***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Daft as it sounds Amy might have been a bad dream?

Right see you later girls

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Evan had a good night... Unlike mummy. He woke at half 4 for a feed and then nodded off on it. Woke again at half 8 rotated around the cot.

I can't get his scream out my head though. It was very similar to the scream when he had his jabs. Not sure if something spooked him or he was just starving. I had tried to feed a few times but he refused.

Vinandbella makes an excellent point!! JJ has had 2 "nightmares" so far and has let out a blood curdling cry both times! Perhaps it could be this?? xx
Who knows, if only he could just tell me!

I'm looking forward to trying out my new owl feeding pillow. I've got a little carried away since discovering kidstart but it's all stuff I need... well mostly :)
It's a savings scheme for your LO. Loads of high street and internet shops are involved. Whenever you buy something online from one of the retailers linked in you get a certain amount of cashback to go towards your LO. I wish I'd known about it before Evan was born as I bought loads online. You can also send a link to family and friends so whenever they buy something online they can save for your LO.

Thats a great idea! Shame I didnt know about it sooner too...75% of JJ's things were bought online lol!

Thanks for that though, will have a look :-) xx
I am about ready to pull my hair out.

H is still suffering with wind even after using the dr browns bottles, dentinox and vigerous winding. Didnt get the comfort milk as explained to the pharmatist and he advised to wait as doctor may decide he wants him on a different milk and changing it twice in less than a week may cause more problems, he had a valid point but im now beginning to think comfort milk may be my only option.

I dont understand why he suffers every time at this time in the morning. Its almost like hes retainingvwind from his 3am feed but I wind him for ages and always get gas at least 3 or 4 times through out the feed the feed can last up to an hour for getting wind out of him as im determined for him not to hsve gas, its clearly not working.

On a positive note he went to bed at 10pm and didnt wake til 4am! And I think the battery alarm on the monitor may have disturbed him so he may have slept for longer. Wishful thinking?

What have you all got planned for today? im going shppping for shoes, having my hair done and getting fake bake done! I like a tan but only ever tan on my top half my legs always stay white! Lol

Sounds like a good day of treating yourself, Emma! Hope the doc can help you further with poor Harrison. Shame that it's dragged on this long. On the plus side, most baby's colic only lasts until 3 months, so you're almost there!

I've only just got up as it took forever to get Ella to sleep & she woke up twice during the night. That's the past 2 nights she's been a pain & wanting to be constantly fed. I literally had to give her each boob twice to stop her crying!

We're going to a lake with a beachy area around it later with my OH & our friends from our triathlon club. I'll watch & maybe try Ella out with a bit of paddling and they'll do a training session in their wetsuits. Can't wait!

Have a good day all you other mummies & babies!
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Morning Ladies & Babies!

Hope everyone's well today...another beautiful hot one!!

Emma - so sorry the pharmacist put you off...but I really do think comfort milk might be worth a try - you've tried just about everything else! It will take a little while to take effect, but it should start to work within 48 hours. I so want this to work for you!!!!

Ooh Sophie, a lake with a beach sounds amazing...very jealous! Have a great time :-)

Emma have you thought about baby message classes?

Me and T go to one and it's amazing, some of the techniques are specifically targeted for wind and colic, T's pretty good at bringing up his wind so for us is more to maintain this but you may see a difference with H.

Check out your local children's centre if they do it, I'd highly recommend it.

Am I the only one praying for winter, or at least autumn? I hate this hot weather. I can't wait till I can dress Evan in layers of clothes and stick him in a woolly hat and mittens. It will be so much easier!

It seems my HV is awol as haven't been able to get hold of her to ask about Evan being sick all the time. I know I'm being silly cos Evan is fine in himself but how much sick is too much?

DH is off to buy a little mp3 player and speaker so we can stick some music on for Evan. It seems he likes to go to sleep with it, and when it is hot like this he gets too sweaty being held while he drifts off.
Amy, i dont like the heatwave. Hovewer winter isnt that great either - DS1 is a Sept baby.
Is it only me who always has milk stains on clothes? M seems to pull off all the time now so i dont bother changing every feed as i am always covered anyway. Great look!

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My new look is sick over everything. So me and Evan just smell of cheese lol. He's normally sick on the changing mat so goes down his ears and on the back of his head. He'd be in the bath 90% of the day if I was to keep him clean.

I always stuff a muslin under my bra as Evan is a messy eater
I have started stuffing the muslin too lol as he eats, then looks up, smiles, giggles, the milk goes from his mouth everywhere! Little monkeys

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Ha ha, I have to keep the muslin from Evan though as he thinks they are rather tasty.
He has been lying on the mat for 30 mins or so trying to catch toys loluploadfromtaptalk1374251293042.jpg

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I end up spraying everywhere when Libby pulls off and I've never got a muslin to hand when she does it lol

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We finally set up savings accounts today for both, Mark is 3 months today, where has the time gone? He personality is really starting to come out now, so cheeky!

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I end up spraying everywhere when Libby pulls off and I've never got a muslin to hand when she does it lol

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I feel so bad about wasting milk when he does this but i.think.i have quite a strong let down so he struggles and pulls of and swallows air too!

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I'm the same knopk which is daft cos I'm so full of milk all the time.

Evan is so grumpy in this heat, I don't want to hold him too much cos it's so hot but struggling to find the energy to entertain him. He's a demanding baby most of the time. Good job grandma and grandad help out!

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