***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Rubbish, I'll ask when we go.
She's in her cot having a nap wonder how long we'll get.

The weather is screwing up our sleep I e seen 3am for the past 3 mornings grrrr then this morning we saw 5am and then she woke again at 6. Growth spurt or weather hope it doesn't last I'm not used to it lol

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Thats weird Rian had his witj his first jabs and he was only 8wks!! X

Rian was born after 1st May though wasnt he? They are refusing to give it to any babies born before this date :-(

That is simply ridiculous as the nurse said the bug they can get is so nasty. Hes got his second dose wifh his second jabs on 8th august. I know its very new but shouldnt maie a difference all babies should get it xx

I know, I'm pretty p'd off...but the nurse said no-one at the surgery is insured to administer the vaccination. I've heard from a few people that the virus can be nasty :-(

On my way out, I asked what would happen if JJ did contract the virus - she said "I hope for your sake he doesnt!" xx
Thats weird Rian had his witj his first jabs and he was only 8wks!! X

Rian was born after 1st May though wasnt he? They are refusing to give it to any babies born before this date :-(

That is simply ridiculous as the nurse said the bug they can get is so nasty. Hes got his second dose wifh his second jabs on 8th august. I know its very new but shouldnt maie a difference all babies should get it xx

I know, I'm pretty p'd off...but the nurse said no-one at the surgery is insured to administer the vaccination. I've heard from a few people that the virus can be nasty :-(

On my way out, I asked what would happen if JJ did contract the virus - she said "I hope for your sake he doesnt!" xx

So does that mean no babies at your surgery can get it regardless of birth date?

Madams awake 45 min not bad

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No way did she say that Chezza what a bitch!!!!

We are in for round 2 of injections next week...not looking forward to it! Going to ask about the rotavirus too but as he was born before 1st May they probs won't! Although I don't see what they are basing this on?? So if you were born on the 30th April at 23.30 you won't be allowed it lol!!?

I'm still unsure what to do about contraception! I was on the pill until I had Rhys...I was so crappy at taking it though! My friends friend was also recently diagnosed with breast cancer and after removing the lump they are 99% sure it is a cancer related to being on the pill too long! Now I KNOW that isn't the case for everyone and she had been on it for like 10 years...but it just terrifies me! I found a lump just after having Rhys...turns out it was a benign lump but still scares me! Will need to look into it though as I'm sure all contraceptives come with their health warnings!!!

How are your babies in the sun? I'm so scared to have him outside lol incase he gets too hot etc...I've had him in his pram in the shade with his wee parasol but he then gets nosey and cries to come and sit with us...but then I don't want him in the sun so I go and sit inside...makes all this good weather a little less enjoyable lol!

Thats weird Rian had his witj his first jabs and he was only 8wks!! X

Rian was born after 1st May though wasnt he? They are refusing to give it to any babies born before this date :-(

That is simply ridiculous as the nurse said the bug they can get is so nasty. Hes got his second dose wifh his second jabs on 8th august. I know its very new but shouldnt maie a difference all babies should get it xx

I know, I'm pretty p'd off...but the nurse said no-one at the surgery is insured to administer the vaccination. I've heard from a few people that the virus can be nasty :-(

On my way out, I asked what would happen if JJ did contract the virus - she said "I hope for your sake he doesnt!" xx

So does that mean no babies at your surgery can get it regardless of birth date?

Madams awake 45 min not bad

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Nope - any babies born before 00.00 on the 1st May will not be offered this vaccine. To be fair, she did think it was ridiculous too - but she said that there has to be a cut off date and they have to stick to it, for insurance purposes. I dont really get what that means really.

I kind of understand where she is coming from...and apparently the risk of him contracting it is very small...it just worries me as some ladies on here described what had happened to children that they knew, who contracted it. xx
Coil fitting was much easier than I thought. Gone for the copper one as if I took any more hormones I think I would lose the plot! No worse than a smear test... which I have to have done in a few weeks.

So Evan woke at 5 this morning. Bit grumpy as he has been getting through to 7 the last few nights, and this is what greeted me. No idea how he managed to spin round. But he did it again when he woke up again at 9. Little monkey!

