***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Hope the jabs go ok later on V&B xx

Tambo - so many ladies have recommended "Nelsons teething granules" - you can use them early on and they work quickly apparently.

First of all are you all finding bedtime is a screaming match?

Second Evan finally went down at 10.45, woke for a feed at 1.40 and had an epic feed/boob dummy session and then slept til half 8. Feel so much better today.

I think Evan might be teething to. I know chewing hands is developmental but he's chewing like his life depends on it! Problem is he refuses to chew anything but his hands at the mo!
Hey jacks chewing his hands off again this morning. He also has his jabs at 4 o clock. But it's his last lot now till he's 1! Not looking forward to it at all!! He always has a bad night afterwards . Gonna head to boots soon and stock up in stuff! And I'm a bit concerned too because I think he may have something wrong with his willy. It's really hard and looks a little bit like its bruised. Will ask the nurse to take a look at it later.

And it cetaiy sounds as tho all the babies r in sync regarding teething etc. very weird. Xxx
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Amy - I'm so lucky that JJ goes down every single night without question...he just always - no matter what - wakes at 6am on the dot and doesn't go back down for a nap til at least 9am. I don't think I'll get a lay in ever again lol! Does a bath make Evan sleepy...? I know a lot of ladies don't like Johnsons products, but I've been using the Bedtime Baby Bubbles and it really seems to chill him JJ out quite a lot...could be co-incidence, but it works for us.

I went to Asda earlier to pick up my last Bounty Pack (kept forgetting!) - and they've stopped doing them :-( Whilst I was there, I picked up some teething granules and a load of half price tommee tippee bits and pieces - feeding bowls, temperature sensitive spoons, sippy cup...and also picked up some baby rice portions. I am counting down the days til I can let JJ try some :-)

I gave him some teething granules at 13.30 and he has calmed right down and stopped chewing incessantly on his hand - hooray!!! xx
Jabs done she cried for a minute brave girl :)
She had first dose of rotavirus vaccine too.
Nipped to Sainsburys got some teething powders bought her some clothes in 3-6 months cute leggings and long sleeved tops.

Home she's had 5 mins boob and fallen asleep, hopefully she won't wake up when I put her down as I have a mountain of pots to get through and I want to start dinner in case we have a repeat of the screaming from last jabs.

Amy Libby is good at going to bed too. She still normally falls to sleep on me though

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Sorry madam woke up,
I feed her in bed then move her to her crib if she wakes when I put her down she normally goes back off within minutes.
I use cussons mum and me bed time bath it's lovely.

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Will need to go & get the teething granules to try its a wee shame for them!

Rhys has his last feed between 9.30-10pm & is then usually sleeping by 11pm and that will be him until 08.30 sometimes 9 the next morning! I think he is going to be like me & love his sleep haha!

Not got out much today the weather is horrific!! Think we are getting the past months rain! And the thunder is so loud!!

Hope all the babies that had jags today are ok! Rhys had second lot yesterday and it didn't seem to bother him as much as it did the last time thankfully!

We try a bath but it normally wakes him up more. He used to have a big feed before bed which knocks him out but he doesn't feed as well in the evening. We normally have to dance him to sleep and dh will play the guitar. He seems to be awake or over tired which is a nuisance! Bought some teething granules too and will see if that makes a difference.

Evan has hid jabs tomorrow. What joy!
We are on holiday on the coast again, they slept the whole 4 hour journey yesterday, which was awesome, but we had. A terrible night because of it :( Cant have it all eh?

My babies have hadtheir first dip in the sea today, it is super warm in the med at the moment, and they looooved it! Mummy was a bit nervoustough. Think they will sleep well tonight!
Hope Evans jabs go ok tmrw Amy xx

Nikki - another one of your updates that makes me insanely jealous lol! Whereabouts on the coast are you...? I would give my right arm to be holidaying in the med right now :-)

We are off on holiday 6 weeks on Friday - off to Dorset - it's a test run to see how we cope in this country before we head to Spain in April/May next year! xx
The bedtime screaming has kicked off again. It's still hot here and he just makes himself more hot and bothered. I tried a feed but he fought it again. It's so much hard work and guessing that's my evening gone already - not that I have had an evening since he was born. I just hope he only wakes the once tonight - fx for me ladies...
Hope Evans jabs go ok tmrw Amy xx

Nikki - another one of your updates that makes me insanely jealous lol! Whereabouts on the coast are you...? I would give my right arm to be holidaying in the med right now :-)

We are off on holiday 6 weeks on Friday - off to Dorset - it's a test run to see how we cope in this country before we head to Spain in April/May next year! xx

We are in Castellon just north of Valencia :) Its nice, but tbh, i would kill for a bit of cool weather. Breastfeeding twins is sweaty work, and i am constantly feeding. Kinda changes the idea of holiday ;)
Hope the jabs go ok later on V&B xx

Tambo - so many ladies have recommended "Nelsons teething granules" - you can use them early on and they work quickly apparently.


