***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Well done Lina and Santi!
My two slept well, i didnt.
I had the worst time of my life yesterday - picked up A from the nursery, got hom took him out of the pram and into the house(i.have steps so a double pram with 2 kiddies isnt doable), went to get Mark and the bloody door shut and the.keys were inside! He was inside for about 5 mimutes but it felt like 5 hours. Lovely neighbours managed to.get into out garden and through the back door which i.left open. I was feeling physically sick and shaking from the shock. Didnt go to sleep until around 2 am

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That's great news, Nikki.
Are they falling asleep with you in the living room & you then carry them in to the bedroom or are they settling on their own in the bedroom? What time do they go to sleep and what time are you & Miguel going?
Ella woke up when I carried her up last night & looked so awake, I thought I was done for. I just turned all the lights off & played a quick 2 mins of thus night light she has with sounds of the sea & she was straight off!
Have just ordered a baby monitor, so will try taking her up earlier than us when she falls asleep.
Am also going to try & get her to nap in her bed & not just on the sofa too.

Yes, we normally let them fall asleep in the front room in their chairs, then take them when we go, usually 11-12. They cluster feed so much inthe evenings, it was pointless trying to getthem to go down earlier. But then they started falling a little earlier, between 10-11 so i took the chance and tried to move them into the cot, settle them, give a last feed then leave, and so far, its worked! We only got monitors a couple of weeks afo because i didnt thnk i would need them for a while.
We dont reallyhave a routine withnaps yet though, some days they have 2, then just one, then none atall and somedays they sleep all afternoon. It really depends on what i am doing too, as they nap in the car and pram if we are out..
Its so hardgetting two into a routine, especially if they both want different things, trying to get them to sync is a nightmare!
I tried dream feeding, mrshope, but its not for us, H would be too asleep to latch on. Every now and then I try him because hes still waking 2-3 times s night but he either fully wakes uo, realky upset or just doesnt latch. I have been told that its easier to dreamfeed if bottle feeding though :)

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Thanks hub. I bottle feed and don't have a problem getting her to take it its the winding part I want advice on. We tried to wind her very gently and she woke up so it went to pot. Just wondered if anyone could help. I know it's not for everyone xxx

Ps if anyone tells me they're baba is sleeping through the night I think I may scream! Lol
Mine dont sleep through mrshope ;)
I dont wind if dreamfeeding, but mine are breastfed, if they do have a bit of wind, they start waking up and are quite happy to let me wind them, then they are relived and fall asleep afterwards. Sometimes back on the breast though.
Well done Lina and Santi!
My two slept well, i didnt.
I had the worst time of my life yesterday - picked up A from the nursery, got hom took him out of the pram and into the house(i.have steps so a double pram with 2 kiddies isnt doable), went to get Mark and the bloody door shut and the.keys were inside! He was inside for about 5 mimutes but it felt like 5 hours. Lovely neighbours managed to.get into out garden and through the back door which i.left open. I was feeling physically sick and shaking from the shock. Didnt go to sleep until around 2 am

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Poor you! I'm always so worried about things like that happening if I take the bins out or something.
Thank goodness you'd left the back door open & your neighbour could get in.
My neighbour's 2 year old once locked himself in the cellar. She panicked and had to call the fire brigade!
Aww knopk i feel for you.

When J was little me and my aunty went shopping with the kiddies. We strapped them both into the car seats whilst we put away shopping and prams...only we both closed the car doors and the instantly locked, with the car keys on the front passenger seat. J started crying as he was due a bottle and we couldn't get in the bleeding car. We had to call the fire brigade who can speeding to rescue the babies lights and sirens blaring!

As soon as they pulled up one of them whipped out a wire coat hanger and popped the door, longest time of my life!! The fire man was rather dishy tho, so once i'd picked myself up of the floor i had a good ogle! Lol Hahaha

x x x
Mine dont sleep through mrshope ;)
I dont wind if dreamfeeding, but mine are breastfed, if they do have a bit of wind, they start waking up and are quite happy to let me wind them, then they are relived and fall asleep afterwards. Sometimes back on the breast though.

Right- a no to winding then lol thanks hun x
Another night, another 2 wake ups in the night for feeding. Evan has also been sick a lot this morning, have no idea what he's fed against what he's brought up. Just worrying a lot. He seems ok but on a hot day I worry he'll dehydrate. He's refusing nap time as well so my mum has taken over so i can have a break.

Awww knopk - when i was really small i locked myself in the house. My mum had to persuade me to push the keys through the letterbox.
I tried dream feeding, mrshope, but its not for us, H would be too asleep to latch on. Every now and then I try him because hes still waking 2-3 times s night but he either fully wakes uo, realky upset or just doesnt latch. I have been told that its easier to dreamfeed if bottle feeding though :)

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Thanks hub. I bottle feed and don't have a problem getting her to take it its the winding part I want advice on. We tried to wind her very gently and she woke up so it went to pot. Just wondered if anyone could help. I know it's not for everyone xxx

Ps if anyone tells me they're baba is sleeping through the night I think I may scream! Lol

My LO wasn't sleeping through the night at Ruby's age...give it a little more time and one morning you will find yourself waking up, possibly panicking because she hasn't woken you for a feed...and she will be fast asleep and it will be daylight outside! xx
Oh God, i am so hot! Sitting here feeding Mark and we are both drenched! Had to give my toddler an ipad cause even moving is too hot

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Oh God, i am so hot! Sitting here feeding Mark and we are both drenched! Had to give my toddler an ipad cause even moving is too hot

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

With you on this one! Sorry to hear about your locking out episode...glad you managed to get in after 5 mins - what lovely neighbours you have!

