I've just had a call from the doctors, H has his first jabs on monday

really not looking forward to them. Going shopping today so going to buy some calpol as a just in case, hopefully he won't need it.
He's been doing really well with his sleeping, finally. He has a top up bottle at 9.30pm and in bed for 10pm, awake, he self settles and is usually asleep within 15 mins

Then he sleeps til around 5am. I'm hoping eventually we'll be able to get him in bed earlier as time goes on, but i'm not pushing it just yet.
After having H back at the doctors in the week they have been in touch and are referring him to a pediatric and a dietitian hopefully we'll have some answers as to whats causing his discomfort...since the beginning of the week we only had 2 episodes of screaming and crying in pain due to his guts, which is brilliant as it use to be every single day

I'm hoping by the time the appointments come through he won't need them and it will resolve it's self?
Nearly cried yesterday after packing away his newborn and 0-3 clothes he's 8 weeks(tomorrow) and already in 3-6!! He's at the stage were 0-3 are too small and 3-6 are too big, but at least he has leg room lol But i now need to buy some more summer clothes in 3-6 as i didn't anticipate him being in them this early so he doesn't have many summer outfits lol I don't mind though, i love shopping for baby clothes
I'm going shopping later, need to pick up some bits for tomorrow, mums having a BBQ if the weather holds out. So i'm going to make chicken skewers i was just gonna make the usual chicken, pepper, onion, tomato combi but i want something a little different any suggestions?
x x x