept since 4pm! I'm so exhausted with tiredness and pnd. Which has reared it's ugly head again this last week. I literally just do not know what to do. Sry for the rant girls xxx
Brand new sorry your having such a hard time! I would speak 2 the HV or docs...it's ok for them to say oh wait it out and see if this works...it's you that then has to go home and watch your LO suffer!!

I ha a horrific terrible mummy moment earlier...Rhys was in the deepest sleep & his nails are SO long so I was cutting them! Was on the last nail & caught his skin...I braced myself & sure enough big petted lip came then a scream!! It was bleeding a wee bit...aw I felt absolutely horrible!! I burst into tears! He was fine 2 mins later but I felt so guilty, he must have got such a fright wakin up with that!

Think ill leave his nails to OH now!
Babies are growing up too fast. I.had to pack away 3-6 clothes yesterday, its going too fast for my liking. DH wants to get rid of.baby clothes asap but i think i want keepsake made. A teddy or a.blanket

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Morning All!

Hope everyone's well today :-)

Went to Kiddicare in Enfield yesterday...nearly went ga ga inside! You could spend a fortune in there!! Got a cute little highchair amongst other bits and pieces...all with 50% off! :-)

Knopk - I've had to put JJ's 3 to 6 away as well...he's growing too fast!!

Sat waiting for DH to get back from golf...no plans for later though, the weather is supposed to be horrendous this afternoon. Swimming tmrw again...can't wait - JJ loves it :-)

Have a great day girls xxx
Hi ladies, hope you're all well x

Here's how much Scott has grown in just 11 weeks :shock:


What a nice idea to do photos in the same place, Tambo. Can't believe how much he's grown!
Congrats, Petitpois! You'll have to watch out for her now...won't be long & she'll be crawling.

I've started exercising again now. It feels so good to be back in the game! Have been for a couple of jogs & went to swimming training this morning. We took Ella in her car seat & she dat at the side of the pool with OH while I swam, then we switched so he could have a go! All of our friends from the club were loving it with Ella there. She got so much attention!
Am going to try going out for a cycle on the racing bike tom. Will have to go early doors though. It's meant to get up to 38'c tomorrow - yikes!
can't believe how big Mark is Knopk. mind you, i got very confused the other day and told oh to get a 0-3 month vest out for Lexi and then realised as i stretched it over her I meant 3-6 months. wish she'd slow down! Xx

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
That was a good idea tam! He has grown loads!

Grace rolled from front to back yesterday twice. I thought it was a fluke but no. I'm so proud of how far she's came.


That was a good idea tam! He has grown loads!

Grace rolled from front to back yesterday twice. I thought it was a fluke but no. I'm so proud of how far she's came.


That's amazing Hun. Considering how little she was and being premiere as well!! Well done u little star!!! U must be one proud mummy xxx
Well I've been super ruthless with jack today. Instead of letting him go however long he wants between feeds I have been feeding him every 3 hours. Even If I've had to wake home up. I know some mummies won't agree with me doing this but so far it has worked! He is a lot more settled this evening. He's just had a rusk with 30ml of milk mashed in aswell as a 6oz bottle. But this is the first evening since Monday that he hasn't had 3 bottles back to back! And that he hasn't cried constantly from 5pm till 10pm. So it is a major improvement. Think this rigorous three hourly feed during the day will have to be a regular thing for us. I used to just let him go however long he slept or wanted. Not anymore me thinks!! Xxxx
That was a good idea tam! He has grown loads!

Grace rolled from front to back yesterday twice. I thought it was a fluke but no. I'm so proud of how far she's came.


That's amazing Hun. Considering how little she was and being premiere as well!! Well done u little star!!! U must be one proud mummy xxx

Thanks hun. You must be so proud of Jack too how far he's came. I know it's no help but I was told prem babies tend to be hungrier babies because they were so little. Glad he likes the baby rice. I hope it all subsides and he gets back into the swing of things x

I am thinking of writing to the local shopping centre. They just had baby room done (couple of big toilets, 3 changing stations, screen for children with cartoons and chairs, bottle warmer but nowhere to nurse my baby?! I am pissed off tbh

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Well I've been super ruthless with jack today. Instead of letting him go however long he wants between feeds I have been feeding him every 3 hours. Even If I've had to wake home up. I know some mummies won't agree with me doing this but so far it has worked! He is a lot more settled this evening. He's just had a rusk with 30ml of milk mashed in aswell as a 6oz bottle. But this is the first evening since Monday that he hasn't had 3 bottles back to back! And that he hasn't cried constantly from 5pm till 10pm. So it is a major improvement. Think this rigorous three hourly feed during the day will have to be a regular thing for us. I used to just let him go however long he slept or wanted. Not anymore me thinks!! Xxxx

He hun,

You'll have to let me know how you get on with this method, i considered doing it myself to help settle H better on a night time. And according to a baby book i half read it's suppose to help baby sleep through the night as there full and content with feeds from the day?!

x x x
Babies are growing up too fast. I.had to pack away 3-6 clothes yesterday, its going too fast for my liking. DH wants to get rid of.baby clothes asap but i think i want keepsake made. A teddy or a.blanket

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

There's a page in Facebook called clasting memory's lady makes blankets out of Lo' s clothes, haven't ordered my self yer but they look lovely xx
I am thinking of writing to the local shopping centre. They just had baby room done (couple of big toilets, 3 changing stations, screen for children with cartoons and chairs, bottle warmer but nowhere to nurse my baby?! I am pissed off tbh

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

M&S changing rooms were too "busy" for me to use them to feed Evan the other day. I went to House of Fraser and a lady led me through the store, up in the lift and spoke to the lady by the changing rooms to check it was ok. So so nice :)

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