***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Oh wow chezza can't believe jj is teething already! That's amazing. I don't know where the time is going either. Jack head control is getting so much better and he just seems to be coming on in leaps and bounds. He's always gonna be 6 weeks behind on some things but I'm still a very proud mummy xx

I know...I didn't realise they could teethe this early?? Luckily it isn't interrupting his sleep...yet!!

Glad Jack is doing really well! Started out sooo tiny, bless him!

I'm nearly half way through my maternity leave now - time needs to slow down!! I could cry at the thought of going back to work, even if it is part time :-(
Oh god tell me about it. When ur working time goes at a snails pace but as soon as ur on maternity leave or holiday then every week flies by! I'm back in January so at least I get Christmas off. I work in retail and haven't had a Christmas off in 13 years! To say I'm looking forward to it is an understatement. And another positive to come out of having jack so early was that I was only on leave for 2 weeks before I had him! So have had more time with him.

When do u return back to work?? Xx
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Morning all.. Haven't been online in a while. It's. been a busy few weeks. Asked FOB to leave a few weeks ago so ifs a bit full on at times but couldn't ask for a better way of spending my time. Grace is 12 weeks old & was weighed last week and was 10lb7oz she's beautiful and loves smiling. Can't believe my tiny baby is getting so big! We have a bedtime routine and Grace will sleep from 10-4 then back to sleep and we get up around 8 :) here's a few pics xxImageUploadedByTapatalk 21374654035.452603.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk 21374654053.277360.jpg

Hope all mommys and babies are doing well x

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Hi ceecee! She really is beautiful! I was only wondering what had happened to you yesterday and I log in and here you are :)

I don't write in this thread often because I can never catch up with everyone lol so all my comments are irrelevant. I do read what you're all up to though every time I log in :)

Just noticed teething mentioned, I'm sure Scott could be teething too. We even bought some dentinox gel last week and he loves sucking it off a cooled teething ring.

He has just turned into the world grumpiest baby the last couple of weeks, if he's not asleep, in the buggy or awake in my arms then he is crying. It's so tiring! Even started causing arguments between me and OH because he reckons it's my fault for picking him up to much! I think that is bullshit personally. I spend hours every day just walking with him for some peace and hopefully weight loss. I'm just fed up now, wish I knew why he was so miserable :cry: it's not even a "pick me up" cry it's a full on, tears dripping down his cheeks, "I'm in agony" kind of cry :(

I tried dream feeding, mrshope, but its not for us, H would be too asleep to latch on. Every now and then I try him because hes still waking 2-3 times s night but he either fully wakes uo, realky upset or just doesnt latch. I have been told that its easier to dreamfeed if bottle feeding though :)

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Thanks hub. I bottle feed and don't have a problem getting her to take it its the winding part I want advice on. We tried to wind her very gently and she woke up so it went to pot. Just wondered if anyone could help. I know it's not for everyone xxx

Ps if anyone tells me they're baba is sleeping through the night I think I may scream

My LO wasn't sleeping through the night at Ruby's age...give it a little more time and one morning you will find yourself waking up, possibly panicking because she hasn't woken you for a feed...and she will be fast asleep and it will be daylight outside! xx

I'm praying that day comes sooner rather than later x
Oh god tell me about it. When ur working time goes at a snails pace but as soon as ur on maternity leave or holiday then every week flies by! I'm back in January so at least I get Christmas off. I work in retail and haven't had a Christmas off in 13 years! To say I'm looking forward to it is an understatement. And another positive to come out of having jack so early was that I was only on leave for 2 weeks before I had him! So have had more time with him.

When do u return back to work?? Xx

What a treat having Christmas off, after not being able to for so long - enjoy!

I'm supposed to go back beginning of November, but I already cant stand the thought of it - and I love my job! I'm wondering if I can eek our savings out a bit more so I don't have to return til January...not sure if that will work though sadly.

Luckily, I have a great employer, so will be doing three days in the office and one working from home...hoping for a lottery win before then though :lol: xxx
CeeCee - Nice to hear from you again. Look how big your LO is!! She's so adorable!

Brand New - I have xmas off too! :) I work as a carer for the elderly and has only ever had one xmas off. I'm not back at work til Feb and i know when the time comes i won't want to go back :(

Tambo - Sorry to hear scott isn't his usual happy self. It could be the teething that's making him a bit grumpy. What ever it is i hope you get to the bottom of it soon.

Chezza - Can't believe little one is teething already! :0 Here's hoping it doesn't disturb his sleep, if your lucky he might just wake up with nashers one day, my eldest did. Didn't even know he was teething until i stuck my finger in and he bit me! Lol Thanks for the reply in regards to H, you confirmed what i was thinking. I'm just gonna leave him be for a while and see how he gets on.

Took him off the gaviscon yesterday morning and all day he was grumpy and just not himself, perked up just before bed time. I changed his rountine a little last night i kept him donwstairs with us so i could keep and eye on him. He had is bath then had his bottle downstairs at 8pm topped him up just before 10pm as he was awake and popped him in his cot awake and went to bed. Next thing i know he's waking me up at 5am for his first feed!! He went 7 hours and i managed a good 6 hours sleep :D He then nodded back off at 6.30am and slept til 9.30am!!

Fingers crossed its a sign of things to come! :D

x x x
Hiya. I think it was downloading tapatalk 2 I'm not too keen on it and just stopped using it might go back to number one :) so much better.

Poor Scott Tam. I think Grace might be teething too just dribbling all the time! I hope he settles down soon I know how frustrating it can be when you just don't have a clue :(

Hi Emma! :) hope all is well with you and bubs..