Thanks! Gonna grab some tomorrow x

Where has my lovely placid, chilled little boy gone? Jack only ever used to cry when he was super hungry. But for the last 48 hours or so it's just been constant. And he is eating loads! And I mean loads. He is having 6oz of milk every 2/3 hours during the day. But when it gets to 5/6 o clock at night he is constantly hungry. For the last 3 nights between 5pm and 10pm he has eaten 18 oz milk. And then has started waking for a 4am bottle. Which I am not happy about as we had just had a weeks of through the night sleeps! He is very obviously not getting full by his milk! So I but the bullet and gave him a teaspoon of baby rice yesterday tea time and he loved it! I though it might make him a bit fuller but he has ended up waking at 3am instead of 4am?! Anyone have any ideas? I feel like I am at the end of my tether? It's also bring back my pnd at full pelt. Was managing to cope with it quite well but things have taken a very sharp downward turn and I'm now back to feeling awful. Sorry for the moan girls just needed to get it all out. Things always feel worse in the dead of night whilst the OH sleeps peacefully next to me. Xxxx
Haven't got qny advice, brandnew but could he be a bit unsettled due to his jabs???

H has his second lot on the 8th and im dreading them :(
We're on our 3rd night of only getting up twice! Yay . Although ive just put him back down and now I cant go back to sleep!

Amy- you might be doing it already but have you thought about skin to skin at night time? H's bedtime routine is we go upstsirs at 8. Ichange his bum and let him have a kick about on the bed whilst I potter about. I then get either on the bed or sit in our chair with him and we have skin to skin. He initiates the feed then and we almost always have a calm, relaxed feeding which usually results in him falling asleep so deeply that he doesnt wake when I put him down then. Hes always in bed fast asleep by 9:30. Its calm, relaxed and I love the time together. My oh use to give him a bottle instead but he woildnt settle for sleep with it so we changed to doing it this way.

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Amy- you might be doing it already but have you thought about skin to skin at night time? H's bedtime routine is we go upstsirs at 8. Ichange his bum and let him have a kick about on the bed whilst I potter about. I then get either on the bed or sit in our chair with him and we have skin to skin. He initiates the feed then and we almost always have a calm, relaxed feeding which usually results in him falling asleep so deeply that he doesnt wake when I put him down then. Hes always in bed fast asleep by 9:30. Its calm, relaxed and I love the time together. My oh use to give him a bottle instead but he woildnt settle for sleep with it so we changed to doing it this way.

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Nothing works. He screamed for about 3 hours until he was so exhausted he fell asleep. I am now completely spent and about to put a rant up on the main page...
Oh Amy hugs x

Well we had 2 hrs of grumpiness but only 10 mins of sobbing :( last night went to bed woke up at 7 for a feed and is still asleep, well actually sounds like she's stirring now.

2nd load of washing in, gonna quickly wash the pots before she wakes up then going to pick up the sun shade I ordered for the buggy :)

Happy Friday enjoy

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Forgot to say expressed 6oz this morning wooooooop! Only normally get about 3, so got a nice big bottle for daddy to give her over the weekend :)

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The bedtime screaming has kicked off again. It's still hot here and he just makes himself more hot and bothered. I tried a feed but he fought it again. It's so much hard work and guessing that's my evening gone already - not that I have had an evening since he was born. I just hope he only wakes the once tonight - fx for me ladies...

Amy really sorry your having a hard time with LO, i know how exhausting and frustrating it is. Have you considered taking him to the doctors or having a word with your health adviser? It's probably not, but could it be a touch of reflux? I've read that it can start when baby is a few months old, causes baby to refuse feeds, winding and makes baby generally grumpy. It could be worth looking into?

What ever is the matter with him i hope it settles soon, poor little man. Hugs to you x x x
I've just had a call from the doctors, H has his first jabs on monday :( really not looking forward to them. Going shopping today so going to buy some calpol as a just in case, hopefully he won't need it.

He's been doing really well with his sleeping, finally. He has a top up bottle at 9.30pm and in bed for 10pm, awake, he self settles and is usually asleep within 15 mins :) Then he sleeps til around 5am. I'm hoping eventually we'll be able to get him in bed earlier as time goes on, but i'm not pushing it just yet.

After having H back at the doctors in the week they have been in touch and are referring him to a pediatric and a dietitian hopefully we'll have some answers as to whats causing his discomfort...since the beginning of the week we only had 2 episodes of screaming and crying in pain due to his guts, which is brilliant as it use to be every single day :( I'm hoping by the time the appointments come through he won't need them and it will resolve it's self?

Nearly cried yesterday after packing away his newborn and 0-3 clothes he's 8 weeks(tomorrow) and already in 3-6!! He's at the stage were 0-3 are too small and 3-6 are too big, but at least he has leg room lol But i now need to buy some more summer clothes in 3-6 as i didn't anticipate him being in them this early so he doesn't have many summer outfits lol I don't mind though, i love shopping for baby clothes :D

I'm going shopping later, need to pick up some bits for tomorrow, mums having a BBQ if the weather holds out. So i'm going to make chicken skewers i was just gonna make the usual chicken, pepper, onion, tomato combi but i want something a little different any suggestions? :)

x x x

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