I love the heat, but I hate humidity and I am melting today!! :-(
Hello ladies,

Well what a night :( Horrendous!

The gaviscon has not agreed with H at all. He woke in the middle of the night screaming, not a upset crying but actually high pitched screaming! I shot out of bed like lightening, my blood ran cold it was awful. There was no apparent reason for the scream other than his legs going. Then woke at 4.30am for a bottle and cried and vomited since then. He's never usually sick and he'd never been as unsettled as he has been today. I stopped the gaviscon this morning and only now does he appear to be getting over his episode.

Had him back at doctors and there has been talk now of possible allergy/intolerance and his poops and like water sometime froathy sometimes mucusy, i've asked for prescription milk if only to rule out the intolerance but according to my doctors they can't prescribe it and my health visitor has to request a referral!! I've since spoken to my health visitor and she said it's a load of rubbish they can prescribe it without a referral. Her suggestion is to buy a tub of lactose free formula try him on it, if it helps then demand the formula,she said she'd help. If there is no change then we know thats not the little mans problem.

Earlier today i was will to do/try anything. But looking at him now he seems so happy i don't want to upset him by introducing a milk he might not need?! What do i do?

Why is motherhood so complicated :(
Went out for a short walk earlier and nearly melted into the pavement. Our bedroom hit 28 last night which was horrible. Couldn't have the windows open too wide cos of the rain. I hate this heat, it's making me feel so drained and grumpy :(
TMI warning:

Girls, I am rather worried. I came on yesterday and it was fairly normal flow. I had a maternity pad in today and it was soaked so I tried a tampon and an always pad and both soaked and leaked everywhere and now I have my MAHOOSIVE incontinence pad in that I had left over from when I used them as maternity pads (that my nan gave me lol) and now that is soaked too. I am on very heavy and I am worried as I lost so much blood in labour and had 2 transfusions...Do you think it is something to call someone about? Or is bleeding this heavy normal?xxx
I think it's normal for it to be heavier than usual the first time. Obviously if you start to feel unwell get help asap xx
Hello ladies,

Well what a night :( Horrendous!

The gaviscon has not agreed with H at all. He woke in the middle of the night screaming, not a upset crying but actually high pitched screaming! I shot out of bed like lightening, my blood ran cold it was awful. There was no apparent reason for the scream other than his legs going. Then woke at 4.30am for a bottle and cried and vomited since then. He's never usually sick and he'd never been as unsettled as he has been today. I stopped the gaviscon this morning and only now does he appear to be getting over his episode.

Had him back at doctors and there has been talk now of possible allergy/intolerance and his poops and like water sometime froathy sometimes mucusy, i've asked for prescription milk if only to rule out the intolerance but according to my doctors they can't prescribe it and my health visitor has to request a referral!! I've since spoken to my health visitor and she said it's a load of rubbish they can prescribe it without a referral. Her suggestion is to buy a tub of lactose free formula try him on it, if it helps then demand the formula,she said she'd help. If there is no change then we know thats not the little mans problem.

Earlier today i was will to do/try anything. But looking at him now he seems so happy i don't want to upset him by introducing a milk he might not need?! What do i do?

Why is motherhood so complicated :(

Hey Emma, only you can make this call now. It's horrible that gaviscon had that affect on H - not nice to see your baby suffer. If you think he is settled enough now and not suffering from wind/constipation (or any other symptoms prior to trying gaviscon), then leave him on the milk he is already on.

If he starts to display signs again, maybe try and lactose free milk - buy one tub, give it - 3 days and see if the symptoms settle down xx
Went out for a short walk earlier and nearly melted into the pavement. Our bedroom hit 28 last night which was horrible. Couldn't have the windows open too wide cos of the rain. I hate this heat, it's making me feel so drained and grumpy :(

Urgh I know...I truly love the heat, but we need a damned good thunderstorm and a lot of rain to clear this mugginess!

JBJ - my first AF was ridiculously heavy - I was having to change tampons once an hour and also used up my old maternity pads too! If you do have any concerns though, based on your labour experience, then call your HV or GP first thing in the morning. I will say though, that's the worse AF I have ever had...

Evan's new trick is pushing himself up his mat by digging his feet in and arching his back. He did another 180 in the cot and was kicking poor Winnie the Pooh. His other trick is waiting for me to take his nappy off to do a poo. Haven't been splattered and always have supplies nearby!
Amy - Evan will be escaping from his cot as soon as he can :-)

JJ is now pulling himself up into a sitting position using only one hand...how he has the strength to do this, I don't know.

He has been a bit crabby and clingy these last few days too - I thought he was going through another Leap or growth spurt...but today, I caught sight of and felt a little tooth coming in on his top gum!! So the teething ring is officially out and being used...and he is loving it!

Where is the time going...?!? xx
Oh wow chezza can't believe jj is teething already! That's amazing. I don't know where the time is going either. Jack head control is getting so much better and he just seems to be coming on in leaps and bounds. He's always gonna be 6 weeks behind on some things but I'm still a very proud mummy xx

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