***April & May Mummy & Baby***

I wouldnt try anything before 3 months really. Last time my son fell into routine himself and i followed his lead. They have a big growth spurt around 3 months so it can throw a spanner in the works.
I think its time to look for a breastfeeding necklace, his hands are constantly in the way now!
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I've recently posted in the bf section about bf necklace - are they any good? The latest thing he is doing is pinging my bra strap during feeding. Either that or trying to pull my top back down, sticking his hand in between my boobs and still trying to wedge his hand in as well as boob!
Here are some recent Evan pics...

smiling hoody monster, first trip out in the big boy pushchair as he's outgrown the carrycot, and enjoying some tasty hand!


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Afternoon ladies, Ava had her 2nd Lot of jabs on wed, all went well, just cried for a little bit. Had parents evening too had such a good report about my not so little man :-) was a very happy mummy!! We had some pictures taken of them both! Got them all on disc and also purchased a few!!
Does any one have Sophie the giraffe?? Heard really good things about them so, Ordered Ava 1 this morning ?? Xx

JJ has one and loves it...he confused Sophies nose with a bottle at first and got frustrated when milk didnt come out :whistle: but now he just likes a good suck on it...piccies below :-) xx

Ahh what a gorgeous little man. :-))
Glad I ordered it now thank u xx
Here are some recent Evan pics...

smiling hoody monster, first trip out in the big boy pushchair as he's outgrown the carrycot, and enjoying some tasty hand!

He looks adorable!! Ava still fits in her carrycot I need to use it as much as poss to justify the price of it!! Haha although I sneakily tried her in the pushchair bit, she jus looks so little.
Went to sainsburys today and they had 1/3 off some baby toys :-) x
Lovely photos of lovely babies :)
Sorry i have been quiet, but i have had my sister and neice staying, which has been a great help with the twins. Makes me realise how much i miss the help of family out here, but we cope. Managed to get them out into Madrid for the sights, and to Segovia, an hour away for a tour. Then some shopping trips and even a meal out, twins included! I am getting used to having to bf out and about, they still feed really often in the day, and the evening are a nightmare, but they sleep much longer in the night. They dont go off til 11-12 but then they usually wake between 4-5 and then around 8, then they will sometimes carry on til 10am.
Getting too big for their cot that they share, so we need a new one soon so they have one each.
Extra pleased tonight as they are in bed for the first time without us there. So getting to use the monitor for the first time! I hope this is a sign of things to come.
Extra cute and happy Santiago, skin all cleared up except he managed to scratch him self today, love him xxxx


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Crazy Catalina, definately more of a handful!


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And just cus he is gorgeous in his sun hat, one more of Santiago :)


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Hi ladies, just been catching up. Hope everyone is well?

Well H and I are back from our little holiday. We had a fab time. It was great spending time with my mum and sister and my niece with out the day to day worries. We did lots of walking an eating ice cream. We also stayed in a lot because it was just too hot to go out.

My mum had a fab birthday and was so overwhelmed with her presents, she had a little cry :)

Here's some holiday pics...

ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374381423.639145.jpg H loves his windmill :)

ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374381482.937353.jpg my mum with some baby owls.

Having a bath in the washing up bowl (little family holiday tradition)

The only downside to the trip was I have badly bruised my ribs. I'm in agony and the first day I did it I couldn't even hold H. Stupid fair rides!

Another busy day for us today. It's OH's birthday so we are going for dinner at the in laws and the doing whatever it is my oh wants to do! :)

Hope everyone one has a lovely Sunday. :) x



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Arghhhh this is the third night in a row Evan has been up twice in the night. Can growth spurts only affect their feeding at night? He hasn't been extra hungry in the day?

Anyone else struggling to entertain LO? Evan gets bored after 5 mins. We go walking, check out the mirrors, make bizarre noises, play with toys, get passed over to grandma and grandad, sing and dance, listen to music... yet still gets bored. It's exhausting.

Off to docs later to catch up about pnd. Never hot hold of the hv last week but I feel better but still beyond exhausted.

Could be getting storms later, let's hope if we do they don't wake napping babies xx
Yes Amy, i find it really hard entertaining both of mine at the same time, but they love watching me dancing like a twit in front of them, lol!
Amy, have you had tests for iron.levels? I was feeling exhausted but since i started iron, its been miles better.
Mark is the opposite, he feeds all evening,.literally attached to me and i.think.he started going longer at night. I woke up and.he clearly only fed from one side(he sleeps.next to me) and the other one was rock hard. Sometimes i worry he isnt getting much as his feeds are becoming shorter but then i.look at him.lol) Prolactin level are higher at night so its perfectly logical he is waking up to.up your supply.

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My two feed constantly in the afternoon and evening, fill themselves up and now just wake up for one feed overnight. I thought the constant feeding would have stopped by now, but nooooooo. I am still attatched to the sofa most days :(
Morning Ladies & Babies :-)

Well DH and I had a heart to heart last night...both feeling a lot better now - onwards and upwards hopefully :-) We are going on holiday in 6 weeks, so lots to look forward to.

Nikki - your babies are scrumptious!!

Amy - I know exactly what you mean! JJ needs to be entertained a lot. He has started pulling himself up into a sitting position (somehow!) and doesn't really like laying down anymore, unless he is in his safari gym, with a lot of different toys/mirrors hanging off the arch. We took him swimming yesterday though and it knackered him out nicely! He slept a lot :-) My friend gave me a musical nursery rhyme book - and because it plays music / has flashing lights, this keeps him amused for quite a long time...can you try something like that?

Stargirl - glad you had a nice holiday :-) How are the ribs today? Wishing you a speedy recovery x

I was hoping to go for another park walk today...but my knees are still so painful, 12 weeks after giving birth! Hoping they start to feel better soon.

Have a good day everyone xx
Hi ladies, went for a nursery run this morning,.then off to the park for buggyfit. Just came home and we have baby massage this am. Its too bloody hot again!
I.have a little monkey who screams in.the carrycot as he wants to see whats going on. Same with pulling up.to sit, Chezza! uploadfromtaptalk1374488417180.jpg He loves being with mummy, i ordered a different carrier today

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Anna is teething, she has 2 dots on her bottom jaw and is chewing her hand and crying and getting a few tears in her eyes. Dentinox makes her sleep straight away but I bought the tommy tipee teething dummies but it says 3m+. She is 2m but would she be allowed them d'ya think?

Poor little lady :( xxx

also..new pics.


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Lovely photo knopk :-)

JBJ - I've heard that Nelsons teething granules are good...they are homeopathic and can be administered early on xx
I sure hope It does rain this afternoon . I think I may actually just go and stand out in it! It's still so hot but it's the mugginess that's killing me and jack . And then hopefully we Can have the sun with out the stickiness!! Hope all the babies r ok. Here's a recent pic of jack. Xxxx


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