Think ill be sure to stay on now! Missed you girlies

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Well Evan is in a nice routine now. Shame it sucks for me. He's waking at around half 1 and 6 for a feed. It's really wearing me down now but nothing I've done has made any difference. Feel like I've gone full circle after having him sleep through for a couple of nights a few weeks ago :(
Oh god tell me about it. When ur working time goes at a snails pace but as soon as ur on maternity leave or holiday then every week flies by! I'm back in January so at least I get Christmas off. I work in retail and haven't had a Christmas off in 13 years! To say I'm looking forward to it is an understatement. And another positive to come out of having jack so early was that I was only on leave for 2 weeks before I had him! So have had more time with him.

When do u return back to work?? Xx

Brand new I work in retail too, looking forward to having Xmas off too. I went on mat leave at 39 weeks Ava was born 40+4 weeks. I can go back end of jan, or take my 6 weeks holiday which I think I will do. Going to have to start looking at child care soon :-( its going so fast!

Ava is very dribbly, hands in mouth, do u think she may be teething?
Just having a catch up on all the going ons:)!

I think Rhys is teething too...dribbling EVERYWHERE trying to grab my hands to shove into his mouth & in general chewing away on his own fists while moaning poor soul!!

We had round 2 of jags today...went better than last time he did scream when getting them but has been full of smiles since & now having a nice wee nap:)!

I'm not back to work until next March...but the time really is flying in! I met a girl today while we were in getting the jags that was in the bed next to me in hosp when having our boys...we were just saying how fast the past 3 months have went:( it's scary!

I think madam is starting teething too.
We've got her second jabs tomorrow :(

But she's happy today here she is with her new favourite toy bought today


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Well jack has been a mardy bum all day today!! Really grumpy. Feeding every 2 hours but taking a whole 6oz and finishing it every time. So I'm thinking I may have to start introducing some fruit puree or something to his diet because he is literally not being satisfied by his milk! And as he is on prescription milk I can't change it to hungry baby as he is on premature SMA milk. I'm going to ring the health visitor tomorrow and see what she thinks? And also he is teething!!
I was only chatting on his thread to chezza yesterday about how early her jj was! And then this morning I felt in jack mouth because he has literally been chewin his hands off and rosy red cheeks and LO and behold there was a little something! Can't get my head round how quickly things r happening? It's scares me as to where time is actually going?! Xx
Eek! What's up with all these teething babies?! I thought that came much further down the line?

I had my first bath with Ella yesterday. It was so great. She really loves her baths. Up until now we have either given her her own bath or OH has been in with her. I will definitely be doing it again!
Well Evan is in a nice routine now. Shame it sucks for me. He's waking at around half 1 and 6 for a feed. It's really wearing me down now but nothing I've done has made any difference. Feel like I've gone full circle after having him sleep through for a couple of nights a few weeks ago :(

How was last night Amy? Hoping Evan drops his 1am bottle very soon for you...xx
Well jack has been a mardy bum all day today!! Really grumpy. Feeding every 2 hours but taking a whole 6oz and finishing it every time. So I'm thinking I may have to start introducing some fruit puree or something to his diet because he is literally not being satisfied by his milk! And as he is on prescription milk I can't change it to hungry baby as he is on premature SMA milk. I'm going to ring the health visitor tomorrow and see what she thinks? And also he is teething!!
I was only chatting on his thread to chezza yesterday about how early her jj was! And then this morning I felt in jack mouth because he has literally been chewin his hands off and rosy red cheeks and LO and behold there was a little something! Can't get my head round how quickly things r happening? It's scares me as to where time is actually going?! Xx

Lol! How weird...there seems to be a teething trend going on! Are all babies in tune with each other...? :lol:

JJ was gumming on a teething ring last night whilst grizzling away to himself...and all of a sudden just started sobbing and screaming!! He kept trying to chew down on the ring at the same time :-( This went on for a while and I just couldn't comfort him...so we gave him a little bit of calpol (which I didn't want to resort to doing!) - and this finally settled him. I don't want to get into that habit though, so am off out to get some teething granules today...

How's Jack this morning?? xx
Hope all the babies are good this morning :)

Thanks Chezza x

I used to think the same with calpol but then I thought if I wasn't well or had toothache etc I'd take something to make it better. I am going to get some of those teething granules though as they are supposed to be great.

Not looking forward to tonight got a feeling these jabs are gonna knock hr for 6 again.

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Morning ladies :wave:

Teething eh? Bloody nightmare! Here's a fact for you...seen it a few years ago and it's so freaky. A child is born with every tooth it'll ever have already squashed inside its tiny skull! Look at this pic! This skull is on display at the national history museum apparently.


Amazing eh? :shock:

Well I ended up taking Scott to the doctor yesterday because he was just inconsolable, he started waving his head frantically from side to side like Stevie wonder so I thought he could have an ear infection. Got him there and he became the world's happiest baby! Cooing at the doctor and grinning like a Cheshire cat! I must have looked like a right bloody fool! Doctor gave him a check and said he shows classic signs of teething, licking his gums, dribbling, diarrhoea (spell check found that one for me thank God lol!) Shaking head and being a general grump. Got him some teething gel, not heard of the granules? What make are they and where from? The gel has worked for now, along with constant cuddles!

Oh well better get out of bed, yes I'm still in bed :blush: hope everyone has a good day xxx

:hug: for Libby and Mummy today xxx

Hope all the babies are good this morning :)

Thanks Chezza x

I used to think the same with calpol but then I thought if I wasn't well or had toothache etc I'd take something to make it better. I am going to get some of those teething granules though as they are supposed to be great.

Not looking forward to tonight got a feeling these jabs are gonna knock hr for 6 again.

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Hope the jabs don't bother her too much good luck x


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