Uh oh...on the move already!! Clever Evan...you'll have to watch that one :-)

I wish JJ would go back to sleep after his brekkie bottle...he wakes between 6 - 6.30 every morning and wont go back down til at least 9am - and he will only sleep on me! If I try to put him in his cot, he cries! Little monkey xx
I keep worrying that I am pregnant. I really don't wanna go through pregnancy again and just wanna concentrate on Anna. When do your periods start usually after bleeding? I stopped bleeding around when Anna was 3 weeks old. She is now 8 weeks.
I dont think there is any set time hun...My AF came in last night - 11 weeks after birth xx
I dont think there is any set time hun...My AF came in last night - 11 weeks after birth xx

Oooooh that's good! I started panicking hahaha. Knowing my luck it will be when I go to a reptile show on the 11th in the heat and public loos hahaha. Used to happen all the time..I would be weeks late as my body was waiting for my holiday abroad or camping at festivals or something. Always the way :roll: xxx
Chezza - Daisy was given the rotavirus vaccine - had her 12 week injections last Tuesday and was given an oral drop. She was born 16th April? Apparently it started 1st July and so they're rolling it out now, she missed it with her first imms so will have second dose next time.

Good evening ladies and babies.

Hope everyone is well today?

Firstly, I think you broody lot have lost your minds! lol! Joey will be at least 25 before I am tempted to try again! ha ha. Only kidding, as hard work as they are it's crazy how quickly they stop being your 'newborn' and you miss that.

Chezza, I hope you don't suffer with AF like I just did, I actually thought I was bleeding to death! It lasted forever too. Thankfully over now.

Emma, some of that sounds like reflux to me. Luckily for me my GP was quite good but I have heard you really have to put your foot down with some of them. Don't be afraid to make demands.

When do we get told about Rotavirus? I have not had this mentioned yet. Joey has his first jabs next week :(

Well, we have had 2 nights of hell with Joey, he has started screaming 20 mins after putting him down and I have ended up asleep bolt upright on the chair with him (both unsafe and stupidly bad for me, I feel crippled!). He has been sleeping in his pram up until now and was definitely getting too big for it, thankfully his crib mattress turned up today so he is in that tonight, hopefully this will mean we get a decent nights sleep!

Out of interest, what time do you guys put your LO's down? we have been doing about 7.30-8pm but now I am thinking that is too early and aimed more for 9 tonight, though it didn't go 100% according to plan! lol.

Had a nice day today though, went out for lunch and did a bit of shopping so it was lovely. Even managed to do my washing up albeit I had to pop Joey on the counter next to me and sing and dance whilst washing up to prevent a tantrum. ha ha xx
Hey tinks. Jack doesn't normally go down till 9/10pm. He hen wakes around 3/4 for a feed and bum change then sleeps till 8/9. I can't complain at this really. He was going down earlier but then was waking twice during the night which was a killer. This has only just started in the last couple of weeks tho and he pretty much led us to this. Saying that he is currently led next to me in his Moses basket wide awake! It's just too hot tonight for him. First night it's really affected him tho. It's so hard isn't it being a mummy. I'm always second guessing myself!
Anyway I'm glad u had a nice day, it sounds lovely xxx
Evan just scared the shit out of me. He hadn't feed for a few hours and was grumpy so put him down for a nap as 10-15 mins usually does the trick. But he woke up and then started screaming, but not the normal one. It was really high pitched and I was terrified. Tried a bath but he kept screaming. Had to call my mum and dad up. DH then took him downstairs and he started sucking on his finger. I had to pull myself together and went down to feed him. He's now sleeping soundly but I'm still on edge. Had a small whisky to calm my nerves but feel a wreck. Keep checking to see he's still breathing... it's gonna be a long night :( xx
I hate things like that, Amy. Ella sometimes screams & then suddenly goes silent & I worry something is really wrong!
It was our 3 year wedding anniversary yesterday. We were just going to try & cook some nice food & spend the evening together. Well, Ella was in a rubbish mood all evening. She managed to sit in her chair & watch us eat a lovely goat's cheese & spinach risotto but then she kicked off & was in a bad mood all evening. She was constantly hungry. She normally goes to sleep really well but kept crying & wouldn't settle. OH ended up having to sleep in another room as he has to work all day & didn't want to be too tired. Finally got her to sleep at midnight and she slept in bed with me until she woke at 5 for a feed. Happy anniversary indeed!
When do we get told about Rotavirus? I have not had this mentioned yet. Joey has his first jabs next week :(

I only heard about it when we went in for 1st jabs - the red books we all had will be slightly outdated now as the vaccine has only come in on 1st July. The nurse will most probably offer it to you when you go in :) it was just an oral drop, which didn't bother D at all xx

Well, like Chezza and Tinker, AF is back! I was worried so am kind of relieved but at the same time forgot how horrible it is :( achey back and crampy tummy and bloating and uuuurgh. Now I know why I've been craving sweeties and feeling so fat!

