***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Rips are still very painful :(
Amy, I found H's attention span isnt very long at the moment, he gets bored very easy . He loves me reading to him, his play gym and looking at himself in the mirror. I try not to show him too msny toys all at once because I dont want him to get to over stimulated.

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Here's my proud mummy snaps of Ella! She comes out with some cracking smiles now. Makes it all worth while!
My iron levels were checked and were fine. Apparently the HV should have called me about some counselling for pnd but hasn't. Good job I have been feeling less dire than I had been.

Evan used to have a really big feed before he wanted to go to sleep at night but seems to drop off without being hungry. Although it might be all the energy he's using rotating round his cot in the night... we got a 180 the other night!

We always do one thing at a time to keep him entertained and sneakily try to recycle games, but he seems to remember and get bored. If it wasn't so hot I'd be taking him out in the sling as he loves looking around at everything. I was making some very weird noises yesterday which kept him quite entertained, but it's bloody tiring!

DH shouted at Evan last night. I was getting clawed in the neck and passed him over while I sorted the washing out. I came back up to him shouting at Evan to shut up. I told him to get out of the house, get away from the screaming and calm down. Evan stopped crying as soon as I took over. He said he had wanted to settle Evan to sleep for me. He doesn't get that I just need a hand every so often and not miracles. He's struggling. Doesn't help me though :(
Amy, its a big strain on relationship :(
My haemoglobin levels were tip top too but actual iron stores are depleted. They check haemoglobin most of the times.
Big hugs, try sitting down with OH and telling him what you would like him to.do. Shouting at Evan wont help, babies pick up on emotions too and can be more unsettled

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Amy, its a big strain on relationship :(
My haemoglobin levels were tip top too but actual iron stores are depleted. They check haemoglobin most of the times.
Big hugs, try sitting down with OH and telling him what you would like him to.do. Shouting at Evan wont help, babies pick up on emotions too and can be more unsettled

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I was taking iron tablets before he was born and for quite a while after, so my levels must be ok. I normally run at borderline low anyway and iron tablets come with their own problems.

DH knows what I want, but he wants to fix everything. Sometimes Evan is too much for me and I have to hand him over, but I was fine last night and there was no need for him to get angry. We talked afterwards but I just don't feel I can rely on him when I really need the help. It's not too bad as my mum and dad are always around to help, it just should be him that I go to first. I'm sure things will get easier as Evan grows I just wish he would get it sometimes.
I know how you feel, i was wondering if i have pnd. Exercising helps me and i bought spatone, donr have side effects unlike the tablets. I also bought one with vit C.
I find that i have to tell DH exactly what i want him to do.
He is much better now second time round

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I'm trying to get as much exercise as possible but it's tough in this heat and with hayfever. I've also got some self hypnosis and mindfulness cds - not that Evan stays asleep long enough to listen to them. Might pick up some of that spatone and see, thanks :) xx
Hello ladies

Just wanted nip on and update. Had harrison at the doctors today for his 6 week check up. They suspect he may have silent reflux which in turn is making his wind worse.He's now been prescribed infant gaviscon and has to have another check up in 2 weeks. I mentioned using the comfort milk and she said no, it's a process of elimination if the gaviscon works then there really is no need for a different milk however if the gaviscon fails then we'll look into different milks or medications. I feel a little better now i know it's not all in my head lol and that the doctor agress there is something not right.

On a positive note all his other checks were fine and she's happy with his development and he now weighs a whopping 13lb!! Lol Chunky monkey.

He's also really smiling and talking now :D I remember being extremely jealous that Chezza was getting good morning smiles from her little boy Lol Now i get them too yay!!

13lb!? Already? Is he consuming a lot? I've just had Ruby weighed today and she's 10lb 12oz and she was born before Harrison.

Is anyone dream feeding?

Hope u girls are ok xx
Yep 13lb, i know i nearly choked! He is drinking alot i think, around 5oz every 3-4 hours sometimes he'll drink a full 6oz if he's slept longer. I mentioned this to the doctor but she didn't seem concerned as all his measurements are in proportion. However he has jumped from the 75th percentile to just over the 91st percentile.

I considered dream feeding but changed my mind has harrison has settled himself into a fairly decent routine. Has his last bottle around 9pm is asleep by 10pm normally and will wake anywhere between 2 and 4 am usually around 3am most nights. I figured he'll drop that feed when he's good and ready. I didn't want to introduce a dream feed in case it messed his routine up.

x x x
He's doing really well then Emma! I'm trying to get more sleep because I'm not getting enough lol x
Hello ladies

Just wanted nip on and update. Had harrison at the doctors today for his 6 week check up. They suspect he may have silent reflux which in turn is making his wind worse.He's now been prescribed infant gaviscon and has to have another check up in 2 weeks. I mentioned using the comfort milk and she said no, it's a process of elimination if the gaviscon works then there really is no need for a different milk however if the gaviscon fails then we'll look into different milks or medications. I feel a little better now i know it's not all in my head lol and that the doctor agress there is something not right.

On a positive note all his other checks were fine and she's happy with his development and he now weighs a whopping 13lb!! Lol Chunky monkey.

He's also really smiling and talking now :D I remember being extremely jealous that Chezza was getting good morning smiles from her little boy Lol Now i get them too yay!!


Got everything crossed that the gaviscon works for you! Keep us updated :-)

Awww so glad you get your morning smiles now xxx
Lovely photo knopk :-)

JBJ - I've heard that Nelsons teething granules are good...they are homeopathic and can be administered early on xx

Thanks Chez, I will defo have to give those a try!
Today has been such a struggle! She had the teething pain, then had bad trapped wind...cried and cried and cried so much that she threw up all over me. Then she was grumpy all day and then I thought I would let her have nappy off time and she done the messiest poop EVER! and got everywhere haha. Then she has been grumpy with me ever since. She looks at me and cries and then looks at Greg and does a cute smile! Cheeky!!
I am now having a beer and gonna paint my nails as Greg is playing with her making her smile. xxx
I tried dream feeding, mrshope, but its not for us, H would be too asleep to latch on. Every now and then I try him because hes still waking 2-3 times s night but he either fully wakes uo, realky upset or just doesnt latch. I have been told that its easier to dreamfeed if bottle feeding though :)

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I dont wanna boast or anything, but the twins have gone to bed alone for the third night running, giving me some time in the evening before i join them. This is a hugggggge breakthrough for us, as i have let them lead us to the right time and not forced it. I hope this continues :)
I dont wanna boast or anything, but the twins have gone to bed alone for the third night running, giving me some time in the evening before i join them. This is a hugggggge breakthrough for us, as i have let them lead us to the right time and not forced it. I hope this continues :)

Whooooooop! Long may it continue :D

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That's great news, Nikki.
Are they falling asleep with you in the living room & you then carry them in to the bedroom or are they settling on their own in the bedroom? What time do they go to sleep and what time are you & Miguel going?
Ella woke up when I carried her up last night & looked so awake, I thought I was done for. I just turned all the lights off & played a quick 2 mins of thus night light she has with sounds of the sea & she was straight off!
Have just ordered a baby monitor, so will try taking her up earlier than us when she falls asleep.
Am also going to try & get her to nap in her bed & not just on the sofa too.
I dont wanna boast or anything, but the twins have gone to bed alone for the third night running, giving me some time in the evening before i join them. This is a hugggggge breakthrough for us, as i have let them lead us to the right time and not forced it. I hope this continues :)

Yay!! Well done babies :-) xx

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