***April & May Mummy & Baby***

I'm getting my coil fitted tomorrow. Not looking forward to it :(. Don't even need it as I'm still too terrified to let DH near me...

Good luck! Hope all goes well :-) xx
I am not sure what contraceptive to go for :/ Hormone ones don't agree with me at all and send me actually crazy haha. But then I don't want an IUD :/ We have been using condoms but need to think about a long term thing. Although we used condoms fine for the year and half before deciding to have Anna. (Before I was on teh pill and I just cried and bled for a whole month...even wanting to break up with Greg and wanting to run away...I definitely dont wanna be on teh pill hahaha) xxx
I think the coil is the best but i know what you mean about not wanting it. I am using LAM (and 2 under 2) atm but its not going to.last long.
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Also wondering what to go for! I've only ever been on the pill and am clueless about any other contraception!

AF showed up last night too....yowch!!! I'd forgotten what period pain felt like....it brought back memories of very earl contractions lol!! xx
Also wondering what to go for! I've only ever been on the pill and am clueless about any other contraception!

AF showed up last night too....yowch!!! I'd forgotten what period pain felt like....it brought back memories of very earl contractions lol!! xx

Do you breastfeed, Chezza? I'm hoping that I have a nice long break. from periods. Would be annoyed if they started up again so soon

I've got my checkup at the doc's next week. I also don't know what contraception to go for. I've only ever been on the pill.
Hi ladies i'm still having a few problems with H and his feeding/wind/possible reflux. I'm thinking of taking him to the doctors just for a check up, here's a long list of behaviours he's displaying...what do you ladies think? If it's just wond there's no point in going to see GP as i went before when i thought it was just wind and she said it's a case of grin and bare until he grows out of it. Any how here's what he does/happens in a typical day....

*Terrible wind in guts (to the point were you can hear/feel it bubbling)
*fussing over bottle (shakes head as if to get rid of bottle, so take it way and then he screams for it back)
*moans/whins/cries whilst feeding
*seems hungry all the time constantly has hands in mouth or what every else he can get near mouth.
*Dribbles after feeds (white, thick froathy)
*sometimes cries when passing wind
*Poo's are yellow/greeny and still very loose (slightly thicker than water)
*Poo's and bottom wind stinks!!
*Has began licking everything (not sure if thats related or if he just likes to taste random things?)
*Hiccups at least once a day and usually after a feed
*Throws himself about when i try to wind him (probably not related, he's just being a monkey)
*Cries in sleep (high pitched)
*Will not nap in the day unless he's laid over my chest, upright.
*gips and gags even when nothing is in his mouth

Thing is his immediate paternal side all suffer with some sort of digestive problem MIL is celica, BIL & FIL both have crones, SIL has i.b.s and H dad suffers with acid and has tried 3 different types of prescribed medications. So as you can see i have reason to be concerned but am i over analyzing things?

Opinions ladies

x x x
Emma, some of the things sound like reflux, some are just developwpmental.
DS1 had reflux and he wouldnt sleep on his back, just his side.
I would actually hear acid come up, he would pull a face/scream.
GPs can be hit and miss though
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H does prefer to be on his side but the HV told me not to let him side sleep as its dangerous. He's only allowed to sleep on his side when he can roll himself over.

H does prefer to be on his side but the HV told me not to let him side sleep as its dangerous. He's only allowed to sleep on his side when he can roll himself over.


I know the recommendations but i put a towel/sensor mat as he wouldnt sleep on his back. It was either that or no sleep.

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We do have a sensor mat, I think i might try it. He sleeps ok on a night, but I think ots becaise hes so worn out from not sleeping in the day. He'll go 5 hours thats the longest. Then wakes at around 6 and the whole process starts again.
Also wondering what to go for! I've only ever been on the pill and am clueless about any other contraception!

AF showed up last night too....yowch!!! I'd forgotten what period pain felt like....it brought back memories of very earl contractions lol!! xx

Do you breastfeed, Chezza? I'm hoping that I have a nice long break. from periods. Would be annoyed if they started up again so soon

I've got my checkup at the doc's next week. I also don't know what contraception to go for. I've only ever been on the pill.

Hi Sophie! No, I bottle feed...so I knew it would come soon. Just forgot how horrible AF is - not having had one in so long!! :mad: (Could also explain my crankiness over the last couple of days.)

It's really, really heavy too :-( xx
We do have a sensor mat, I think i might try it. He sleeps ok on a night, but I think ots becaise hes so worn out from not sleeping in the day. He'll go 5 hours thats the longest. Then wakes at around 6 and the whole process starts again.

As knopk said, let him sleep on his side if that helps him - and you! Just used rolled up blankets/towels to secure him.

You both need your sleep!

Is there a paediatrician at your surgery that you can talk to about his symptoms? Really feel for you...you may remember that JJ had colic...they were such terrible weeks :-( xx
Morning Ladies,

Totally livid this morning!! I was told at JJ's first immunisation appt that he wasnt entitled to the Rotavirus immunisation because he was born before 1st May. I queried this with the practice manager 2 days after that appt - and was told the same thing.

However, I received an appt through the post inviting me in (this morning) for the immunisation! (Very glad as I've heard the virus can be pretty nasty.)

Got there 10 mins early and waited a grand total of 35 mins in a baking hot, non-ventilated waiting room...to be told that JJ wouldnt be receiving the immunisation as he was too young. Great...thanks for that!!

Home now and fuming! It was so hot in there - and I got dragged out for nothing!! (Ok, I may be hormonal from AF, but still!!) xx
Thats weird Rian had his witj his first jabs and he was only 8wks!! X
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is ok,

No ones mentioned rota virus to us either?

Had a busy few days sil birthday on Sat, OH birthday on Sunday, BF group Monday, park with my friends and their lo's yesterday so we're having a day at home today

Libby's currently starkers on her play mat and has just peed all over as I'm typing lol

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Back quick mop up lol

We've got Libby's second injections next week wonder if they mention rota virus then?

Can't believe madam is 3 months tomorrow! Where has the time gone?
She has nearly mastered grabbing now and rolled from her tummy to her back a few times
Coil fitting was much easier than I thought. Gone for the copper one as if I took any more hormones I think I would lose the plot! No worse than a smear test... which I have to have done in a few weeks.

So Evan woke at 5 this morning. Bit grumpy as he has been getting through to 7 the last few nights, and this is what greeted me. No idea how he managed to spin round. But he did it again when he woke up again at 9. Little monkey!


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Back quick mop up lol

We've got Libby's second injections next week wonder if they mention rota virus then?

Can't believe madam is 3 months tomorrow! Where has the time gone?
She has nearly mastered grabbing now and rolled from her tummy to her back a few times

I doubt they will as Libby is an April baby! xx
Thats weird Rian had his witj his first jabs and he was only 8wks!! X

Rian was born after 1st May though wasnt he? They are refusing to give it to any babies born before this date :-([/QUOTE]

That is simply ridiculous as the nurse said the bug they can get is so nasty. Hes got his second dose wifh his second jabs on 8th august. I know its very new but shouldnt maie a difference all babies should get it xx

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