Chezza were are you hun?!?!

Need to ask, which size teat do you use on the dr brown bottles with the comfort milk? H is 6+5 weeks, I don't want to use the wrong size and make his wind worse.

Took him to docs yesterday and was a nurse, couldn't get in to see a doctor, nurse was as much use as a chocolate fireguard! Told her my concerns her answer was to wait it out til monday when we have our 6 week check! The best she could She advise was to change teats back to size 1s, which I did. Did it help, nope he woke at 4am in agony I've been awake since patting, massaging, winding etc. He's currently laid over my legs napping its the most settled he's been all morning.

So went straight from doctors to town to get de brown bottles and extra size 2 teats just in case. Couldn't pick up the comfort milk so I'm giing to go back out today and invest in comfort milk too!

Also chezza, or anyone else that uses comfort milk, do there feeds change for example do they take less as its thicker?

How did last night go Tinkerbates? Our night time routine is: 20.30pm bath, 20.45pm last bottlem 21.30pm bed.

The rotavirus was mentioned to me when we had our first jabs - Joey should be offered as he is a May baby.

Bless you Amy!! Did Evan settle for you...?

AF is horrible - sorry for TMI, but so, so heavy and the cramps/back ache suck! Have also been eating terribly for the last 3 days...so many crisps and bread...fish and chips last night. Bleurgh.....xx
Chezza were are you hun?!?!

Need to ask, which size teat do you use on the dr brown bottles with the comfort milk? H is 6+5 weeks, I don't want to use the wrong size and make his wind worse.

Took him to docs yesterday and was a nurse, couldn't get in to see a doctor, nurse was as much use as a chocolate fireguard! Told her my concerns her answer was to wait it out til monday when we have our 6 week check! The best she could She advise was to change teats back to size 1s, which I did. Did it help, nope he woke at 4am in agony I've been awake since patting, massaging, winding etc. He's currently laid over my legs napping its the most settled he's been all morning.

So went straight from doctors to town to get de brown bottles and extra size 2 teats just in case. Couldn't pick up the comfort milk so I'm giing to go back out today and invest in comfort milk too!

Also chezza, or anyone else that uses comfort milk, do there feeds change for example do they take less as its thicker?


Morning Emma :-)

I dont use the Dr B's bottles...I use the large Tom Tippee bottles with size 2 anti colic teats. I dont think comfort milk will go through size 1 teats as it is quite thick - so I would go for size 2 to begin with. He might get a bit messy at first, but just go with it!

At 6 wks, he had been on comfort milk for at least 2 weeks and was taking 4 - 5 oz every 3 hours. His habits didnt change really until he hit 8 weeks - then he started taking 6oz every 4 hours and sleeping 9 hours through the night. Now at 11 weeks, he takes 5 x 7oz - 8oz bottles every 3.5 - 4 hours and sleeps from 9.30pm - 6.30am.

The comfort milk made such a difference to us - it did take about 36 hours for him to settle down completely, but when he did, he was a different baby!

I hope this works for you too...good luck Emma, let us know how it goes! xxx
Morning all, saw 3am again but she went back down till 7.30 and she's still asleep.
I take madam up about 8.30 and she's normally asleep by 8.45.

Off to see my mum and little sis today for a walk.

Can't believe my baby is 3 months!

Right off for a shower before she wakes up

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Evan had a good night... Unlike mummy. He woke at half 4 for a feed and then nodded off on it. Woke again at half 8 rotated around the cot.

I can't get his scream out my head though. It was very similar to the scream when he had his jabs. Not sure if something spooked him or he was just starving. I had tried to feed a few times but he refused.

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